Bai Yujun held a cup to drink tea. The tea was good, but the tea set was fragile and could not be used with force.

Wen Xu was still arranging the words there so as not to hate the demon king. This kind of thing needs to be avoided. He has heard about some Shinto things and understands the importance of sealing. The representative can do it now. If Jiaolong is willing to help sincerely, it will be fine, but who dares to believe the words of monsters?

What if the decree Shenlong does not fulfill the contract? At that time, Yuan Tianshi, a strange man of the ages, and Li Xiangyan, the head of Chunyang Palace, joined forces to achieve it.

"It's a big deal. Wen Mou will definitely tell the general and the demon king Haihan."

Hearing that he is neither arrogant nor humble, his words and deeds are clear and rational, and he was not scared half to death because the other party was a demon king. It can be seen that the emperor's subordinates can still recruit many capable people with lofty ideals, but this is just as if he knew that his king could ascend to the throne. of.

"No hurry, anyway, the days are still long, and help me bring a word to your general."

"Please tell me too."

"Just say eight words to your general."

Jade finger dipped in tea water to write and draw on the wooden table, and wrote: The fork in the road goes to the elm, and the morning sun rises in the east.

The three messengers did not understand the meaning of the eight characters, but they still tried hard to remember it so that they could go back to meet the generals and cross.

Suddenly, Wen Xu remembered what he had seen and heard during the period when he came to the Jiao King's territory, and he became more thoughtful...

They came to Jiaowang's territory for more than a month, and they wandered around in the territory to enjoy the scenery of the Southern Wilderness in their spare time. This is an instinct to conquer the world. For intelligence gathering, what if it is useful in the future?

Originally, they scoffed at the so-called army in the Demon King's territory.

The cultivators in the Central Plains all know the style of monsters. When fighting, they are not afraid of death, they dare to fight, they dare to fight, they dare to fight, they are violent, and they are brave. For Ke Yili, the people of the Central Plains are not afraid of monsters at all.

As a human being of the Central Plains civilization, it is inevitable that some people discriminate against monsters who do whatever they want and have corrupted discipline.

However, after wandering around and meeting a group of snake demon soldiers for training, I was dumbfounded...

Is this a monster?

A well-equipped and well-trained army that is more uniform than a human army is really a bunch of monsters? Are you kidding me?

Walking in unison, looking at a line horizontally, his face is indifferent and motionless.

I am afraid that the most famous imperial guards in the Tang Dynasty were not so uniform back then. As for combat power, let alone combat power. The two are built into equipment, and upon closer inspection, the armor is also extraordinary.

Perhaps, the most elite army in the Jiaowang territory is just showing off, um, it must be intentional for us to see.

It didn't take long for them to be dumbfounded again, and it happened to see thousands of troops rumbling past, and the suffocating aura of the front army almost caused them to be hit and injured.

Since she has a really strong army, it's better to pull her into the water and borrow demon soldiers!

Even if there are only a few thousand troops, it is enough to be worth 50,000 troops of the human race! it's a bargain!

If Bai Yujun knew that this old boy had turned his head several times in a short period of time, he would have been very vigilant, too coincidental, right? When I came to the Demon Beast Territory, I walked to the training ground in a confused way. I saw the power of the demon soldiers in a confused way, and then I thought of borrowing soldiers for no reason when negotiating. If this is not a conspiracy, it will be hell! Pooh! See God!

From a certain point of view, the fact that a certain white is calculated also means that his strength is tyrannical and valued, although it is not a good thing.

Indulge for a moment.

"Actually, the general sent Wen Mou to the Southern Wilderness for another matter."

When this statement came out, not only Bai Yujun was stunned, but even the two deputy envoys were stunned. When did the general give orders for other matters? Didn't all three people be there to arrange the trip to the southwest? Could it be that the general can't trust me to wait secretly to give the opportunity?

Immediately, the two deputy envoys stopped talking at all and just learned to eat and eat like the blue-clothed banshee.


"My general has heard the name of the White Demon King for a long time, and admires the army of snake demons."

Hearing this, Bai Yujun secretly felt bad, this guy is planning to pull the entire Baijiao territory to help the emperor to pacify the world! Why are you fighting and dragging us snake demons!

Smell Xu tongue non-stop.

"It is a great merit to pacify the world and restore peace within the universe. Our Yan Army is willing to form an ally with the demon soldiers under the White Demon King! I will lead the army to sweep away the evil spirits and the evil spirits in the world!"

The two deputy envoys are already stupid and have formed an alliance with monsters. If this news spreads, they will be scolded to death by the world...

After listening to this, Bai almost slapped this guy to death with his paw. He dared to say anything. Was he killed by lightning in his last life because of his nonsense? Can you say this casually?

Suddenly, Bai Yujun looked up at the sky.

There must be something strange about this!

Could it be that God wants the snake demon family to enhance their luck? If participating in the Central Plains War to pacify the world, it can show that it is not an enemy of the human race. In this way, it can reduce the many disasters of the snake demon family. Speaking of which, if the snake demon army is dispatched, it will be beneficial. Similarly, there are advantages and disadvantages. Too conspicuous is easy to be calculated.

In fact, he had to send troops. Bai Yujun had tossed around in the Southern Wilderness for a long time to establish a new civilization.

At present, the army of snake monsters is only formed because of a dragon in the ethnic group, and it is necessary to do more to expand.

Every tyrannical race grows without fighting and killing, but there are justice and evil.

If the snake monster group wants to grow, it will no longer be as sloppy as before, and the only way to survive is to participate in major events and use their own strength to prove to the gods that the snake monster group is not a waste, and can build a new civilization and stand in the world.

Bai Yujun clearly understands that he belongs to the Snake Clan. As an Evolver of the Snake Clan, he cannot ignore the suffering of the ethnic group, and should work hard to find a future for the ethnic group.

As for dispatching troops, you need to be cautious, as the icing on the cake can never fall into it.

The promotion of ethnic groups is not a matter of a while, there is no need to be impatient, do not gamble, and be safe.

He looked up at Wen Xu.

"This matter is discussed agreement will be reached until I agree to my request."

"Wen Mou understands."

Wen Xu knew that this was done, but the demon king didn't veto it and indicated that he didn't mind sending troops. It's something to talk about. Humans must pay for the troops when they send troops, not to mention the monsters. It is rumored that the demon king likes gold and jewelry, so I will give more next time. It will work.

The two sides talked nonsense politely in the restaurant. The dishes were quickly eaten up. There was no need to sit and talk nonsense when there was nothing to talk about. They simply said goodbye and got up and left.

Wen Xu and his party hurriedly went back to report to the general, and went out of the restaurant to hire a big boat and leave directly.

Gu Fan went away, and the messengers sent by the other princes and kings who got the news also set off one after another, and the business of various inns and restaurants suddenly became much quieter.

Bai Yujun stood on the top floor of the pavilion and looked at the dark clouds and lightning in the distance.

"The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full, and it is not easy to survive..."


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