Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 291: heart to heart


After Wen Rensheng walked into the "Chef's Gate", he felt the scene in front of him shake.

After stabilization, a large, clean and tidy kitchen appeared in front of us.

Mysterious illusion, plus some interactive props, will become a VR game, that is, a virtual reality game.

Apparently, this kitchen works just like that.

Those high-grade ingredients, precious shiitake mushrooms, and tuna piled up in the glass freezer… must be all hallucinations. Maybe it’s just a piece of wood, a piece of potato, an ordinary cheap carp, or it’s dead.

But kitchenware should be real.

Wait, since there are diners, there should be a menu.

Before any chef cooks for guests, he must have a menu.

However, he looked around, and there was no menu, which should have been obvious.

Well, Wu Shanshan is implying that when parents provide things to their children, they will never ask the children what they want, that is, there is no menu for the children in their eyes.

So sometimes you can’t blame the kids for being picky eaters, because when most parents cook, they often choose what they like to eat. Only when grandparents cook, will they blindly take care of their grandchildren’s tastes, two extremes…

He thought about it and didn't decide what to do right away, but went to find a menu that didn't exist.

Finally, he finally found a menu in a very secret corner.

Well, stewed fish in fragrant pot, spicy fried sausage, diced celery, Mapo tofu... It is quite difficult, but I am not a person who is afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, I must be perfect enough.

After all, it can be opened and hung here, and it is not difficult to use the master-level illusion technique to make it full of color and fragrance.

The primary illusion technique only includes visual effects. Only when the five senses are complete, and the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and hands can't distinguish the true from the false, can it be called a master-level effect.

As for the master-level effect, it is the sixth sense, which can make people's hearts, and the sixth sense is also deceived, just like the fantasy of the game I played before.

At this moment, Wu Shanshan and Wang Cuiyan walked into the kitchen one after another.

"You're really well-run and careful, I thought there was only one person in a scene." Wen Rensheng started to pack a big tuna and said without looking up.

"How is that possible? I just started using the illusion technique. Most of the scenes here are real, but I use illusion in key places." Wu Shanshan started to bake some cakes while talking.

Well, those pastries are probably real.

Wen Rensheng started to stew the fish, thinking in his heart.

After Wang Cuiyan entered the kitchen, she stood there for a long time without doing anything.

In the end, she finally found five eggs, beat them in a bowl, and accidentally got the egg liquid on her hands.

Wen Rensheng saw the other party's behavior and knew that he had never entered the kitchen.

And the other party's brain probably doesn't have the concept of a menu. In her subconscious, it should be what she does, and Wang Wenwen has to eat...

However, he didn't say much, and he didn't give any hints. After all, this is a scene carefully designed by Wu Shanshan, so let's watch it slowly.


At the same time, the restaurant where the diners are located is resplendent and luxuriously decorated, almost like a palace banquet hall.

Zhao Han was bored at the table and said, "Ah, I'm starving, when will the food be served? Isn't it a long time since we handed over our menu?"

"It's been a long time. It must be two or three hours. It must be my mother's fault again. She has never cooked. It is estimated that the kitchen has been turned into a dark hell, and even the teacher has suffered." Wang Wenwen said. He was ruthless and put the blame on his mother.

"Uh, in fact, auntie chose to enter the chef's door because she wanted to apologize to you. I'll make you something delicious to compensate you. This is actually a hard-hearted and soft-hearted." Zhao Han said in a rounded tone.

Both of them were the first to enter. Naturally, they didn't know Wang Cuiyan's selection process. They could only infer from the people in the restaurant now that the other party entered the chef's door.

"Hmph, she doesn't have that kindness, and I'm afraid she won't be able to become a chef because she can't enter the door of diners." Even though he said that, Wang Wenwen's eyes were still softer.

Obviously, she still hoped that what Zhao Han said was true.

It's just that of course she didn't know that her first reaction was correct.

At this time, Ouyang Ling was talking to Li Shuangyue.

"Xiao Yue, are you busy these days?"

"Madam, it's very leisurely. Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen have helped me a lot. Recently, I don't even need to ask for part-time workers." Li Shuangyue replied earnestly.

