The Journey of the Rainbow Dragon

Chapter 189 Time Dragon Lord God and Power Dragon Lord God

"Okay, no one will interrupt us watching the movie~"

The goddess of death clapped her hands and said proudly.

"Sorry to trouble you."

Ron lowered his head and said with some embarrassment.

In the final analysis, I accidentally said that name and attracted the attention of that thought.

In the end, he asked the goddess of death to wipe his butt.

Hmm. The word wipe butt seems a bit wrong here.

The goddess of death turned around, lowered her head and looked at Ron with a smile.

"Now that you know it's troublesome, how are you going to repay me?"

She was in a mental space at this time. She was a little taller than Ron and needed to bend down slightly to keep her eyes level.


Ron scratched his head, he seemed to have nothing that could get into the eyes of the goddess of death.

No matter how you look at this boss's strength, it starts with a great divine power. It is not impossible for even a god to be a god. If she can't get something, she seems to be helpless.

Seeing Ron's confused expression, the goddess of death approached quietly with narrowed eyes.

The fair cheeks came closer and closer, so close that the tips of their noses almost touched Ron before he could react.

Warm breath blows on the face

Ron slowly closed his eyes as he watched her close at hand, his whole body numb.

This kind of scene that has only been seen in movies is really confusing in reality.

Even if he knows the correct answer

Seeing that he didn't move, the goddess of death simply hugged his waist, spun around half a circle and then held Ron in her arms in a difficult position.

The two looked at each other, looking at Ron who was blushing a little, and the corners of the goddess of death's mouth raised slightly.

"Idiot! The girl closes her eyes and asks you to kiss her!"

After saying that, before Ron could speak, she lowered her head.

Silver-white hair buried Ron's face, blocking that stunning look.


In an instant

A warm feeling spreads throughout the body, as if the body is soaked in a hot spring.

The faint scent of milk mixed with the scent of bluebells made Ron almost completely addicted.

This is not the physical body, but needs to transmit that wonderful feeling to the brain through various nerves.

This is the most original fusion of true souls.

The addictive pleasure is far beyond physical pleasure.

After a long time, the lips parted.

This time Ron just blushed and said nothing more.

After all, he hates the behavior of being obedient when you get an advantage.

As the two separated.

A faint kiss mark was faintly visible on Ron's true spirit.

"Hehe, give me a stamp of approval. Remember, you will be my dragon from now on!"

The goddess of death looked at the blushing Ron with a smile, which seemed to be a sign of dominance.

"Ahem. Let's look at the next memory."

Ron couldn't resist the overly enthusiastic Death Goddess, so he had to turn his head and change the topic.


Even God understands that too much is too little.

Without any movement, the stagnant scenes around him returned to normal instantly.

Watching the silver-gray time dragon slowly enter the Temple of Time, Ron opened his eyes wide, ready to see what would happen next.

But I don't know when

A small white hand secretly held Ron's rough palm, and rubbed Ron's palm with his little finger from time to time.

"Don't make trouble."

Ron turned his head and looked helplessly at the goddess of death beside him who was watching the scene seriously.

But she had a "none of my business" expression, as if that restless little hand had nothing to do with her.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The goddess of death looked at Ron with a cute look on her face, but she kept making small movements in her hands.

There was no other way, so Ron turned his hand back and shook it hard.

Ten fingers crossed, hugging each other tightly.

The naughty little hand finally settled down and was held by Ron.

Naturally, the owner of the little hand also leaned on Ron's shoulder, enjoying his "trophy" with a smile.

Ron allowed her to use him as a human cushion, and turned to look at the memory fragments in front of him.

At this time, the alien time dragon, which has grown into a god, has crossed the layers of folded space and successfully entered the interior of the Temple of Time.

In the center of the huge palace is a silver disk with a slowly rotating silver rune floating on it.

after the runes

The reflection of a huge dragon whose size is not inferior to that of the iridescent dragon god is printed on the sky.

His body is well-proportioned and shining with brilliant light. The silver-gray dragon body is huge and mighty, and every dragon scale is shining with strange light, as if it contains infinite divine power.

"This is the Time Dragon Lord God?"

Ron opened his eyes wide and looked at the behemoth in front of him in disbelief.

Having watched both Dragon Legends countless times, he has long memorized the stories about the three legendary dragon species.

