The War of Resistance

Chapter 761: brother farewell

It was dusk, and the setting sun turned blood red, but the battle in Xiao Bengbu was still going on.

Of course, the enemy and the enemy will not always be at hand to hand, but so what?

At this time, the enemy and us are like African flat-headed brothers, either fighting or on the way to fight.

On the contrary, at this time Zhou Xiu and his group appeared in the southeast of Little Bengbu Town.

It was the former brigade headquarters of the 337th brigade, which was very close to the front line, or already at the front line.

However, the appearance of Zhou Xiu and the others has nothing to do with this, but the result of discussions among their group.

Originally, they thought that Company Commander Gu's company would be disabled soon, but to their surprise, they heard the "boom" and "boom" of mortars not far behind them.

With artillery support, it was different. After fighting all afternoon, the front position was still in the hands of Company Commander Gu.

Zhou Xiu's group discussed that instead of staying behind, it would be better to join Shang Zhen's group. Didn't Gu Man say that he had seen Shang Zhen and his group in this position.

Zhou Xiu thinks that Shang Zhen's people are a bit lacking in courage to fight in battle, but they still have a good way to fight devils. If they and Shang Zhen and the others sneakily beat devils and make a miracle, then they won't I feel sorry for not going to the defense.

Of course, there is also the meaning of hugging to keep warm.

Again, none of the remaining people can say anything absolutely. This is the result of everyone's discussion.

But even though they thought well, when Zhou Xiu and the others arrived at this position, they didn't find Shang Zhen and the others. Zhou Xiu scattered people to look for them but couldn't find them. They had no choice but to stay here for the time being.

"I don't know where these old fritters have gone." A soldier sighed.

"Of course I can find it, but if I can't find it, I can't find it, maybe I won't see them again after we part this time.

Of course, it is also possible that people will never see us again. "Zhou Xiu was quite open, and then he turned his face and asked another soldier, "Are you right?" Gu Bing. "

Ji Bing, who was also hiding behind a cut-off wall like Zhou Xiu, glanced at Zhou Xiu before speaking, but there was a bunch of people talking: "People who pass by on the street are destined to become just passers-by. Existing for hours, minutes, or seconds.

Many friends in this life are also destined to become passers-by. God knows who will remember those friends who have died after a few years.

Let's talk about family affection again. Unless there is a person in your family tree that will make future generations proud, otherwise, most of the grandchildren who can remember the name of your grandfather are only grandchildren, and who has seen the great-grandson and can remember the name of the great-grandfather? Therefore, the great-grandfather was the passer-by of the great-grandson.

As for the war, once the general is successful, the owner of the withered bones becomes the general's passer-by.

In a big battle, unless you can live to the end, then the former dead are all passers-by in terms of the last living.

If I die before you this time, then I will be a passer-by in your life.

If you die before me this time, then you are just a passer-by in my life. "

Gu Bing was really good at speaking, but Zhou Xiu and the others had already gotten used to his demeanor.

Zhou Xiu stared at the battle ahead and asked calmly: "Then what if both of us die? Who is passing by who?"

"That's the same life as a mandarin duck." Gu Bing said with a smile.

"Get out, two big men, who is the same fate as you?" Zhou Xiu scolded with a smile.

"Then we have to call the ducks of the West Lake—a pair." Gu Bing said again.

"A pair of ducks from West Lake? If you want me to say that you two are ducks from Shanghai Beach, or you have to be a pair of ducks from Tianjin Wei!" At this moment, the soldier at the beginning suddenly interrupted.

With a sound of "puchi", Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing laughed lightly.

So far, the tone has changed.

The pair of ducks from West Lake are reasonable, but the taste of the ducks from Shanghai Beach or Tianjin Wei has changed!

But no matter how the taste changes, no matter the duck from Shanghai Tang or Tianjin Wei, it still can’t become the roast duck from BJ Quanjude. Everyone knows exactly what it means.

It may be a matter of later generations that a certain type of worker is called a chicken, but it is a thing of ancient times that another type of worker is called a duck. ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

Originally, there were some philosophical words. In this cruel battlefield, under the gags of the soldiers nearby, there was a more relaxed atmosphere for a while, although the gunshots ahead continued.

But so what? At least for now, telling any kind of jokes, even if they are some jokes, is just having fun in bitterness. Fighting and life and death are the norm.

"Zhou Xiu, listen, there seems to be something wrong!" After more than half an hour, Gu Bing said to Zhou Xiu.

And when Gu Bing said this, not only Zhou Xiu but also other soldiers listened with pricked ears.

