Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 262: Faya! Faya!

The lightsaber pierced the Valkyrie's forehead without hesitation.

The girlish Po Whirling is still in a coma, and she is facing her own doom in a coma.

At this moment, she can no longer resist this lightsaber that embodies the top technology of Dark Star!

Yang Ming's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he didn't hesitate to strike!

The end of the lightsaber reached the forehead of the Valkyrie. The toughness of her skin made Yang Ming feel great resistance, but the lightsaber had already started to automatically enter the tremor mode, and the accumulated energy was about to be released.

'forerunner. '

There was a sudden flicker of light.

That feeling of the surrounding space being frozen came back.

come yet?

Yang Ming couldn't move, but his thinking was extremely active, and a blurry figure was reflected in his pupils.

It seems that there is a humanoid thing slowly walking outside of time and space.

At this moment when everything around him was stagnant, even the operation of Lu's main brain was also at a standstill, at this moment when the infinity was stretched, the halo of thorns rose slowly, floated to the top of Yang Ming's head, and buckled tightly. go down.


There was a buzzing in Yang Ming's ears.

He was able to move suddenly, and quickly floated off the ground as if his soul had come out of his body. When he 'bowed his head', he could see himself kneeling on one knee and pressing the Valkyrie with a shield, surrounded by hovering disc-shaped drone.

A voice that sounded a bit weird rang next to Yang Ming's ear.

In the beginning, Yang Ming couldn't understand what the other party said. Every syllable of the other party seemed to overlap and contained huge information.

But when the slight noise passed, the voice became clear and became a normal baritone.

"It seems that I can communicate with him... Let me adjust the brain wave frequency... Well, I'm probably going to be punished, even if the project verification is close to failure, and I have to communicate directly with low-latitude humans..."

High-dimensional human individual of Faya civilization?

Yang Ming has experienced the influence of the three old monsters of the omnic Twilight, and has no fear of this kind of high-dimensional life form.

He 'frowned' and asked, "Who is talking?"

"Hi, I'm here."

A nearly transparent figure appeared in front of Yang Ming, and waved to Yang Ming.

He has the overall appearance of a human being, but because it is blurred, he cannot see the specific details.

Yang Ming's 'brows' furrowed even deeper, with undisguised hostility in his eyes, he said in a low voice, "Faya?"

"Yes, the pioneers from the earth, I am very happy to talk with you in this way. I am from the Faya civilization, which is the upper civilization of the galaxy you are currently in. My team and I are in charge of the development of a biological weapon .

"As you can see, Valkyrie Whirling is our precious sample, the only mature product in the 3621 experiments.

"She contains infinite possibilities, and this possibility is so precious that it can be exchanged for a low- to medium-level civilization with the potential to upgrade."

The figure said slowly:

"I can understand your emotions towards her, the oppression from your genes really fills you with a sense of crisis.

"However, can you please not kill her? I can take her to other large galaxy clusters to complete self-improvement before dimension ascension. If she can ascend the dimension in the form of a low-latitude human body, I can advance to A-level.

"It's very important to me."

Yang Ming was silent.

"You should be able to feel my urgency, Forerunner," the figure said slowly, "We couldn't communicate directly, because I can only barely understand the low-dimensional world, and I have to bother to describe my world as you can. The look of acceptance."

"I can let her go," Yang Ming said suddenly, "My home planet, in exchange for the safety of my home planet, is far inferior to a middle-level and low-level civilization to you."

"Oh, indeed, a planet that hasn't come out of the greenhouse, and doesn't even have the foundation of a first-level civilization, is of little value in itself...but it's a pity."

The figure shook his head again and again:

"That's not the project I'm in charge of. Interfering across projects is an extremely serious fault in my society."

"Why?" Yang Ming asked, "You don't have any acquaintances, are you in that project?"

The figure laughed dumbly: "You can't understand, my fellow human beings in the low-dimensional world, we are individuals and fragments. For example, if your brain partitions interfere with each other, what will you look like? You will become a fool, hahaha, That's very humorous."

Yang Ming's mouth twitched slightly.

This is even more nonsense than the jokes he heard at the big party at Blue Star back then.

Yang Ming said in a deep voice, "I don't really understand."

"Okay," the figure pondered for a while, "Then I have a name in a way you can understand. The body of the name is very long, and it contains my genetic information, but at the end, I have a number, 9587, So you can understand?"

There were more black lines on Yang Ming's forehead.

The figure is a little helpless:

"Okay! Okay! You low-dimensional humans, the information density of your imagination and brain is ridiculous! I am not a complete individual.

"Of course, I have an independent personality, can think completely, and can freely travel through the cracks of time. Except that I can't change the events that have happened and are fixed by the light cone, I can do all the miracles you think.

