Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 364: seminar and thirst

The puppet doll that Wen Rensheng worked hard to carve was fooled by Wang Wenwen.

The reason why he is so happy is to see if the puppet doll can trigger the mysterious event and solve the mysterious event without his own control?

I'm afraid it can't.

After all, mysterious events require the participation of mysterious seeds to trigger.

But he might as well do an experiment.

He let go of the puppet doll and concentrated on cultivating a few other skills that he hadn't mastered.

Stealth, Mysterious Riding, and Defense... These three skills were all learned by him for a period of time, but he never succeeded in sublimation.

Of course, this does not prevent him from relaying the content of his skills to others, so that others can learn it synchronously, but the effect is of course not as good as mastering it himself.

After practicing defense for a while in the backyard, he received a call from Inspector Liu.

"Old Wen, you went to the Dayang Cemetery before. Now we have some research on that place. We are going to hold a seminar. Do you want to come and participate? At three o'clock this afternoon, the Eastern Suburbs Inspectorate."

"Okay, I have time."

Wen Rensheng put down the phone and moved in his heart.

Last time, he also got a bottle of petrochemical medicine from Zhao Han, which happened to be sent to their laboratory to study.

Then he took the bottle of petrochemical medicine and drove to the headquarters of the District Inspection Division in the eastern suburbs.

After coming here, I saw Liu inspector and handed the item to the other party.

"We have collected a lot of similar items here, most of which are deceptive things, and there are few things that can be used on ordinary people." Inspector Liu took the petrochemical potion in the glass box and looked down.

"How far has your research on the Dayang Cemetery come?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Liu Xuncha thought for a while and said, "Just starting, I initially suspect that the manipulator behind it may be a powerful sea monster similar to the Zhenhai Giant Beast."

"Is it a mirage?" Wen Rensheng pondered.

"You want to say that this may be caused by the legendary mirage? But it's just a legend that the ancients had no common sense in physics." Inspector Liu shook his head.

"Probably." Wen Rensheng was noncommittal.

He had an inexplicable association in his heart, because he had seen this kind of scene a long time ago.

Jinling Xie family, virtual reality, relocated to Nanzhu.

Thinking about it now, even the grandmaster-level illusion technique is difficult to achieve that effect. Could it be that their ancestors had some kind of adventure and encountered this sea monster?

You must know that Jinling was also a famous sea-connecting place in ancient times.

Located along the Yangtze River, it is an important cargo distribution center and one of the hubs for shipping and inland water transportation.

He did not express his suspicions. After all, there is no evidence at present, and it is slander to target others for no reason.

The two chatted for a while and then came to the conference room.

There was no one in the conference room at this time.

Not long after, Mr. Qin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, came.

At first sight, Wen Rensheng was taken aback.

The other party's face was haggard, and compared to the last time, he seemed to be ten years older. Could it be that he was using too much force?

He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Qin, long time no see, stay safe?"

"I don't want to be sick." Teacher Qin said angrily. After sitting down, he picked up the teacup, "gudonggudong", and drank a few cups.

"Mr. Qin was arranged to go to the cemetery to investigate, and suffered a lot." Inspector Liu whispered.

"Are you dehydrated?" Wen Rensheng took out his mobile phone and began to search for the other party's symptoms.

He is now a master of Internet search therapy.

"Hey, I was thrown into a desert, and I was thirsty for more than ten days... Could it be because I have been traveling by the sea before?" Teacher Qin murmured to himself.

"I just learned the healing technique, let me show you." Wen Rensheng asked the other party to stretch out his hand.

"You can still heal?" Teacher Qin said in surprise, "Why do you learn everything?"

"Learn from others' strengths." Wen Rensheng said casually.

Teacher Qin stretched out his hand, Wen Rensheng pretended to take his pulse, and then he penetrated into a mist of mist.

"Qin Zhengqian, mystery degree: 125."

"Mysterious composition:???"

Uh, the precaution is so heavy.

Oh, it's so sad, can't you be honest with each other? When did the doctor-patient relationship become as sharp as in the previous life?

Wen Rensheng said helplessly, so he had to check the other party seriously.

Five minutes later, he shook his head.

"Why, am I going to die?" Teacher Qin said with a dejected expression, "I finally come to this day, and it's my turn to die."

"No, I mean, there is nothing wrong with you, the symptoms of lack of water should be psychological factors, I am afraid you are still in that scene and can't extricate yourself, so the whole person looks haggard and feels thirsty from time to time. " Wen Rensheng said quickly.

"Is that so? I don't think your medical skills are good. After all, you have just learned healing techniques. I know my situation. I am very short of water now, so I just want to soak in water." Teacher Qin didn't believe Wen Rensheng's words at all.

Wen Rensheng left silently. The doctor was most afraid of the patient's own ideas, and even more afraid that the patient would learn something to cure himself.

It wasn't long before others expired and the seminar finally began.

Inspector Liu is in charge of meeting minutes.

Apart from Teacher Qin and Wen Rensheng, there was also a deputy director who presided over the meeting. Some of the others were experimenters and some were just expats.

"Okay, everyone has been working hard these days. The newly-appeared Ocean Cemetery has become a hot spot in the mysterious world recently, and even many ordinary people who don't know the details have poured in. The inspectors from all over the world are very concerned, especially Those of us who are near the sea are more interested. Now, please come here, speak freely, and have a brainstorm. Who will speak first?" The deputy director started.

Teacher Qin followed and said, "I'll say a few words first."

Everyone looked at him, and the deputy director This cemetery, turning the false into reality, inverting the true and false, this kind of power far exceeds that of our master-level characters. According to my feelings, at least It is a mysterious thing accumulated over three thousand years that can have this ability. " Teacher Qin said.

"I don't think it's more than five thousand years."

"No, you underestimate it, at least nine thousand years."

"a thousand years."

The crowd followed the road in vain, making the seminar almost turn into a vegetable market.

Wen Rensheng asked, "What is your standard of judgment?"

"Compare your own strength of alien power with it, and you can come up with a number." Someone replied kindly.

"Isn't that a pony crossing the river... Everyone's power of alien power is different, and the numbers naturally measured are also different." Wen Rensheng said suddenly.

"That's right, in front of that monster, let's just cross the river." The deputy director nodded.

After Mr. Qin finished speaking, he began to lower his head and drink water.

At this time, an experimenter wearing gloves, picked up a black lump with tweezers, and said to everyone: "

Look at this piece of metal. It came from that cemetery. It was not a naturally generated thing, but was forcibly transformed by a mysterious force. According to testing, it was born at least seven thousand years ago. I can make a very loose guess. The birth time of that cemetery was at least seven thousand years ago. Of course, you can also say that the item was made by someone else long ago and brought into the graveyard that was born later. "

"Well, now everyone believes that this cemetery has a long history, but the question is, why has it not appeared in history, but only now?" the deputy director asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one answered.

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