The gunshots in front were not infrequent, but what sounded more was the sharp echoing shooting sound of the 38-type rifle, and other sounds, such as the old rifles currently used by the Northeast Army. The sound of "Tom" was issued, but the sound of short bursts of "he" from the box cannonball mechanism was basically inaudible.

And what does all this mean, needless to say?

People can't go without a head, and birds can't fly without a head. Zhou Xiu and his group looked at each other in dismay.

In fact, they are also contradictory now. Of course they also want to fight the devils, but it is a bit difficult to let the remaining less than 30 of them go to the front to fight the Japanese attack.

At first, everyone had no idea, but in the end everyone's eyes fell on Zhou Xiu.

"So, let's stay here. If any of our people are chased by the little devils, then we will go rescue them!" Zhou Xiu said.

Zhou Xiu's statement was in line with everyone's thoughts, so no one objected, so they all scattered among the ruins and pointed their guns ahead.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and watched, and after a while, a soldier suddenly shouted: "I saw our man, it seems to be a big man from the inner company!"

Which company's big guy? There is no doubt that it refers to Guman.

Due to the shelter of the ruined houses in the town, Zhou Xiu really couldn't see Gu Man from his position.

Zhou Xiu got up with her rifle and bent down to run to the soldier who shouted, but at this moment the soldier shouted again: "He also framed another person!"

What else is there to say at this point?

"Help!" Zhou Xiu shouted loudly and rushed to the position of the shouting soldier, just in time to see that tall Gu Man supported a man on his shoulders and fell behind a pile of rubble in front of him.

Earlier, Zhou Xiu and the others had already agreed that if a brother in front was chased by the Japanese devils, they would be saved, let alone Guman now?

Zhou Xiu rushed out with her rifle in hand, and Gu Bing also followed, not forgetting to shout "Cover!"

Covering was really needed. Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing maintained their shooting postures and charged forward when they saw the khaki-colored figures of the Japanese soldiers appearing behind and in the gaps between the ruins ahead.

At this moment, the gunfire rang out again.

Because of the occlusion of the ruins, the enemy and us are actually very close.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiu and the others were in ambush first, and they didn't need any good guns at this distance. There was no difference between shooting 100 meters and 400 meters when shooting 60 or 70 meters.

The Japanese soldiers who were the first to reveal their figures were directly beaten down by Zhou Xiu and the others, and taking this opportunity, Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing finally rushed to the place where Guman fell.

"Brother!" At this moment, Gu Man was leaning over the man who had fallen into the rubble and shouted.

With just one glance, Zhou Xiu recognized that the man was Company Commander Gu.

But now the company commander Gu was obviously dying, there was blood on his chest from a bullet, and although his eyes were not distracted, they no longer had the mighty and domineering look they had before today's expedition.

Company Commander Gu still noticed Zhou Xiu's arrival, so he fixed his eyes on Zhou Xiu, but his finger that he barely raised pointed to Gu Man who was leaning over him.

As far as his extremely simple action, anyone present can understand it, that is the two words "—Tuo Gu", which means that Zhou Xiu must take care of his only younger brother.

"Brother, I'll take you back." At this moment, Gu Man shouted.

It's just that the small movement of the finger that Company Commander Gu raised his hand just now had exhausted his last fire of life, he grinned his lips, it seemed that he wanted to say something more, but the corner of his mouth didn't grin after all. , his gaze has become absent-minded.

At the beginning, it didn't think that it needed to use a weapon in the face of such an opponent, but at this moment it had to take out the weapon, otherwise, it would have been a little bit unable to resist. No matter how strong the rebirth from the ashes is, it must be continuously consumed. Once the power of one's own blood is exhausted, it will also damage the original source.

"I have to say that you have exceeded my expectations. But now I will use all my strength." Following Cao Yuwei's words, the Phoenix True Flame gathered towards it like a sea of ​​rivers, and actually took back the Phoenix True Flame Domain .

The blazing phoenix real fire condensed and formed around its body, turning into a magnificent golden-red armor covering the whole body. Holding a saber, it stared at the beautiful son like a demon god.

Young Master Mei didn't pursue, and stood at a distance, slightly calming down his turbulent mood. Although this battle didn't last long, her emotions were becoming more and more excited.

She didn't know if she could really resist it before facing the undead Huofeng of the Great Demon King level. Her confidence all comes from what Tang San gave her before. And as the battle continued, when she really started to suppress her opponent, and protected herself from the phoenix real fire with the colorful sky fire liquid, she knew that she could really do it.