Although the records about this Time Dragon Lord God in the inheritance are brief, they are quite shocking!

This dragon god is said to be the first dragon created by Io, and also the most powerful one.

He is the first time dragon in the star world and the main god of the time dragon clan - [Ian Chronos Eternity]!

He was born with great divine power, standing at the top of the multiverse.

Even the good dragon god [Bahamut, Lord of the North Wind] and the evil dragon god [Tiamat, the Five-Colored Dragon Queen] dare not say that they can even compete with this dragon god.

It's just that the dragon god's traces have always been secretive, and the dragon has never seen its tail.

Even if He appears in the astral world, he mostly appears in the form of incarnations or projections.

No one knows where his true form is.

The rumor about "there is only one time dragon" also originated from him.

In the Wizards of the Coast, which studies all kinds of strange knowledge and rumors in the star world, some scholars insist that there is only one real existence of the Time Dragon race from beginning to end - the so-called original Time Dragon God.

These scholars believe that the other time dragons are just his clones or alternative projections.

However, more scholars believe that this is just a rumor.

After all, the Time Dragon family has another characteristic: every few thousand years, 4-10 Time Dragons will collectively go to the river of time to reproduce. This process will last for decades or even thousands of years until all female Time Dragons become pregnant. will end.

If there really is only one time dragon, then wouldn’t this kind of behavior be self-defeating?

Ahem, can’t say

Ron shook his head, throwing those messy thoughts out of his mind, and focused on looking at the memory screen.

At this time, one of the silver-gray dragon's claws was pressed into the river of time, and the other claw was pressed against the Temple of Time.

The river of time from ancient times to the present cannot move His body even one step.

He is like a solid stone in the long river of time. No matter how time passes by, He alone stands eternally above time.

This was originally a picture on the emblem of the Time Dragon God circulated in the inheritance, but it was actually displayed in front of Ron.

"Incredible, didn't the rumor say that since Io created Him, He has disappeared in the long river of time?"

Ron looked at the Time Dragon Lord God who spanned the long river of time, thinking about something secretly in his heart.

As the alien time dragon stepped onto the last step, the surging power of time reached its peak.

The two time dragons finally faced each other head-on through the silver runes.


Strange runes bloomed from his body, dazzling the eyes, as if the entire space was enveloped by him.

The scales of the Time Dragon God are shining with countless stars, and each scale seems to be intertwined with time and space.

His silver-white wings that resembled an hourglass suddenly flapped, and a powerful time storm swept over him instantly.

Although he knew clearly that He was speaking to the alien time dragon that was looking up, Ron still closed his eyes involuntarily.

The feeling of destroying everything is so overwhelming.

Fortunately, the goddess of death was in his arms.

A faint black mist surrounded Ron, dispelling the shock from the depths of his soul, allowing Ron to open his eyes again.

At this time, the owner of the memory fragments: the alien time dragon seemed to have resolved the time storm through some means.

In the main hall, the two dragons looked at each other for a long time.

In the end, the Time Dragon God nodded, seeming to recognize the other party's qualifications.

He passed this test.

Then the silver-white rune slowly floated in front of the alien time dragon and kept spinning.

"This is."

Ron looked at the silver rune with an arrow-shaped outer ring and an hour hand in the center, frowning and thinking.

This thing is very similar to the time rune recorded in the inheritance, but it is much more complicated.

The goddess of death noticed Ron's doubts and gently explained in his ear:

"This is the embodiment of the real time rune. As for the time rune recorded in Dragon's Legacy, it is just a simplified version."

"You have to remember that the people or beasts who awakened the twelve powers in the star world only obtained the sporadic power scattered by Io. The real source of power is the perfect twelve world runes."

Hearing what she said, Ron reacted quickly.

"I see. No wonder when I awakened the power of guardianship for the second time, the shape of the guardian rune changed from the first time."

The goddess of death smiled and nodded.

"Little Ron is the smartest."

Then she seemed to think of something, her pupils dimmed slightly, and there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

The memory screen did not pause because of the conversation between the two.

After receiving permission, the alien time dragon entered the Time Dragon God's Temple of Time to practice.

There, he continued to comprehend the silver-gray rune and delve deeply into the essence of the time rune.

