Pirate Company

Chapter 332

Most of the employees of Yixian Food Company are poor people, not bloodthirsty people. After seeing the hostages in the hands of the pirates, he didn't show an overly tough attitude, but followed the pirates all the way.

Unlike pirates, they still care about the lives of ordinary people. Even the bosses behind them, facing the hostages in the hands of the pirates, will stop chasing the pirates if the situation permits.

While fleeing, while chasing unhurriedly, following behind the pirates, a large group of people walked on the winding path, detours and detours became more and more sparsely populated.

Zhou Yixian's figure was also mixed with a group of soldiers, following them to chase a group of pirates who were at the end of the road.

Soon, the fleeing pirates reached a deep canyon, with a cliff standing behind them, and there was no way out.

"Don't come over, you back off from me."

"One more step forward, we can't guarantee the safety of the hostages in our hands."

"Adults, save the little ones."

"I'm just an ordinary person, I don't want to die yet."

"Please, save me, don't do anything."

The hostages in their hands became the last reliance of the pirates, leaning against the stone wall, they clamped the long knife in their hands around the necks of the hostages in their hands.

Sensing the approach of death, a group of hostages also cooperated very well, and begged for mercy to the soldiers of Yixian Food Company who were chasing them.

The cruelty of pirates is deeply understood by ordinary people living in this era. Naturally, they would not expect that the pirates around them would show kindness so that they could survive.

The soldiers in front of them became their only hope of survival.

"Put down the hostages in your hands, and I allow you to leave."

Zhou Yixian walked to the front of the soldiers, and looked at a group of pirates coldly.

He has not yet reached this level of jealousy, and he is not a messenger of justice, so he has to kill all the pirates.

As long as the safety of the hostages can be guaranteed, Zhou Yixian will not care about whether the pirate in front of him will become a pirate again after he leaves.

As long as they still dare to go out to sea to engage in the pirate profession, Zhou Yixian doesn't mind letting them give up the idea of ​​being a pirate completely.

"Don't come here, we know you."

"No one knows the strength of the King of Iceland. As long as you are really willing to let us go, we will definitely not harm the hostages in our hands."

"We Believe, Let Us Go"

At the beginning of the Greenland naval battle, many people still saw the live broadcast through a group of battlefield anchors. Nicero, the seventh-rank powerhouse, never survived a round in Zhou Xian's hands, and a group of Slavic pirates still remember it vividly.

No matter what, they didn't have the courage to face the terrifying Zhou Xian. They can only hope that with each other, they can keep their promises.

"There is a cave over there, and there may be an exit."

"Don't come here, if you take another step forward, we will kill the hostages."

Really hopeful, who would want to stay in a cold prison cell in the next life. A group of desperate pirates suddenly found a secret cave entrance on the cliff behind them. They gave up their plan to surrender, took the hostages, and crowded into the cave together.

"If you don't reach the Yellow River, your heart will never die."

Zhou Yixian shook his head, followed into the cave with the soldiers behind him. When they entered the cave, there were no pirates in the cave.

"Could it be that there are really other exits, allowing the pirates to escape."

Juus squinted his eyes, adapting to the darkness in the cave.

"A group of pirates can't escape"

Zhou Yixian was not sure whether there would be another exit on the island, and led the soldiers to continue walking towards the interior of the cave.

"No, everyone is here."

After walking for a long time, the cave came to the end. Zhou Yixian saw a group of pirates and waited there in despair.

"We really surrendered."

Seeing the pursuers approaching, a group of pirates finally resigned to their fate and let go of the hostages in their hands, even throwing their weapons on the ground.

The tone is as low as it needs to be.



The weapon was dropped casually, and the sound of the weapon falling to the ground sounded in the cave, but it was accompanied by a strange sound.

The sound sounded like metal hitting.

We still have hope?

An unusual sound sounded, and a group of pirates became active. Taking advantage of the moment when the soldiers were not close, they fumbled for the cave wall behind them.

"How can it be so cold here?"

Some pirates found a strange place on the stone wall behind them after searching for a while.


Driven by curiosity, the pirate knocked on the strange stone wall he touched.

Behind, there are situations.

A hollow voice sounded, and a group of pirates didn't understand that there was a cave behind the cave.

After paying close attention, they realized that the cold stone wall behind them was not a stone wall, but a pitch-black metal gate.

The dim light in the cave, if you don't look carefully, you really can't find this big iron gate that is integrated with the stone wall.

"Surrender, it is impossible to surrender."

"Let surrender, to hell."

A look of hope was rekindled on the faces of a group of pirates.

"Everyone work hard together and push open the door."

The pirates put their hands on the big iron gate, and then exerted their strength together. There was a creaking sound, and the big iron gate was pushed open a small gap.

Bright light was revealed from inside the big iron gate.

"It must be an exit, that's right."

"If everyone works harder, we will be free again."

Although I don't understand why there is a hidden big iron gate as a cover at another exit on the island. But the pirate didn't care about so much, he just increased his strength and pushed the big iron gate.

The island's secrets have nothing to do with them, they just want to be free.

"The island's secret is true."

"In the mountain gorge, there really exists the secret of flying into space."

The hostages who had been afraid to turn their heads didn't notice the strange movement behind them until they ran to the soldiers in front of them and made sure they were safe.

When they turned their heads and looked behind them, thinking of where they were, Fuzhi thought of a secret that had been circulating on the island for a long time.

Deep in the mountain gorge, there is a secret of flying into space.

This sentence has been circulated on the island for a long time, and it is impossible to verify who it came from. However, every island resident always remembers.

The secret of the island was discovered by pirates.


I feel the island residents are full of excitement about the secret mystery of the island that will be revealed behind the door. Zhou Yixian stopped his soldiers and did not continue to chase the pirates, but wanted to see what was behind the door.

Flying into the universe, I don't know what kind of magical method will be used to realize this severely transformed world.

Maybe it will be interesting.

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