"Then, I'm essentially a piece of thought, a body of thought left by the guy without a number at a certain time period.

"By the way, in our world, time is not continuous."

Yang Ming asked, "Are you part of a real individual of the Faya civilization?"

"That's right, but I don't like to use the relationship between part and whole to describe myself. I am this individual, but I am left in this time domain, and there are more than 300 fragmented thinking bodies left in this time domain, When we think about fusion together, it is the thinking that this individual is doing in the current time domain."

Yang Ming: ...

"Why is it so complicated?" Yang Ming complained.

"Do you think the large galaxy cluster of the Milky Way is very vast?"


"There is really only one administrator of the galaxy."

"Uh, you?"

"I'm just a piece of thinking left by this administrator in a period of time. The project I'm in charge of is the fusion of ancient gods and human bodies in the low-dimensional world. Of course, this individual has always been in the mode of split thinking. Those of us who split Thinking constitutes a social system."

Yang Ming asked: "Then what about your body control rights?"

"Body? We don't need a body!" The figure was a little bit overwhelmed, "God, why do I have to talk to you so many things you can't understand! Yes, I am the Faya, we have a brilliant civilization, and I control the Milky Way All the energy, observing the rise and fall of these low-level civilizations."

Yang Ming: "Then can you help my home planet? I can let Po Whirling go."

The figure is almost split apart:

"No! Absolutely not! Absolutely not! You little bastard! I can't interfere with other thought fragments, I only have one task is to cultivate the whirling to be able to ascend the dimension! If I interfere with other thought bodies, more thought bodies will cause chaos , it will trigger a disaster in the Milky Way!

"These civilizations in the Milky Way have not directly experienced the gamma storm from the center of the Milky Way on a large time scale. Guess whose credit it is!

"I can directly destroy this place because of this mission, I'm not kidding you!"

"Okay then, please don't worry, let's continue talking about Po Whirling."

Yang Ming showed a gentle smile.

He said slowly: "I respect the Faya civilization very much, but I didn't expect that the thinking power of a Faya can directly control the energy flow of the entire galaxy. This is too powerful."

The figure said calmly: "We can enter a higher dimension first, and then expand ourselves to envelop the entire galaxy."

Yang Ming asked: "I once saw a book in Omnic Twilight. Of course, I couldn't read the text directly. It was translated to me by the gravekeeper. It said that I wanted to move from low-dimensional to high-dimensional. There are only three basic methods—mechanical ascension, thinking ascension, and high-dimensional life migration, the Faya civilization is thinking ascension, right?"

"Yes, we have mastered the secret of the information rules of this universe," the figure smiled. "You not only have powerful force, but also have so many academic reserves, even though these academics are so primitive."

"You don't have to lie to me, right? After all, you exist like a parent civilization."

"That's right," the figure's voice became much gentler, "Although my thinking speed is much faster than yours, I can't feel the full emotion, so there is no need to lie."

Yang Ming pinched his chin and thought carefully, then asked softly, "Is Po Whirling your experimental subject? Not Kigrov's?"

The figure smiled and said:

"For you, we exist in a gap in time, which can be narrow, opened up, or infinitely extended.

"It is very dangerous to directly interfere with low-dimensional space-time in the gap of time. For example, if you directly smear on paper with a pen, the paper must be different from before it was smeared.

"Time and space are like this, the more interference from the outside, the lower the value of this time and space.

"In order to minimize the impact of my experimental process on time and space, I can only use various methods, such as cultivating some experimental embryos from fertilized eggs, which is the case with whirling."

Yang Ming frowned tightly: "Has Professor Kigrove been influenced by you?"

The figure emphasized: "I have minimized the impact on time and space, and can trim experiments that may go wrong in advance by observing various possible directions in the future. I did not affect Kigrove, and I have the greatest influence on the experiment. The impact is to help them retain the ancient god cells and not let the cells completely die."

"What about me?" Yang Ming asked.

"You were an accident, or in other words, you chose the most risky path among your own many options."

The figure said in a warm voice:

"I can't interfere with the 'Game of Civilization' project team, but I can observe that after you were selected, you were placed inside Hanton's body.

"You think this is you, but in fact this is not you. We have copied your thinking body in the thermostat called the earth. You have actually died in the first possibility experiment of the earth thermostat.

"Of course, we reset the incubator, like pruning branches, and let the isolated time and space complete a simple backtracking. ——In fact, this kind of backtracking is extremely energy-intensive, but we have almost endless energy, endless in the true sense , it is perfectly possible to do this kind of thing.

"In the thermostat civilization that restarted, you no longer exist, and your thinking circuit was written into Hanton's brain by the civilization game project team.

