Save the Bachelor of Heaven

Chapter 3808: 3810【This time and that time】

Chapter 3808 3810【This time and that time】

Turn around, at noon, Xiang Nan bought a bottle of Sprite and gave it to Li Er. He smiled and said, "Thank you for the band-aid yesterday. I'll treat you to this bottle of Sprite!"

 “Thank you.” Li Er was stunned for a moment and said softly.

"You're welcome." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Your name is Li Er. This name is very special. "Nine Songs of Chu Song" says, 'The jade ear is caressing the long hair, and the jade ring is ringing.'"

Li Er nodded, surprised. He didn't expect that Xiang Nan even knew such ancient poems.

 In fact, her grandfather got her name, which was inspired by "Chu Ci".

 “You know so much.” Li Er said with a smile.

"Because my name is also taken from the "Chu Ci"," Xiang Nan explained, "In the "Nine Chapters" there is '簰尩机 and is on the top, and the ripples are Zhang and below.'"

Li Er was very surprised when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, she and Xiang Nan had such a fate.

Even though only the names come from the "Chu Ci", and "Chu Ci" has thousands of characters, it is not surprising that the names have the same origin.

 But for her who was in secret love, even such a small amount of fate was still enough to make her overjoyed.


 A few days later, Jiang Jiao returned to school.

"Xu Yi, I sent you a text message, why didn't you reply?" As soon as she returned to the classroom, she found Xiang Nan and asked angrily.

"Miss, you are hospitalized to recuperate, and you have a lot of time to recuperate. I still have to study. With so much homework, there is no time." Xiang Nan spread his hands and said.

“Then you can reply to my text messages after class, after school at noon, or after school in the evening.” Jiang Jiao heard this and immediately said, “You just don’t care about me.”

"Jiang Jiao, you have to remember that you are just my classmate, not my girlfriend. I have no obligation to be on call at all times and reply to your text messages anytime and anywhere." Xiang Nan said seriously, "I am texting you to wish you a speedy recovery. I have already You have fulfilled your duty as a classmate. Don't act like a eldest lady to me. I'm not like Zhang Yang, so I don't owe you anything."

 In the book, Jiang Jiao killed Xia Mimi and caused Xu Yi to lose his love. Xiang Nan didn't retaliate against her, he was already taking advantage of her. Now, he no longer wants to have anything to do with her.

 “Well said~”

“Xu Yi is really talented, he is indeed a real man~”

"Jiang Jiao is so beautiful, and her family is so rich. If she pursues me, I will definitely agree immediately. Unexpectedly, Xu Yi is not moved at all, so awesome!"

“The Xu Yi family is also a businessman. I heard that it is a family business that has been in business for hundreds of years. They were big capitalists during the Republic of China, so naturally they look down on upstarts like the Jiang family.”

"Actually, Jiang Jiao is not bad, but he has a bit of a temper. Xu Yi is also a rich second generation, and his family has a lot of money, so naturally he is not willing to serve. Unlike Zhang Yang, who comes from a poor family and relies on Jiang Jiao for everything, so of course he has to endure it. .”

"Xu Yi is much better than Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang is greedy for wealth. He obviously doesn't like Jiang Jiao, but he still has to pretend to be with her and give up for five buckets of rice. Unlike Xu Yi, if he doesn't like it, he just doesn't like it. He is so manly. .”

When the classmates saw this, they couldn't help but whisper.

Jiang Jiao's family was too rich and he was inevitably a bit arrogant and domineering, so he was not very popular in school. Now that they see her being criticized by Xiang Nan, everyone not only has no sympathy for her, but also feels a little gloating about her misfortune.

Li Er was secretly glad to see that Xiang Nan and Jiang Jiao were so clearly distinguished and that they were not muddled.

 Before, there were all kinds of scandals about Xiang Nan, Jiang Jiao, and Zhang Yang, so she originally thought that Xiang Nan liked Jiang Jiao, and she felt sad for this.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Nan didn't mean that at all, so she was naturally elated and couldn't help laughing.

“Xu Yi, you’ve made me so angry!” Jiang Jiao couldn’t help but stamp his feet after being scolded. No matter how hard she stepped on the floor, Xiang Nan didn't pay attention at all.


Not two days after Jiang Jiao came back, Zhang Yang also finished his detention period and returned to school.

 Seeing him come back, the expressions of the students were all very subtle.

Before, Zhang Yang was a very good member of the school. He was handsome, studied well, could play ball, and had a cool girlfriend like Jiang Jiao, so he was considered a man of the hour.

Not only girls like him, but boys are also willing to play with him.

 But now the atmosphere has completely changed.

Zhang Yang yelled at Jiang Jiao at the school gate as a "counsel" and a "bitch", and even beat her into a pig's head. Such ungraceful and violent behavior is unacceptable to both boys and girls.

 So after seeing him, both boys and girls dodge their eyes and actively avoid him. No one took the initiative to say hello to him, let alone care about what happened to him.

Even the school teachers don’t favor him as much as before.

 In the past, Zhang Yang was good at studying, and the teachers also liked him. He frequently asked questions in class and patiently provided guidance after class. They also made him serve as class monitor, class representative, responsible for organizing class activities, etc.

 Now that he has been relieved of his official titles such as monitor and class representative, he is no longer asked questions in class. I can't say that I turned a blind eye to him, but I was also indifferent.

Because to the teachers, although Zhang Yang was arrogant and not very well-behaved in the past, he had good academic performance, was enthusiastic and brave, and was still teachable.

 But now he not only beats people, but also went to a detention center and became a complete bad boy. The teacher's impression of him was naturally greatly reduced.

 As the saying goes, teachers also have their own personal likes and dislikes.


Zhang Yang is not stupid, and naturally he quickly noticed everyone's rejection of him.

 Although he has always been independent and doesn't care about people's opinions, things are different now.

 Although he had his own way of doing things in the past, he was not rejected by everyone. On the contrary, he was more popular with everyone. Therefore, even if someone didn't like him, it didn't matter to him at all.

 Just like celebrities, although each one is unique and sensational, the more so, the more popular they are with fans. Even if some passersby don't like them, they don't care at all.

 But it’s different now. Everyone rejected, despised, disdained, and alienated him, which made him isolated in school and became the dislike of everyone.

Just like a star whose house collapsed, even his die-hard fans have lost their fans and started to dislike him. He has completely lost his popularity and is only left with infamy. No matter how thick-skinned a star is, he can't bear it.

 What's more, no matter how strong and mature Zhang Yang is, he is still just a 19-year-old young man. Therefore, being ostracized and despised by his classmates was unbearable for him and he became depressed.

 He used to be very active in the class.

  Answer the teacher’s questions proactively in class, take the students to play together after class, go to the cafeteria to eat together at noon, go home together after school in the afternoon, etc. He can be called a man of the hour and the focus of all the stars.

Then he is different now.

 She was silent during class and depressed after class. She ate in the cafeteria at noon and went home from school in the afternoon. She was also alone, completely without the energy of the past.

When Xiang Nan saw this, he not only showed no sympathy, but also thought that he deserved it.

At the beginning, he asked Li Bala to seduce Xu Yi, who turned Xu Yi from a good boy with excellent morals and academics into a joke in the eyes of the teachers and students in the school. Now Xiang Nan would do this, just **** for tat.

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