Pirate Company

Chapter 220 Battlefield Anchor

Before going ashore, it is still necessary to destroy the town's resistance. Therefore, the pirate fleet aimed at the coastal town and fired a salvo.

"It's not good, the pirates are coming up, and their shells are coming." Alex, who was hiding in the town to live broadcast, faced the shells above his head, and started live broadcasting desperately.

"You can run away, the shells have fallen on the top of your head."

"No, the anchor is about to be hit by a shell."

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were moved by Alex's professionalism, and there was another wave of rewards. They couldn't help worrying about it in their hearts, they all knew what would happen to the towns ravaged by pirates. Although they wanted Alex to continue as the host, they didn't want to see him die tragically by the pirates.

The audience, who were worried about Alex's comfort in the mirror, soon saw a shell fall on top of his head. The audience, who saw all this from the mirror, shouted anxiously in their hearts for Alex to run for his life, but their voices could not be heard, and they could only watch Alex being hit by the shells.


Some timid audiences covered their eyes, not wanting to see the next cruel scene.


Instead of the expected explosion, they heard a strange sound, as if something had been ejected.

"Why, the mirror bounced the cannonball out."

Many viewers who had been watching before the live broadcast saw such a miraculous scene.

They really don't understand why the fragile mirror can eject shells.

Alex seemed to know everyone's doubts, and said: "You must be very strange, this mirror in my hand. You are not mistaken, it does have some magical effects, and the rebound attack is one of its abilities. This is also Yixian Live Broadcasting Company provides an invisible benefit for the anchors, with this mirror, the anchors can greatly guarantee their own safety when broadcasting some dangerous scenes.”

"Being an anchor, is there such a benefit?"

The audience was a little moved.

Alex continued: "It's better to act than to be moved. If you have special talents, you can contact us and become an anchor of Yixian Food Company."

After finishing speaking, Alex did not forget to announce the contact information of the live broadcast company.

How much the anchor makes money, and the audience watching the live broadcast have an intuitive understanding. Every time the host receives a reward, they can see it from the upper right corner of their mirror.

So, they were really moved.

I'll talk about the contact later, let's watch the live broadcast first.

Because the pirate had rushed to Alex, the hearts of the audience hung up again.

Unexpectedly, holding the mirror in his hand, Alex rushed up to a pirate who was alone, stopped him, and said: "Mr. Pirate, I am an anchor of a live broadcast company. Regarding this war, whatever you want to say can be conveyed to the audience watching the live broadcast through the mirror in my hand. In particular, most people in the Gladiator Empire are now watching the live broadcast of this war. "

With so many people watching, am I about to become famous?

The pirate who was a little confused by Alex scratched his head, adjusted his clothes rarely, and said to the mirror: "People from the Gladiator Empire, listen to me, the great Antoli Pirates We are invincible at sea, so don’t try to challenge us at sea. Let’s change to a stronger opponent, Pompeii is a bit unsightly. Let’s not talk about it, I want to enjoy the benefits of war.”

In the end, the pirate remembered that he was here to rob, so why chat with them. If you start late, maybe all the good things will become someone else's.

The pirate who was about to speed up his pace suddenly found that Alex in front of him looked like a rich man. Therefore, he planned to make a small fortune first, then he raised his knife and slashed at the other party, and said kindly: "Boy, next time you meet a pirate, remember to hide as far away as possible. "


At the critical moment, Alex raised the mirror in time to block the short knife in the pirate's hand.

"Boy, don't make unnecessary resistance. How could it be. Ah."

Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him would resist stubbornly, the pirate was stunned for a while, how could he not be able to break even a mirror. Suddenly, he realized that there was a strange force coming from the dagger in his hand, and one of them dropped his hand and flew straight towards him.

The unprepared pirate finally let out a scream and fell under his dagger.

"See, it's produced by Yixian Live Broadcasting Company, it must be a high-quality product." Alex escaped from the tiger's mouth and still didn't forget about his work. After bragging about a wave of company benefits, he continued: "Veterans who like my performance just now, remember Reward a wave of new anchors, and support the battlefield anchors."

Alex, who has no job, still has to eat.

Others have used their lives to live broadcast for you, so it is definitely worthwhile to give a reward. The local tyrants who watched the live broadcast once again generously donated a wave of rewards to Alex.

"Thank you guys for your rewards. I will bring you a follow-up live broadcast." After receiving the money, Alex became more active in his work. He didn't take his own life seriously at all. The mirror used for the live broadcast has kept pace with the pirates.

He wants to show the cruelest side of pirates to the audience watching the live broadcast.