Over the past hundred years, Tang San taught her many fighting techniques, all of which were most suitable for her to use. Just like the Nether Spike before, Nether Hundred Claws. And the sword Xinghan that stabbed Cao Yuwei's finger for the first time just now. From Tang San's point of view, these are real divine skills, taught to Young Master Mei after his slight changes, and they are the most suitable for her to display.

The more you use these abilities, the more Young Master Mei can't help but be convinced by Tang San. At first when Tang San told her that these belonged to the category of divine skills, she was somewhat puzzled. However, at this time, she was able to continuously injure and oppress her opponents. If it wasn't for divine skills, how could she do it under the gap in her cultivation?

At this moment, all the emperors standing on the Huangtian Pillar looked at this little girl with admiration. When the Phoenix True Flame Domain appeared, what they were thinking about was how long Master Mei could last in this domain. The White Tiger Demon Emperor and the Crystal Phoenix Demon Emperor were even ready to rescue them. However, as the battle continued, they watched in amazement, Young Master Mei actually suppressed a big demon king of the undead Fire Phoenix clan, in a real sense, he was even forced to be reborn from the ashes. how unbelievable

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Just as Cao Yuwei thought in his heart, the Great Demon King with the first-class bloodline is not the same as the ordinary Great Demon King! What's more, they are descendants of the top three powerful races in the Tianyu Empire. In terms of profound background, it is not impossible to say that the lineage of Immortal Fire Phoenix is ​​the strongest in Tianyu Empire. After all, the Tianhu family is not good at fighting.

But just like that, he was actually suppressed by the beautiful young master who was a big lower rank. The peacock demon clan doesn't even have a king now! Young Master Mei was still a ninth-level existence more than half a year ago, and was still participating in the Ancestral Court Classic. And today, more than half a year later, she can actually compete with the Great Demon King, so if she is given a few more years, how strong will she be? How long will it take her to become the emperor? The emperors present all felt a little unbelievable at this moment, because the strength displayed by Young Master Mei really exceeded their expectations!

The Tianhu Demon Emperor frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

From his point of view, everything he has to do is for the continuation of the monster race and the spirit monster race, so that the Fairy Continent can always exist as the core of the entire plane.

The reason why he targeted this little girl was because when she won the championship, he felt something unusual about her, and he also felt a stronger threat from her companion. As an emperor, he can feel this threat. The threat is not himself, but what he protects.

That's why he secretly led the Dark Demon King to hunt down Tang San and Young Master Mei.

After the return of the Great Dark Demon King, he said that there was a force similar to that of the Sea God to stop him, but he had already eliminated him, and that boy named Shura was completely wiped out. Sure enough, the Sky Fox Great Demon Emperor couldn't feel the existence of the luck that belonged to Shura.

Therefore, all you need to do is strangle the little girl in front of you in the cradle, at least interrupt her luck, then the threat should disappear.

However, even the Great Demon King Tianhu himself did not expect that Young Master Mei's growth rate could be so fast. In just over half a year, not only did he succeed in crossing the tribulation, but he was also able to compete with the first-level bloodline powerhouse at the level of the Great Demon King. The stronger the ability she displayed, the more the Sky Fox Demon King would naturally feel threatened from her. And the threat has risen to a new level.

The saber in Cao Yuwei's hand shone with a dazzling golden-red light, and his whole body was murderous. With one step forward, the saber slashed out brazenly. The sky suddenly twisted violently. The fiery saber intent directly enveloped Young Master Mei's body.

Still relying on strength to overcome ingenuity.

Young Master Mei's expression remained unchanged, he took the initiative to take a step forward, and another mysterious circle of heaven swayed out.

The extremely powerful blow of the sword was once again thrown aside. All the top powerhouses present present, everyone could see that the skill that Young Master Mei is using now is definitely a divine skill among divine skills. The opponent's strength is obviously much stronger than hers, but they just can't break through her super exit the transcoding page, please download the love reading novel app to read the latest chapter.

But no one doubted the origin of this ability. After all, the best talent of the Peacock Monster Clan was to move the stars. Her technique has the same effect as Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Mr. Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he melted his armor with flames, he had other methods. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he was sure to use this method to restrain her. But Mr. Mei didn't step forward, which made it have to interrupt the ability that was originally ready to go.

The saber was slashed out again, the powerful saber intent was a bit stronger than before, Cao Yuwei also followed the saber with his body, united with the saber, and went straight to Young Master Mei.

In Young Master Mei's hand, Tianji Ling once again made the mysterious circle of the sky, and with an instant transfer, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body disappeared in a flash. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fight consumption! She seemed to be fighting Cao Yuwei for consumption.

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