Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 70 Character Card as of Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Character Card - As of Chapter Seventy

[Dragon of Flying Flame-Casius]

Name: Cassius Claudius Noricius

Template: NPC (there are still four years, two hundred and seventy-one days and five hours until the open beta)

Category: Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil

Race: Teen red dragon

Ac: 24 (natural armor, gilded scales)

Basic attributes:

Strength - 26

Agility - 12


Intelligence - 14

Perception - 13

Charm - 24

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion +12, Deception +8, Dominance +8, Stealth +6, Perception +8, Hunt +4, Arcana +4, Escape +4, Knowledge (future) +4

Damage Immunity: Fire, Lightning

Senses: Blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 16 ft.

Language: Common, Draconic

Abilities: Storm Reverberation Body, Ultimate Fire Breath, Targeted Fire Breath, Gilded Shell, Bloodline Gift

Feats and Traits: Gilded Scales, Major Breath Weapon, Targeted Breath Weapon, Combat Casting, Boss Aura, Fugitive, Eloquent Talk, Dragon Spells

Combat Equipment: Eye of the Storm King, Amulet of Magic Nullification, Dimension Gate Necklace, Ring of Delicate Mage Action, Staff of the Scorcher, Amulet of Speak with the Dead, Lava Spitter, Ring of Blade Immunity, Amulet of Silent Steps.

Equip spells:

Charged Release: Storm of Vengeance

Weekly: Manipulate the Weather

Once per day: Spellward, dimensional door, speak with the dead, burning hands, searing ray, blade protection, soles of feet.

Occupation Level: True Dragon Warlock 7

Caster Level: 10


Level 4: Through fire and water, transfiguration

Level 3: Energy Scales, Blink, Protection from Energy Damage

Level 2: Egg of Sanctuary, Enhanced Attributes, Lost Step, Phantom Power, Invisibility

Level 1: Cloud, Charm Human, Magic Missile, Shield, Thunder Wave

Cantrips: Trembling with Fear, Mage's Hand, Lesser Apparition, Defeat the Enemy, Cantrip, Message, Scratch

Spell-like abilities:

Once per day: suggestion

Challenge level: 15 (13000xp)

Evaluation: When flames streak across the sky, you have to be careful about his arrival.

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