A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 188 Congressional cross-examination!

On Monday, the cross-examination meeting was held as scheduled.

Although only one night has passed, there is news about the failure of the ARRW, which is the launch of an air-launched hypersonic missile.

It is still circulating among the top federal officials.

And there have been a lot of gossip.

The white-haired old man tidied up his attire, preparing for the next speech.

Although this meeting was a confidential meeting and there would not be any recording and video recording equipment, the white-haired old man still paid great attention to his personal image.

As a member of the white elite, it is a habit he has maintained for forty years to maintain his good image at all times.

Looking at his platinum watch, it was time for him to appear.

Shi Shiran, a white-haired old man, walked into the venue and waved cordially to everyone:

"Good morning, every body!"

Just when the white-haired old man was about to say something, a young man in full body camouflage said:

"Sir, we just want to know the details about yesterday's ARRW test."

The white-haired old man glanced dissatisfiedly at the young man who interrupted his speech.

However, due to the identity of the other party, there was still no attack for the time being.

After all, this young congressman named Miles is backed by Raytheon.

This is also a member of the huge military-industrial complex in the Federation.

Moreover, they are actually against the development of hypersonic missiles.

They hope to pass a bill to strengthen the existing anti-missile system.

It's not that they have any opinion on hypersonic speed.

The main one is the difference of interests.

Missile Systems Company, a subsidiary of Raytheon Company, is currently developing the "Patriot" anti-missile missile.

As an anti-missile system that successfully intercepted the "Scud" missile not long ago.

Raytheon has invested a huge amount of money in the research and development of anti-missile weapons, and this time they saw that the development of hypersonic missiles did not seem to be going well, and they also wanted a piece of the pie.

The white-haired old man had done a lot of preparatory work before this, so he was also prepared for the current situation.

Since they want to know what the test was like, tell them all about it.

"Our missile suddenly exploded at 2 minutes and 31 seconds after takeoff."

The white-haired old man briefly introduced the process of the missile failure.

"The cause of the self-explosion of the missile is being investigated by the department in charge of missile research."

"Jason, who was originally in charge of missile technology, has begun to be investigated by a military court."

"We currently suspect that Jason is suspected of having a relationship with Mao."

The previous statements are all true, only the last sentence is false.

Of course, this is also their common method of throwing the pot away.

The white-haired old man's explanation was too simple and unconvincing for many people in the venue.

But the old man didn't do it in vain to contact his allies last night.

After he explained it, there was no standing up for those who wanted to question it.

A white elite in a suit stood up and said loudly:

"Scientists who communicate with Maozi must be severely punished!"

"I think the court-martial should complete his trial as soon as possible."

Between the words, although the specific reason for the weapon failure has not been learned yet, it seems that it has been determined that the accident occurred, and Jason is mainly responsible.

The other people present also watched the white elite's speech with cold eyes, and no one stood up to defend Jason.

No one pities this somewhat innocent man.

Including Louis who was also in the venue at this time.

As a senior military officer and also in charge of air-launched hypersonic missiles, Louis is still qualified to participate in this secret meeting.

"As for air-launched hypersonic missiles, after all, no one has studied them before, and failure is a normal thing."

"I think we should continue to walk on this path!"

After the white elites finished mentioning Jason, they found that no one took care of them at all, so they finally mentioned the business.

That is whether to continue to die on the road of air-launched hypersonic missiles.

After all, among the information they have collected so far, even Dragon Kingdom has completed the first hypersonic weapon on earth.

It is also a land-based missile launcher, not an air-launched model carried by a strategic bomber.

It's just that it has been limited by the "Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty" before, and the Army's voice in the hypersonic project is basically minimal.

At present, the Federation has not withdrawn from the "Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty". This treaty that once restricted Mao Xiong continued to restrict its successors, Da Mao and Yingjiang, after the disintegration of Mao Xiong.

"It's better to invest in our LRHW project, at least we have more experience."

The representative of the army couldn't help but mocked when he heard the white elite man's speech.

As the existence of land-based long-range missiles, the army's technology in missiles is obviously more.

This is also an important reason why he makes sarcastic remarks.

In fact, the Army has also conducted a lot of research and development on long-range hypersonic weapons (LRHW).

However, funding has not been obtained and progress has been slow.

Now, we have just caught the Air Force's little braid, and we can take advantage of it to see if we can get some funding.

The white-haired old man on the stage looked at the scene that was almost quarreling in the audience. Although his face was unmoved, his heart was filled with joy.

The emergence of such a situation is inseparable from his efforts last night.

Had he not notified him in advance, the Army would not have known about it so early and would not have made targeted arrangements.

Just when the quarrel between the representatives of the Army and the white elites of the Air Force behind them was about to escalate further.

Miles stood up and offered their perspective.

That is to abandon the research and development of hypersonic missiles.

"Everyone, even if we develop hypersonic weapons."

"It doesn't change the fact."

"That is, we are not the first and only users of hypersonic weapons in the world!"

"In front of us, there are people who have already developed hypersonic weapons, and their performance far exceeds many types of weapons we are currently developing."

"So, our first goal should be to develop an anti-missile system that can effectively combat hypersonic missiles!"

“Only in this way can we protect the lives and property of everyone present!”

Miles' reason was very high-minded, as if he and the Thor behind him had no selfish motives at all.

However, there is no one present who is not a thousand-year-old fox.

Do you know his little thoughts?

It’s nothing more than enabling Raytheon, the company behind him, to get more defense orders!

On August 15, 2023, the Wawa Jiupeng base launched a "Patriot" missile, which exploded in the air for unknown reasons.

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