Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 327: gun and fountain

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Wen Rensheng just smiled at his girlfriend's new nickname, but didn't justify anything.

Under the chat, an hour passed quickly, and the sailing battleship sailed out of the thick fog, followed by the pirate ship in the distance.

The difference is that there are three people standing on one deck, and seven or eight corpses lying on the other deck.

Although it is said that you will not die if you do not do it, but you will have no chance if you do not do it.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Teacher, what do you think I got?" Zhao Han held up a glass bottle with a cloudy color and shouted loudly.

Soon the lifeboat leaned over and picked up the three.

"What happened in there?"

"Are you all right?"

"It sounds like a cannon is fired?"

The crowd asked in vain.

Wang Wenwen waved his hands: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me, I know the most."

Everyone quieted down, and Wen Rensheng took the glass bottle in Zhao Han's hand and carefully probed the past.

"Petrochemical Potion: A magical potion that can make the human body highly calcified, similar to limestone."


"Mysterious Composition: Elemental Transformation."

It's amazing, it actually involves elemental transformation?

The top five elements in the human body are oxygen (65%), carbon (18%), hydrogen (10%), nitrogen (3%), and calcium (1.5%).

Calcium is a metal element, which is very different from other elements. This transformation can be said to completely break through the limitations of the laws of physics. No wonder the mystery has three question marks.

Enough to make any scientist want to break his head, but also wonder how it was transformed.

Wen Rensheng didn't worry about this issue for the time being, and left it to the researchers of the Inspection Department to study.

At this point, the temporarily triggered event has sounded the completion prompt.

"The Legend of the Fountain of Youth: Done. Not old, not immortal."

"Mystery: 65."

"Mysterious composition: petrochemical potion."

"You have completed a medium-difficult mystery event, the mystery has increased by 2 points, and the upper limit has been raised to 286."

It's really funny. If someone drinks it, it will indeed be immortal. Like a fossil, it can go through hundreds of millions of years and let future generations dig it out of the ground. It's amazing.

At this time, Wang Wenwen had already told everyone about the experience of the three.

"After we entered the fog, we found ourselves encountering an expedition fleet. They were the fleet that escorted the Spring of Youth back to China, and then we accepted their employment to deal with the pirates who attacked."

"The pirate ship was sunk, and the pirates were caught and hanged. As a reward, the captain of that fleet gave me a bottle of the Fountain of Youth. It turned out that they carried a whole bucket of spring water back home."

In the end, she said triumphantly: "This game is really fun, much more refreshing than the games I usually play."

Wu Shanshan said quietly from the side, "Isn't that right? The real-life chicken-eating mode must be fun."

"Real people eat chicken? What is that? Isn't it a game?" Wang Wenwen asked in surprise.

Wu Shanshan pointed to the pirate ship in the distance, "Have you seen the corpse on it? That's the pirate you said was hanged."

Wang Wenwen turned his head and looked, his face suddenly changed.

She looked down at her hands and couldn't believe it: "How is it possible, did I kill a lot of people just now?"

Zhao Han also turned his head to look, then his face changed, and he shook his head and said, "No, Sister Shan Shan, you must be scaring us again."

"Who wants to scare you? This is a cemetery, and everyone who enters must have the consciousness of death. The reason why I came here is because I know that this place is suitable for my cultivation. If it is just a game, where will there be real fear?" Wu Shan Shan has no intention of joking.

"Then, I, did I really kill? I became a murderer? This is impossible." Wang Wenwen shook his head desperately.

Zhao Han's mood is better. Obviously, she is just an errand runner, and she doesn't have the ability to play a one-hit-kill cannon.

"Okay, those people chose to be pirates, and you didn't kill them. You just did normal things, and there's nothing to blame yourself." Wen Rensheng used the great teaching and patted him on the shoulder.

Wang Wenwen's mood quickly settled down.

She didn't know what was going on, and she didn't seem to have the nausea and vomiting of murder.

Although she couldn't accept it intellectually, she had calmed down mentally, just like burning ants and drowning locusts when she was a child.

"Yes, those people are real people, and those who died are real people, but since they chose to be pirates, it's no wonder you. Even if you are dreaming, as long as you do evil, you will be punished." Wu Liansong was very plain. talking.

Isn't it murder?

The blood of the villain stained on his hands is not much at all.

If you want to become a mysterious expert, you can't be soft-hearted.

Wen Rensheng sighed when he saw the second daughter's performance.

Which old-fashioned xenogeneic person is not decisive in killing, even if he is not an expert, his temperament is resolute enough.

Not now, newcomers and aliens, all received a gentle education, and there is a high probability that they will become powerless researchers in the future.

This kind of honoring the culture and suppressing the martial arts is an instinctive choice of every system that has been inherited for a long time. It is the same in ancient and modern China and abroad. After a long time of peace, we will not dare to do anything.

Just like in the previous life before World War II, two old powerhouses whose bones were broken retreated step by step because their people already hated force and could not afford another war.

However, they forgot that the more they were afraid, the more they came.

Feng shui turns, and the tyranny they once inflicted on others finally fell on their own heads.

At this moment, there was panic on the cruise ship behind.

"Ralph, George, are they all dead?"

"Who's going to see them?"

"I can't go. What if I go up and are brought into those places of death?"

"Can't you just watch their bodies rot on the pirate ship?"

"Poor guys, their relatives are still waiting for news of their fortune."

"This place was originally called Dayang Since you came here, you must have the consciousness of death."

The people on the cruise were noisy, and then they saw the three of Zhao Han come down intact, and faintly saw the glass bottle that Zhao Han was holding in his hand.

"Look, those three aliens have nothing to do, and they got good things, it's really unfair!"

"It seems that only they can benefit from here. Even if we have the opportunity to come here, we have no ability to get the benefits back. In the words of Shenzhou people, this is called entering Baoshan and returning empty."

"Wait, we don't have aliens, but we have guns!"

Someone suddenly froze, and took out a well-scoped rifle from the cabin.

"What's the use of your gun? Can you still deal with those mysterious fogs? I'm afraid it's useless against them?"

"It is useless for the fog, but it is useful for those aliens, we can force them to give us the harvest."

"That's a good idea."

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