The War of Resistance

Chapter 577: alert

The latest website: Shang Zhen walked on the streets of Nanjing with Qian Chuan, Ma Erhuzi and other six or seven people

The army, the police, and the civilians were refugees. The chaos on the streets was worse than that of the previous days.

And Shang Zhen and the others saw soldiers even building barricades, and government officials writing with white ash on the big walls on both sides of the street.

"It's really skillful to watch other people write!" Ma Erhuzi couldn't help boasting.

Seeing that the man was writing directly on the big wall with a flat brush dipped in white ash, and the written words seemed to be carved out of a mold.

"That's right, it's kung fu if you are familiar with everything. People always write like we always play with guns." Qian Chuan'er echoed.

"What did he write?" Ma Erhuzi asked again.

It's not that Ma Erhuzi doesn't know a few words, it's that he doesn't know any words at all.

"Swear to defend Nanjing to the death." Qian Chuan'er read.

When Ma Erhu let out an "oh", several of them passed by the person who was writing the propaganda slogan.

But when Ma Erhuzi, who was envious of other people's ability to write, looked back at that person's writing, he said in surprise: "There are still more, I haven't finished writing yet!"

Anyway, Shang Zhen and the others just came out to inquire about the situation, and a few people stopped to look at it again, but at this moment they saw that the person had written the word "three" after "swear to defend Nanjing to the death".

"Three what?" Qian Chuan'er was also curious.

In the end they saw that it was written "three months" after "defend Nanjing to the death".

"Three months? Such a big capital should be able to defend for three months, right?" Chen Hanwen guessed without saying a word, then looked at Shang Zhen, "Tell me, company commander."

Since Shang Zhen and the others had been separated from the main force for a long time, now it was Chen Hanwen who still called Shang Zhen the company commander.

Shang Zhen didn't care much about how people like himself called him. Seeing Chen Hanwen asking himself, he shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

As far as Shang Zhen and his group have long been used to Shang Zhen's character, Shang Zhen doesn't express his opinion easily, if he can't say it, then it's hard to say it.

Yes, it is really difficult to say about the war. The three northeastern provinces were lost in just over a month, but the Songhu battle lasted for several months. Then who knows how long Nanjing can hold.

"The louder you shout, the more likely the result will be—" Qiu Bo said in a low voice, before forgetting to wink around.

Now is the time of war.

You see, in peacetime, if people say something, it may be fine, but if they say this in wartime, if they are heard by the military and police, they will give you the next big one who "confuses the public" or "demagogues people". Hat, then maybe he was thrown directly into the prison!

The soldiers who came with Shang Zhen were all veterans, and they had experienced a lot, so they naturally understood what Qiu Bo meant, so no one answered the words, but they already had some faith in their hearts. .

Shang Zhen and the others moved forward again, and walked for a while, but the little dustpan suddenly shouted: "Look what's going on in front, there's a bald head over there!"

"What a bald head, that's a monk!" Chen Hanwen laughed.

Everyone looked to the side of the road, and saw that there was really a group of people in front of them, but surrounded a monk.

Anyway, they were just looking for news and were not in a hurry, so Shang Zhen and the others leaned forward.

It was really the first time for Shang Zhen and the others to see a monk. They saw that the monk was tall and tall, wearing a patched monk's robe, and had ring scars on his head.

The little dustpan has a childlike heart, so he stretched out his fingers to count the ring scars on the monk's head.

But the monk closed his eyes slightly, and ignored what the people in the market said about him. Instead, he clasped his hands and said: "Once upon a time, there was a man who was wandering in the wilderness, chased away by evil elephants, and left with nowhere to go. He saw an empty well. There are roots, that is, to find the roots and dive into the well.

There are two rats, black and white, gnawing on the roots of the tree; there are four poisonous snakes on the four sides of the well, trying to sting the person; there is a poisonous dragon below, fearing the poisonous dragon, fearing that the tree roots will be broken; five drops of honey from the tree roots fall into the mouth, the tree shakes and the bees scatter, and the tree shakes and the bees scatter. Stingers, the wildfire comes back and burns this tree"

"Monk, what is that thing you recited?" Ma Erhuzi got tired of hearing it for a while, and he didn't understand it, so he asked in a jerk.

People from the Northeast have a loud voice, and with Ma Erhuzi's personality, he couldn't understand the monk's chanting, so he opened his mouth and asked.