The memory screen flashed intermittently, and every scene was recorded on it after the alien time dragon achieved a major breakthrough.

And every insight he had was deeply recorded in the memory of the true spirit.

Ron took the opportunity to try to understand the power of time.

This is an excellent record of cultivation and enlightenment. Not everyone can get the favor of the goddess of death to help him remove the personality influence of the true spirit fragments, allowing him to realize without suffering the danger of assimilation.


What must be mentioned here is

Although the gods of the star world all recognize that the time dragon can control time.

But time is not unique to Time Dragons.

Each of the three legendary dragon species has extremely high magical talents in all types of magic. Any magic includes but is not limited to [Force Field], [Iris], [Time], [Space], etc.

All of them can be learned and mastered!

As long as they reach the ancient dragon stage, learning these types of magic is like eating and drinking, and there is no bottleneck at all.

There are many time-based abilities in the star world, but most of them are exaggerated or similar-looking prophecy magic. Real time-based abilities that can be learned are very rare.

(For example, a certain Dracolich in the Shadowfell Underworld once claimed that he had control over time magic and could suspend time! It was later proven that he had just picked up the lost magic object of an ancient time dragon, and had not learned time magic at all. )

Among the three legendary dragon species

Power Dragon has the [Time Stop] magic that is famous among the gods in the star world.

That's when time truly stops! Let everything be in a state of absolute stillness!

The power dragon clan has mastered this kind of magic to such an extent that many gods cannot avoid this skill.

During a certain rebellion in Baator Hell (Nine Hells).

[Lord of Hell Asmodeus] once paid a price unimaginable by ordinary people and stopped the entire Nine Hells when he asked [Power Dragon Lord God] for help!

(Don’t ask why you didn’t ask the Dragon God of Time to do this. It’s so funny that you can’t find Dragon Shadow at all~~)

Then all the rebels could only watch helplessly as the Lord of Hell, who had been plotted and whose strength fell to the divine level, regained his great divine power, and then slaughtered them one by one.

It is worth mentioning that.

During that rebel uprising, a lost teenage iridescent dragon inexplicably joined the rebels in Hell.

Later generations commented that she might have been obsessed with watching dramas.

The Rainbow Dragon has a very good relationship with the Power Dragon clan. After seeing her, the Power Dragon Lord immediately decided to provide shelter for this lost little girl.

For the sake of the Power Dragon Lord, Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, let her go and allowed her to be led back to the Dreamland by the Power Dragon Lord.

And she was also the only surviving rebel from the Baator Hell Uprising.



The rainbow dragon clan also has their signature time magic.

That is the [Time Acceleration] that is famous in the multiverse!

However, compared to such a big event as the Power Dragon Lord God Time Stop Bato Hell that shocked the entire star world.

The time magic of the rainbow dragon clan is not so eye-catching.

Many rainbow dragons who master [Time Acceleration] usually use it to speed up their journey.

The iridescent dragons, which were originally the fastest flying among all the dragons, became even more powerful with the [Time Acceleration] skill, directly increasing their speed to an incredible level!

This is where the title of the fastest among the Astral Dragon Clan comes from.

As for why they are always busy on their way

That's because all rainbow dragons hope to rush to the scene of various major events in the star world as soon as possible and eat the freshest melons~~~


As expected, they are the most drama-loving dragon clan in the Star Realm. They never fail to watch the melon-eating scene. These colorful dragons can be found on the background boards of major events every time.


Unfortunately, those images are a thing of the past.

In today's major events in the star world, those people who love to join in the fun can no longer be found.

Although both legendary dragon species can master the power of time, those legendary characteristics that are exclusive to time dragons, such as [breathing time], [devouring time], [dragon rushing], and [time deification].

These legendary characteristics that are unique to the time dragon cannot be learned by other dragon species such as the iridescent dragon and the power dragon.

Especially the skill [Dragon Rush], which even allows the young Time Dragon to summon its future self to help fight!

That is true talent, something that cannot be changed by hard work.

As with talent, so with certain things.

Some things are born with you, so you can have them. And if you are born without it, there is a high probability that you will not have it in this life.


The memory screen flashes intermittently

Although it was only a fragmented picture, it was enough for Ron to understand the mystery of time.