Ouyang Ling looked at the two sitting next to her, feeling a little embarrassed at the moment, so she had nothing to say: "Uh, it's good, have you encountered anything new recently?"

"Oh, ma'am, there's really something new." Li Shuangyue said suddenly.

"you say."

"Last week, I took a plane to visit Dongdao. I heard from a friend who was in the bath. In the far east, when she came back from America by plane, she saw a heavy fog on the sea below."

Wang Wenwen stretched out his head and said in surprise, "It's foggy? Isn't it normal for it to be foggy at sea?"

"Well, it's normal for the sea to fog up, but there are gunfire and screams in the's not normal." Li Shuangyue said expressionlessly.

"What else did your friend say?" Ouyang Ling asked thoughtfully.

"She didn't talk about the extra things, after all, the plane passed by." Li Shuangyue shook his head.

"Wait," Wang Wenwen cleverly found the flaw, "Brother Li, your friend must be bragging. How can he still hear the sound of the sea when he is sitting on the plane?"

"Yeah, so it's very new. If she didn't hear those voices, it wouldn't be unusual." Li Shuangyue said as a matter of course.

Thanks to the homophone, what he said, did not embarrass the two ladies.

Wang Wenwen nodded slightly and stopped raising the bar.

She lowered her head and thought, this is probably a hallucination, it should be Big Brother Li's bathmate who had hallucinations at that time.

But it's actually quite common. After all, there are too many strange facts at sea, all kinds of legends, all kinds of sea monsters...

The Bermuda Triangle legend even has aliens, time travel, etc., and it has been published in well-known news and periodicals.

Because of the extraordinary case of xenogeneic people, many people believe in these things very much, and even scientists can only say cautiously, maybe there is, maybe not.

But after thinking about it for a while, Wang Wenwen suddenly felt a very strange place - such an interesting topic, why hasn't a certain guy come over to chat?

And the surrounding environment seems to be too quiet.

Thinking of this, she looked up and was taken aback.

Zhao Han actually starved to death!

I saw the other party's mouth wide open, covered with spider webs, the whole person was motionless, stunned, and very sandy.

"Ah, how could this be?" She suddenly said in surprise, and then found that her body was unable to move, and she felt very weak.

Sister Shanshan is so powerful?

She didn't move Zhao Han, but hurried to see the other two.

I saw that Ouyang Ling was already lying on the table sleeping, as if she was very sleep-deprived.

Li Shuangyue turned into a stone statue, still as stern.

"Uh, it seems to be ranked according to strength, the weaker the more affected."

Wang Wenwen quickly calmed down and began to ponder.

how did you do that?

Is what you see also hallucinations?

She wanted to reach out to touch others, but found that she couldn't lift her arm, and she had no strength at all.

"It's amazing, it's amazing."

She admired it very much, even Teacher Wen Ren was so powerful, even Wu Shanshan was so powerful.

If someone assassinated him at this time, wouldn't he be dead?

She didn't even know when she was recruited, did it start from the corridor?

This gave her a sudden competitive spirit in her heart, and she had to find out the truth.

At this moment, a very familiar footsteps came from a distance.

Wang Wenwen raised her head reluctantly, and then saw her mother walking towards her with a step by step.

She looked at the plate subconsciously, trembling all over at one glance.

Because on the plate, there is a beating bright red heart!

"Child, you must be hungry. After eating me, you won't be hungry again." When the heart beat, it made a mother's voice softly.

That was the tone she had been expecting for a long time, but never got, just to match this scene, she didn't want it anyway...

"I was wrong, mom, don't play so scary, I know the story of the evil son killing his mother for his heart, don't play such an old-fashioned thing." Although Wang Wenwen thought of the allusion for the first time, he was still scared to cry. .

"No, if you don't eat me, how can you know that I am sincere to you? Come on, eat it, let's be heart-to-heart from now on." Wang Cuiyan's heart still said softly.

Heart-to-heart is unlikely, but stomach-to-stomach is possible.

Wang Wenwen can still complain.

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