It can't be said that Ma Erhuzi never cares about the occasion when he speaks, but in his opinion, when soldiers with guns like them yell loudly on the street, ordinary people have nothing to fear, so what's wrong with monks?

"The five desires in life are like eating honey. They are only greedy for the momentary pleasure, but they don't know that the end is coming. It's so sad!" The monk ignored Ma Erhuzi's loud voice and said something instead.

Then, he put his hands together and walked out of the crowd directly.

"Monks and Taoists are always talking about gods and gods. It's not as fun as the fairy at our house!" The little dustpan that had counted the scars on the monk's head laughed.

The little dustpan is a child's mind, and Shang Zhen didn't understand much of the Buddhist scriptures that the monk recited earlier, but Shang Zhen was a little touched by the words that the monk said before he left. up.

He first thought of Old Mao Wang, and then Chu Tian.

Thinking of Wang Laomao, it was naturally because Wang Laomao, who was already in his fifties, fell in love with Ju Hongxia, who was twenty-six and seventeen. Although they were not married yet, they were still old couples and young wives.

And he thought of Chu Tian, ​​it was because Shang Zhen heard from the soldiers that Chu Tian had been "hooking up" with a female student from a wealthy neighbor's family these days.

Shang Zhen doesn't understand the five desires of life, but he does know what it means to "greed only for a moment of pleasure", and then there is another sentence "I don't know the end is coming".

Outside the city was besieged by the Japanese army, these days Shang Zhen was not in a hurry to lead a team to find the Northeast Army, although he heard that a team from the Northeast Army was guarding Zijin Mountain outside the city of Nanjing.

Shang Zhen instinctively felt that it was not very safe to stay in Nanjing City, but after a long period of marching and fighting outside, once he entered the colorful world of Nanjing City, he began to be greedy for the momentary pleasure, and everyone from the soldiers to him relaxed. It's human nature.

But at this time, the monk's words undoubtedly reminded Shang Zhen, just like what Qiu Bo said before, despite the loud shouts from above, they vowed to defend Nanjing for three months, but can they really defend for three months?

People like myself, don't let the Japanese army block the city just because of a moment's carelessness!

Shang Zhen and his group of soldiers traveled all the way from north to south, and saw that countless Guanshans were lost. What's wrong with Nanjing City?

Oh, what did I think of just now, Shang Zhen continued to walk forward, but his eyes were wandering, but his thoughts were all on his own mind.

Thinking about it, don't be blocked in the city by the Japanese army.

At this time, Shang Zhen suddenly remembered that before entering Nanjing this time, he saw the Northeast Army in Shouyin County. At that time, the Northeast Army blocked the gate of the county and blocked it to death!

On the way to withdraw, Shang Zhen heard from the 112th Division that only two or three hundred troops of a regiment defending the city came back in the end!

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

"Okay, don't bother looking at the scenery, let's go to the Guanghua Gate to the south!" Shang Zhen said suddenly, and then quickened his pace

As soon as Shang Zhen gave the order, the few people who followed him walked away with great strides.

After all, Shang Zhen didn't get the topographic map of Nanjing, but he still has the administrative division map of Nanjing City in his hand, and there are some geographical marks on it.

For example, Shang Zhen knows that there are thirteen city gates in Nanjing City, and the Guanghua Gate he is going to now is in the south of Nanjing City.

The reason why Shang Zhen wants to see the south gate of Nanjing City is neither the East Gate nor the West Gate North That is also because he knows that the north of Nanjing City is the Yangtze River, and he does not intend to fight with his back against that. What are you doing going north.

Shang Zhen took the money string and they walked faster and faster. Since he didn't want to see the scenery along the way, Little Dustpan and the others could only follow.

But everything seemed to be destined in the dark, when Shang Zhen led the people to turn a corner in the street, they really saw the thick and tall city wall of Nanjing City and the Guanghua Gate in the city wall.

But when they saw the city wall again, they suddenly felt dumbfounded.

It's just because they couldn't get to the front, but there were soldiers holding guns in front of them to keep people from approaching, and there were soldiers busy in the doorway of Guanghuamen.

What are the soldiers doing? The soldiers were supposed to hold guns, but at this time they were working as masons. They actually built a wall at the Guanghua Gate. In other words, under the order from above, the defenders actually started to block the city gate!

"Go back quickly, let our people leave the city quickly!" Shang Zhen said in a low voice, and he suddenly had an extremely bad premonition.

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