"At that time, you could actually leave directly, return to the empire and start improving yourself step by step.

"The thinking fragments of that project team like to do this. They like to arrange three or five different forerunners in different political systems, give them the same promotion opportunities, and see if they can help their home planet adapt quickly after the assessment is over. environment.

"To be honest, out of a thousand pioneers, only a dozen can do it.

"At that time, you actually chose to offend Kigrove instead of going to the rescue cabin to stay in advance and prepare to escape... At that time, we all felt that it was a pity that a backward incubator civilization lost its forerunner, but unexpectedly, you He actually survived within those few hours by virtue of the one chance of resurrection that every pioneer had.

"I thought at the time that you, a low-dimensional human being, are very interesting."

Yang Ming: ...

Fuck! Did the Forerunner really have a Resurrection Armor?

Has his resurrection armor been used up during the fusion of Valkyrie genes?

This shit!

Don't be in a hurry, and don't really offend this Faya civilization uncle.

Finding a way to get some wool on him is the real deal.

"That is to say," Yang Ming said in a low voice, "I was involved in two of your projects at the same time."

"That's right."

"It's not fair to me!" Yang Ming's voice trembled a little, "Do you know? For my home planet, for my family, I paid so much, endured so much, and the result..."

Human Shadow smiled and said, "I can't give you another resurrection spot, this is not my project. Your acting skills are too bad."

The corners of Yang Ming's mouth twitched a few times: "Then let's just talk about it, I let Po Huan go, what can you give me?"

The figure pondered for a while: "I can guarantee that Po Whirling will not come to you again to take back the genes, and then take her away, and give you a compensation that I can give you within the scope of my authority."

"No, I don't agree," Yang Ming said, "Po Suo may not necessarily listen to you, I have already formed a mortal enmity with her, a real mortal enmity."

"Tell me about your conditions."

A flash of light flashed across Yang Ming's eyes: "I want to become a living body equal to her, and ensure that my personality will not be eroded by the power of the ancient gods. My current energy and genetic level should already be able to accept the genes of the ancient gods again." transformation."

The figure was stunned.

In the gap of time, he stared blankly at the man in front of him.


The thought fragments of the Faya people couldn't quite understand Yang Ming's request.

Yang Ming unexpectedly, he unexpectedly, even took the initiative to become the second experimental subject of his project, so as to strengthen his ability to resist risks in the experiment!

What kind of spirit is this?

This is a fearless spirit of sacrifice that transcends dimensions and contributes to high-dimensional human beings!

"I agreed!"

The figure shouted immediately.

Yang Ming: ...

Is his request too simple?

"I have other conditions."

"Of course, you can mention it," the figure smiled, "but I can only talk to you like this once. This is an illegal operation. Although my supervisor has discovered it, he thinks our chat is not right. The impact of time and space has not been prevented."

Yang Ming asked: "Before I am sure that Po Sua has no hostility toward me, I must imprison her under my command."

"Of course," Ying Ying said warmly, "Actually, if you want to perform surgery on yourself, her genes are the bridge. I will find a way to send the ancient god cells to you as soon as possible. I will put the specific experimental procedures in the In the mastermind of your assistant."

Yang Ming grinned.

"In addition, I can also remind you, because you are now my experimental subject, I can't let you have an accident, this is in line with the logic of my behavior."

The figure seems to be looking into the distance.

"If possible, try to avoid getting close to the Emperor Star...

"Oh, forget it, what I saw was a confirmed timeline, you will definitely go to Emperor Star.

"Your future seems to be full of twists and turns and dangers. Try to think as much as possible when doing things, and rely more on your mechanical thinking body mastermind... I have already received a serious warning, so I can't say more later, and I will not fight to protect the experimental body Violation again."

Yang Ming: ...

"Where is my home planet?" Yang Ming asked, "Can it pass Faya's game?"

"Compared with the other four greenhouse civilizations, your home planet has no competitiveness. The iron law cannot be changed. We treat all greenhouse civilizations equally," Human Shadow shook his head lightly. "But in this game, your There is a small probability that the home planet can be reversed, but that has nothing to do with you, forerunner."

Yang Ming was startled, then nodded, as if he understood something.

Thank you, Voyager.

The figure waved his hand lightly, Yang Ming felt everything around him was turning.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and slowly moved the lightsaber away from his forehead.

The first contact with the Fayas...

The harvest is quite big.

Looking at the girl in front of him who could no longer be killed directly, he already started to have a headache.

How is this arranged.

Hair first and moisturize later. These two chapters are a bit difficult to write, the update is too late, try to be as early as possible tomorrow. Hey, I didn't guess the plot.

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