As thoughts and conjectures about time flash by,

Ron felt that his mind began to become sharper, and he began to think about the nature of time and explore its laws and meaning.

He seemed to have entered a state beyond time and space, feeling where the boundaries of time and space were and what their essence was.

Time became a blur in his mind.

But Ron could feel that he was greatly inspired by these images.

He also understood a little bit about the nature of the time rune, but it was only the part he could understand.

He understood many explanations about time just like advanced mathematics courses in his previous life:

The eyes said: I can do it.

The mouth said: I know it.

The brain says: I will fuck your XXX cow!

But what Ron didn't know was that there was a sprout of some kind of power in his body that was slowly awakening under the stimulation of this knowledge.

After tens of thousands of years of hard work, the alien time dragon in the picture finally understood the true meaning of the time rune.

The time rune is the symbol given to the Time Dragon God by Io.

He is the symbol that controls time and represents the power of time.

The alien time dragon deeply understood the true meaning of the time rune. After realizing the nature of time, he decided to leave the Temple of Time to find a deeper power of time.

In the subsequent practice, the Alien Time Dragon continued to delve deeper into the nature of time and understood the mystery of the power of time.

His practice continued to deepen and he reached an otherworldly state.

After finally comprehending the entire time, He no longer needed the time runes to prove his identity, because He himself became the being who controlled time.

at the same time

The goddess of death, who is constantly filtering the assimilation of the Time Dragon personality, seems to have experienced tens of thousands of years.

A hint of exhaustion flashed through her pure black pupils.

Looking at Ron's worried eyes next to her, she smiled:

"It's okay, I just felt a little tired suddenly. Little Ron, just lend me your shoulder."

Ron nodded and let her lean on his shoulder.

Then, this guy actually ignored the sleepy Death Goddess and concentrated on watching the memory fragments!

This operation is quite similar to that of the monkey who has the Seven Fairies immobilized but only thinks about eating peaches.

After traveling across the stars for millions of years

This alien time dragon finally began to feel tired of his current life of being king and hegemon.

He began to try to make an artifact that was unique to him.

Long sword, scepter, double fork, short spear.

Pieces of magic equipment with the breath of time were born from His hands, but He was still not satisfied and threw them all into the long river of time.

"Damn it! Don't throw it away if you don't want it! Give it to me!"

"It's a waste of money! It's a shameful waste!"

".I'm so envious."

Ron felt a little heartbroken as he watched the different equipment being lost to time, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, this may have happened tens of billions of years ago, and it is still unknown whether these magic equipments still exist.

Time takes away everything, whether it is people or objects.

He finally understood why the Time Dragon was called the Hidden Treasure Dragon.

These dragons who like to throw their collections into the long river of time are really similar to the grandfather in the novel who gives away weapons for free.

Anyway, with the passage of time, these items will return to their own hands sooner or later.

As for who has mastered the equipment in the process, and who has become the overlord of the plane because of it, Time Dragon doesn't care about these things.

After tens of millions of failures, the Alien Time Dragon seemed to have finally found the artifact he wanted to create.

Symbols similar to time runes began to solidify in front of him, slowly merging, and finally turned into the framework of the artifact.

Inside this prototype artifact, time seems to become more regular and stable.

That is His control over time and the nature of His power.

The production time of this brand new artifact is far longer than that of all previous magic equipment, and every step of it requires a lot of time and energy.

However, for the alien time dragon, time is the least valuable thing.

What’s more, it’s all worth the effort.

He realized that this artifact could not only make him feel challenged again, but also become a powerful weapon for him to rule the star world.

As the artifact took shape little by little, Ron's pupils began to slowly shrink.

He murmured in his heart:

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

He opened his eyes wide and watched as this alien time dragon created the magical item that he was very familiar with step by step.

The appearance of this artifact is white-grey, and the marks on it are similar to a Möbius strip, with interlaced black lines that penetrate the entire stone from the inside out.

There is a slight flash of blue light on its edge, which seems to convey the flow of time.

The Alien Time Dragon continues to strengthen and improve this framework until finally no improvements are needed.

"Awesome! It's finally done!"

"Let me think about it, what kind of name should I give you?"

He looked at his new artifact with joy and muttered something.


"Just call"

In an instant

Ron and the Time Dragon in the picture read out his name at the same time:

"[Time Rune Stone]!"

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