Pirate Company

Chapter 201 Who is the pirate?


The weapon in the hands of the pirate leader fell to the deck.

He felt extremely ashamed for his behavior just now, and he was ashamed of his fellow pirates. As a heinous glorious pirate with the ability to stop children from crying, he actually made an apology in the eyes of several young people.

"Boss, have you caught a big fish?"

Following the leader of the pirates who took the lead, his pirates quickly boarded Zhou Xian's broken ship. For a qualified pirate, vicious vision is an essential skill. If you want to plunder funds that can be squandered, you cannot be a wealthy pirate without a pair of piercing eyes.

"We got rich, you see, the boss was so happy that he even dropped the knife in his hand on the deck."

A group of pirates, like the pirate leader, could tell at a glance that Zhou Yixian and the others had extraordinary identities, and shouted happily that they could have a good income again.


The pirate leader didn't speak, and didn't intend to explain what happened to the knife in his hand. He didn't want his subordinates to know that he was so frightened by the other's look that he couldn't hold his head in his hands.

If this is the case, maybe the pirates under him will have to elect a new leader immediately after returning.

Looking at the happy pirate, the sailors on board kindly reminded: "Do you really understand who the person in front of you is?"

"Tell me, who is in front of us." The pirates laughed.

"they are"

After thinking about it for a while, the sailors found that their understanding of Zhou Zhou’s people was limited to Caesar’s followers, and they even doubted whether Caesar’s pirates knew about them, let alone Caesar’s followers. They really don't know how to introduce the identities of several people to the pirates.

"Say, we'd love to know."

Seeing that the sailors were at a loss for words, the pirates thought that the few people in front of them were no big deal, and they didn't even have any identities, so their laughter became more and more unscrupulous.

"We are members of the Gladiator Empire, and we have accepted the mission of the prestigious Lord Marius. It is best for you not to interfere with our mission."

After being ridiculed by the pirates, the blushing sailors finally moved Marius out.

"The gladiator empire Mario is in trouble, should we give up?"

The pirate had also heard of Mario's name, and after knowing that the opponent was Mario's subordinate, the pirate inevitably hesitated about his action this time.

Fortunately, it's just Mario's subordinate.

Unlike the pirates, the leader of the pirates let go of his worries.

After clearing the customs and observing, he can conclude that the other party is not an important person, so he can work happily without any worries. The reason why the pirate leader made such a judgment was that the boat they were riding on was too dilapidated. If they hadn't looked at the dozens of servant-like sailors on board, they wouldn't have planned to rob Zhou Xian's boat.

Emboldened by his subordinates, the pirate leader looked at Zhou Yixian and the others, and said viciously: "No matter who you are, you have to leave something, either with your life, or with enough ransom for your life."

Finally, the pirate leader added: "This is the rule of the Antoli Pirates."

How strong the Antoli Pirates are, no merchant ship that walks in the central sea knows. He revealed the name of his pirate group, and the leader of the pirates seemed to have a premonition, and the other party was frightened and hurriedly left the money for his life.

So, the pirate leader picked up the dropped sailor knife and smiled heartily.

"Antoli Pirates, it's not bad." The situation that the pirate leader expected didn't happen, and his series of performances just got him to ask indifferently on Monday: "Do you know where the hidden island is?"

"Hearing the name of the Antoli Pirates, I'm going to freak out." Pirate Head, who was secretly proud of himself, thought that the other party would cry and beg for his life, but unexpectedly the other party asked. An unrelated matter, subconsciously replied: "The hidden island is near our base."

Zhou Yi laughed casually, and Caesar's whereabouts were finally settled.

Brother, the one in front of you is a pirate, a vicious pirate who kills without batting an eyelid. Can you have a little basic respect for my profession?

You guys, what are you laughing at?

The pirate leader found that after hearing his answer, not only the young men on board, but also the whole crew laughed happily. In their eyes, the pirate leader felt relieved.

The pirate leader was a little skeptical, whether he didn't read the almanac when he went out, and today is not suitable for going to sea to plunder, and the people he met were a little weird.

"Stinky boy, keep the money for your life honestly, the patience of the pirate master is limited."

They also couldn't understand the smiling faces of Zhou Xian's crew. The pirates clamored and gestured with the weapons in their hands, as if telling them that if they didn't cooperate, don't blame the old man for being cruel.

"Take us to the hidden island." Ignoring the hint of the pirate, Eve gave orders to the pirate in front of her as if giving orders.

"Smelly brat, who do you think we are, your servants?"

"Perhaps on land, you have a fearsome identity. However, at sea, everything is up to the pirates to decide."

