Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 282: lost

Wen Rensheng shook his head and put aside the messy thoughts. After seeing the ruins of the village for a while, he stepped into it decisively.

Walking into it, there is nothing unusual.

After turning around a few ruins, he looked up and saw three young men standing against the wall among the ruins of a temple.

Those three people were his students. One is Liu Jian, who has a miserable background, the other is Wang Xia, who is arrogant and conceited, and the other is Hu Qingyang, who is cowardly.

At this time, the three of them were leaning against the blackened broken wall, their eyes were closed, and they were muttering to themselves.

"Wang Xia, it's all your fault this time. Originally, Hu Qingyang said to ask the inspectors to follow him, but you said no. Now, you have to ask the teacher to come over." Liu Jian complained a lot.

Wang Xia did not back down and said, "Hmph, didn't you directly object at that time? If you objected, two-to-one, my proposal would not pass. Now that something has happened, you will push me all alone?"

"I didn't push you all the way. Wasn't it me who pulled down his face to ask the teacher for help?" Liu Jianqiang argued.

Hu Qingyang persuaded timidly: "Two classmates, stop arguing, let's recharge our batteries, be careful, and wait for the teacher to come back."

"What to watch out for? It's all old and weird, and it's almost dissipated. This time we were not careful, and all three people came in. Otherwise, this illusion is easy to crack, just leave one person outside to exert force. "Wang Xia still doesn't care.

"Hmph, look, look, I still don't care at all now," Liu Jian said immediately, "Why didn't I object at the time, I just didn't want to argue with you for no reason. No wonder the teacher wants to assign such an internship, just you This kind of unrepentant attitude, if you really want to put it on the actual combat scene, you must kneel when you go out!"

"You bullshit, whoever does not repent will kneel when he goes out? Today I will show you my family's ancestral martial art, the secret of Wang's Tai Chi—receiving hair! Look at the two of us, who is the strongest!" Wang Xia suddenly Furious, he waved his hands around, and punched a set of eight punches on the spot.

"Oh, you are serious, what do you want to do?" Liu Jian used a boxing stance, and he could see that he had some skills.

"Don't fight!" Hu Qingyang swung his hands around, as if he wanted to stop the two of them.

Wen Rensheng stood aside and watched calmly.

If the three people were not separated by more than three meters, it would have been possible to stage a martial arts show.

But at this time, they are playing the air in front of them.

Wen Rensheng didn't wake up the three of them directly. After all, they came all the way here, so it's not a waste of time to observe the minds of the students.

He had just discovered one thing, and Liu Jian's words actually revealed a potential mentality - he still has a knot in the inspection department.

When Wang Xia didn't let the inspectors follow him, Liu Jian acquiesced and did not object.

In other words, it was an inevitable event that the inspectors did not come.

One Wang Xia has a student mindset, and the other Liu Jian has a heart.

In the end, Hu Qingyang was cowardly in temperament, following the trend, and being able to put forward correct opinions, but could not persist.

The next time you're staffing, you'll have to pay attention to the staffing of such groups.

When Wen Rensheng was thinking about it, the dilapidated temple had turned into a martial arts field.

A referee pulling the frame from the air, two players fighting in the air, plus an indifferent spectator.

After playing for a while, Wang Xia panted and said, "That's right, Lao Liu, you can actually support me in my secret magic!"

"You're not too bad. I thought you could knock you down with a punch, but I didn't expect you to catch it. It's a pity that you couldn't send it. It seems that your alien power is not enough." admire.

"Is it okay? I was worried that I would make you an internal injury, so I took a three-point effort. Now it seems that you are full of energy, but it's okay." Wang Xia said proudly.

"Two classmates, peace is the most important thing, don't do anything. The teacher said that the purpose of learning martial arts is to strengthen the body and fight for the country, not to fight in private. If you win, you will lose money, but if you lose, you will hurt your body." Hu Qingyang Very hard to persuade.

Yes, there is at least one other person with a very positive view.

Wen Rensheng was quite relieved, seeing this, he had seen enough.

What these three students lack is not ability, but experience in handling events.

In this case, in the next step of teaching, we need to teach more about this aspect.

So he stretched out his hand and waved, and three mists hit the three of them.

Liu Jian, Wang Xia, and Hu Qingyang woke up one after another.

"Teacher, you are here..." Liu Jian said embarrassingly.

"Teacher, we have no experience this time, and this kind of thing will never happen again next time." Wang Xia assuredly assured.

Hu Qingyang said honestly: "I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't take good care of my classmates."

"It doesn't matter, as an internship, your performance is quite good, at least you have a pure heart." Wen Rensheng praised against his will.

After all, the other party is working for himself, and he has found out the truth of the matter, which is not bad.

And finally being able to reconcile as before, this is the performance of the child.

In fact, it is normal to have some stumblings during cooperation. Young people are not old fritters, and they have not yet learned how to save face.

The three students glanced at each other, feeling a little proud at the moment.

"Thank you teacher for the compliment."

"We'll do better and faster next time."

"I won't be so careless next time."

"Very good, Liu Jian, hand over the wood carvings first. After we go back, we will hold a class discussion meeting, and you can sum up your experience with other students." Wen Rensheng continued.

Liu Jian nodded, then took a dig in his arms, then his face changed, and he quickly searched for his body and backpack... but found nothing.

"Wang Xia, have you seen my wood carving?" he finally asked anxiously.

"I saw it during the investigation before, didn't you keep it all the time? You said that you are the leader, and you have to take care of it yourself." Wang Xia was also in a hurry, and quickly helped to find it.

Hu Qingyang was even more anxious than the two of them, and immediately checked his backpack.

Wen Rensheng still looked very calm, but just glanced around.

After a while, Liu Jiancai said with a sad face: "Teacher, I seem to have lost the practice props you gave me."

"I lost it?" Wen Rensheng turned to look at him, "If you lose it, then you have to pay..."

Ah, without this, I just praised us for doing a good job. Sure enough, in front of money, there is no affection to talk about.

"How much is this thing worth?" he asked cautiously.

"I don't know how much it's worth now, it was six million twenty years ago." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Ah..." Liu Jian was stunned.

Suddenly lost valuables, is such a state, anxious, unbelievable, the whole body is empty...

"It's alright, the three of us are using things. If we can't find them, we will share them equally." At this time, Wang Xia was very loyal and did not shirk his responsibility.

Hu Qingyang also comforted: " Don't worry, let's look for it slowly, there are no outsiders here, no one can steal it."

"Thank you." Liu Jian said gratefully.

Then the three prepare to start over.

At this time, Wen Rensheng stopped them and said, "The sharpening of knives is not a mistake for chopping wood. There are indeed no outsiders here, and that thing will not fly to the sky. Before you look for something, I will teach you some searching skills."

"Thank you teacher." The three said immediately.

Then Wen Rensheng taught the three of them one by one the knowledge of his primary eagle eye.

While making free labor more valuable, it can also practice teaching proficiency.

The three listened intently, more focused than usual in class, and absorbed knowledge faster.

This is demand forcing technology.

Demand is the best motivation.

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