"Damn pirates, everyone deserves to die."

Seeing the footage from Alex's live broadcast, the people of the Gladiator Empire became angry. In their eyes, they saw towns that had been destroyed by pirates and turned into ruins. Residents in countless towns, covered in smoke and dust, fell to the ground and wailed in nowhere.

"Did you see that this is what happens when you fight against the Antori Pirates?"

The plundering pirates enjoyed the scene in front of them immensely. They held the looted wealth in their hands and looked at the residents who fell on the ground with a sinister smile. The more painful they were, the happier the pirate was without smiling.

Wherever the pirates go, they are miserable.

"If Pompeii had not lost the battle, nothing like this would have happened. It was so tragic." Alex seemed to be shocked and speechless by the scene in front of him. As he spoke, Alex couldn't continue. .

Yes, it was all stupid Pompeii that led to the current tragedy.

Alex really brought a good rhythm. The people of the empire who watched the live broadcast were very dissatisfied with what Pompeii did. The anger in my heart towards him almost reached the point of being out of control.

All they thought about at this moment was that the Senate should replace them quickly.

"We are also annihilating pirates. Why are there such big differences between people? Why is it so smooth for Lord Caesar to annihilate pirates?"

Alex continued to stir up the audience's emotions with his rhythm.

"Yes, incompetent Pompeii. We ask for a replacement. The Senate, which is dumber than a pig, should give Caesar more support."

The audience also cooperated very well, and their favorable impression of Caesar suddenly increased a lot.

It was so miserable, everything in front of me.

As time went by, the number of people lying on the ground wailing in pain increased every second.

The people who could only helplessly watch their compatriots being slaughtered by pirates felt like their hearts were bleeding. Not long after, while they were staring at the live broadcast, as if trying to remember every cruel pirate who had committed countless crimes, the mirror in front of them suddenly blurred, and they lost sight of the live broadcast.

"What's wrong? I was fine just now. Why is the live broadcast gone?"

"What happened to the live broadcast? He must have been in trouble. Don't let anything happen."

Not long after watching the live broadcast, they had already fallen in love with this brave battlefield anchor, and they couldn't help but worry about his safety. No matter how magical the mirror in his hand is, it cannot withstand the siege of many pirates.

He is such a dedicated anchor, but he didn't expect that he would be poisoned by pirates.

Damn pirates.

All the viewers watching the live broadcast sighed and sighed.

Everyone was worried about Alex's safety, but they didn't know that the other person was fine at all. Sensing something was wrong, he dove into the mirror and ran away.

Some scenes are still difficult for the audience to see.

Pompeii's soldiers are indeed no match for the Antoli Pirates at sea. The pirates of the Antori Pirates who won easily had forgotten that the man in front of them was a fierce man with proven military exploits.

What's more, Pompeii, who had the support of the Senate, not only had hundreds of warships under his command, but also had 120,000 soldiers of outstanding quality.

The complacent pirate is destined to pay the due price for his expansion.

Pompeii, who had been stunned by the pirate fire before, quickly organized the soldiers on the road to encircle and suppress the pirates. The pirate who penetrated too deep into the land surrounded his soldiers, cutting off the way to retreat.

It was naturally impossible for Alex to broadcast Pompeii's heroic act live. Dedication is dedication, but anchors also need to eat.

Thinking of the boss's explanation on Monday, Alex had no sense of moral integrity and left the broadcast without saying a word.

Alex thought, what does faithfully reporting the facts have to do with me? I'm not a reporter anymore.

"Kill all the pirates, don't spare any of them."

Imperial soldiers with glorious records support each one of them who regard honor as more important than their own lives. Unexpectedly, while fighting at sea, he suffered a one-sided bloody attack from pirates. Since their debut, they have never suffered such great humiliation. They have long been angry with the pirates, so they naturally want to die when they start to attack.

They need to use the blood of pirates to wash away their shame.

"Run away quickly. Gladiator Empire soldiers are coming up. Go back to the sea. They won't be able to do anything to us once we return to the sea."

The pirates could not sit still and wait for death. While resisting the attacks of the surrounding soldiers, they retreated and slowly approached the coast.

However, every step the pirate takes back will inevitably leave behind the corpses of his companions. In a land battle, a group of scattered pirates were no match for the orderly advance and retreat, clear formation, and imperial soldiers' formation.

"Come out and we will win."

The pirates had no intention of fighting. They were used to seeing death. They just wanted to escape from the siege of soldiers as quickly as possible. Some pirates even raised their butcher knives towards their companions.

It's not for anything else, it's just that the other party blocked his escape route.

Pirates have always been like this.

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