Naturally, Miles will not fight alone, he also has allies.

After he finished speaking, some people stood up and began to support his remarks.

"Gentlemen, do you want to wait until someone else's hypersonic missile hits your head?"

"Can we understand the importance of the anti-missile system?"

Although this gentleman is a bit alarmist, what he said is also the true thoughts of many people in this meeting.

It is indeed good to develop hypersonic missiles and establish a reciprocal deterrent with the enemy.

But this thing is not a nuclear weapon after all, and its deterrence is not that great.

As long as the scale of the war reaches a certain level, it is possible to release hypersonic weapons.

What worries them most now is that based on the information currently detected.

The range of Longguo's hypersonic missile is at least 7,000 kilometers.

Such a missile is just a little short of being called an intercontinental ballistic missile and can be used to deliver nuclear warheads.

This is not the key, the key is that he can truly threaten their homeland.

The Federation's homeland has not experienced war for hundreds of years.

The long-lasting peace not only convinced everyone that the Federation was a place favored by God.

And because of the long-term peace, it has attracted countless high-level talents and investors who pursue a stable environment.

If one day, a missile falls on this continent, causing violent shocks, even the most optimistic optimists will not believe it.

"So I think the importance of anti-missile systems is higher than the development of hypersonic missiles."

The congressman who had just stood up sat down with satisfaction after seeing that most of the people present were lost in thought.

Even the white-haired old man on the stage had to admit that Myerson's punch hit the weak spots of the people present.

For these people on the scene, it is acceptable to have no position, but it is absolutely impossible to have no money.

And their money is basically invested in various industries and Wall Street.

Once the home continent is attacked, they will not be able to accept either the direct industrial losses or the associated economic shock.

"Everyone, don't forget our topic today. As for whether we should increase investment in anti-missile systems, we can discuss it in detail later."

When most people at the scene were lost in thought, the white-haired old man brought back their thoughts that had gone astray.

In today's meeting, everyone was originally prepared to denounce Lewis, whose poor vision in selection led to the first failure of an air-launched hypersonic missile.

But Louis put the blame on his good brother Jason in time, allowing himself to escape the disaster.

Then Myers stepped forward to disrupt the situation, successfully making everyone forget the original focus of the meeting.

At this time, although the white-haired old man brought everyone's thinking back, everyone basically chose to forget their condemnation of Lewis.

"I think we should continue to increase investment in hypersonic weapons."

"There are problems with the test missiles currently being developed, but it does not mean that this principle is wrong."

"Our enemies across the ocean have told us that this road is possible."

"The most important thing for us now is to continue investing in research and development of hypersonic weapons."

The white-haired old man shouted impassionedly on the stage.

In fact, what the old man said is not wrong. Although they have increased their investment in ARRW, which is air-launched hypersonic missiles.

However, the total investment amount is only US$112 million.

This is a very low number for high-precision weapons whose development costs can easily reach tens of billions.

The wind tunnel base that Zhang Xingyang and others built to blow air for hypersonic weapons cost nearly 900 million U.S. dollars in U.S. dollars.

This is despite the fact that various costs, such as land, infrastructure, construction, equipment, etc., are far lower than the market price.

If we follow Eagle Sauce's business construction model, the cost of building such a base will be at least US$3 billion.

So, really speaking, it is really a miracle that Jason only spent more than 100 million to come up with a missile that can be used for actual testing.

But at this time, no one will speak for him.

Of course, even if the court sentences him afterwards, Jason can still be released on bail after paying a huge bail.

"Gentlemen, I think this is the first challenge we face after entering the 21st century!"

"For the sake of our glory, we must overwhelm those hateful yellow people if necessary!"

As an old white man, he made completely politically incorrect remarks on stage.

However, the people in this room are basically all white people, and the few people of color also have white hearts.

So no one cared about what he said.

"In order to successfully promote the development of hypersonic weapons, according to research by our team of scientists, at least 12 billion are needed!"

After the white-haired old man revealed this number, many small groups in the audience began to lower their heads to communicate.

This number is actually not too large for strategic weapons.

Take their first fourth-generation aircraft, the F-22, as an example. Just the research and development expenses cost

Moreover, the federation at this time is not so short of money. The federation, which has just harvested the bear's corpse, has made countless profits.

As the saying goes, a small theft of goods is a big theft of the country.

Pure economic trade, how can you harvest a country with many resources and industries, and make money quickly!

"Is this number too big?"

Even congressmen with backgrounds in the Air Force were a little surprised by this number.

After all, they have also made estimates, thinking that if they continue to invest 2 billion yuan, they will be able to see initial results, and 5 billion yuan will be able to produce more mature products.

"Not big!"

The white-haired old man said an idea that surprised everyone:

"We don't just need air-launched hypersonic missiles, we also need land-based and naval models!"

"We must give full play to our sea and air advantages!"

Today, the Federation, which has the largest number of aircraft carrier battle groups in the world, does have unparalleled sea and air superiority compared to other countries in the world.

At this time, the audience always thought that they were the army and navy personnel who came to make a cutscene, and their eyes lit up.

I didn't expect that I just came here for a formality, and I could have unexpected gains.

So, Navy representatives were the first to speak out in support of the idea:

"We agree!"

The army representative also did his part, and immediately stood up to express his opinion.

Subsequently, most people in the venue agreed to this expensive development plan.

Although it is as high as 12 billion, it is not their money that is spent, it is all taxpayer's money, and it is not spent in vain.

Even, many of them can earn a lot from it!

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