The pirate who couldn't stand Eve's arrogant attitude suddenly exploded. Too lazy to say anything more to the ignorant young man in front of him, he picked up the weapon in his hand with a smirk, and surrounded Zhou Yixian and the others.

They planned to give each other some blood.

There is no way, who calls them pirates? They are very good at educating people.

They can guarantee that after some education from them, no matter how rebellious young people are, they will become as honest as quails.

It’s over, there’s no hope!

A group of sailors took out ropes and were ready to receive the prisoners.

"You brat, if I want you to laugh again, let me first leave some pirate marks on your face. Where is the person?"

The pirates who were about to teach the pirates a lesson on Monday suddenly discovered that the hateful young man lying on the recliner had disappeared at some point.


Figures flickered, and horrific screams rang out on the ship. Within a few rounds, a group of pirates were easily knocked down by Zhou Yixian and lay on the ground like dead men.

Hey, it's really troublesome, my work is huge again.

The sailors shook their heads and sighed.

"Now, can you take us to the hidden island?" Zhou Yi walked up to the pirate leader who was pretending to be dead and asked in a considerate manner.


The god of death was approaching, and the pirate leader could not dare to pretend to be dead anymore. A carp stood up straight, and for fear of being too slow to make the other party unhappy, he opened his mouth and started talking nonsense.


The pirate leader was bruised and swollen, and several teeth were missing from his mouth. He could not speak properly. The more anxious he became, the less able he was to say a complete sentence. The pirate leader was so anxious that he was sweating.

"Nod if you agree, shake your head if you disagree." Xingye, who found it amusing, walked up to the pirate leader and reminded him kindly.

As soon as Xingye finished speaking, the pirate leader nodded his head, willingly agreeing to the request that Zhou Yixian said in his heart.

"Haha, are all pirates so funny?" Seeing the pirate leader's funny look, Xingye laughed like a silver bell. She suddenly felt that the sea was not as scary as her father said when she was hanging out with Zhou Yiyi.

"If I had known this, why bother?" Zhou Xian sighed.

The pirate leader nodded on the surface, but he cried in his heart. If I knew that there was a big terror on the ship, wouldn't I be happy to find something?

"By the way, let's not be busy with leading the way. Now move your belongings on the ship to our ship." Zhou Yixian said.

The pirates who were thinking of quickly sending away the terrifying boatload of people in front of them and hurriedly ran to their own boats to lead the way. After hearing Zhou Yixian's words, they all staggered and fell on the boat.

Pirates plundered all day long. This time when they met Zhou Xian, they were pecked in the eye by an eagle, which made the target of the robbery a waste of time.

There is no reason why people should not bow their heads when they are under the eaves. Even though they were reluctant, the pirates still carried the looted property box by box to Zhou Xian's ship.

When they moved their things and entered each other's cabin, they found that it was filled with a lot of belongings. It didn't take much thinking to understand that they must have been left behind by their previous colleagues.

Robbing pirates turned out to be the most profitable business.

In an instant, the pirates seemed to understand the ultimate way to make money.


Crunch, crunch!

Just when the pirates were almost moving the cargo on their ship, the captain of Yiyi Xian made several strange noises one after another. The first time, it was the sound of the entire ship sinking due to the heavy cargo. The second sound was the mournful sound of the dilapidated hull of the ship that was approaching its end.

"We can't continue moving, the ship will sink." Thinking that he could finally save some property, the pirate leader carefully suggested to Yi Xian: "Based on my many years of sailing experience, this ship has reached the limit of its carrying capacity, so , you see"

"Okay, there's nothing we can do about it." Seeing that the ship was about to sink, Zhou Yixian looked at the pirate leader with some regret and said, "You guys continue to work hard and move all the cargo on the ship to your flagship. You The ship looks good and should be able to carry all the cargo."

"Finally, I didn't lose everything." The pirate captain, who had stopped his losses in time, was in a better mood. After hearing Zhou Xian's words, he fell to the ground.

With that, not only are your belongings gone, but you will not let go of the guy who feeds himself, why don't you be so cruel? Aren't you more of a pirate than a pirate?

Fishing when the lake is exhausted is something that all pirates understand, but why don’t you understand it?

No one paid attention to the fainted pirate leader, and the transportation work on the ship continued in full swing.

Lying on the deck of the stolen pirate ship, Zhou Yixian no longer wanted to redeem Caesar, and even had the urge to continue searching for pirates to rob on the sea.

He robbed pirates and made a fortune indeed!

With just one voyage, Zhou Yixian made a fortune that was coveted by countless people.

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