Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 268: who is the fisherman


When the night falls, the moon and stars are thin, the water is churning and sparkling, and Wen Rensheng finally hears the faint sound of a whistle in the distance.

Looking into the distance, I saw more than twenty destroyers appearing on the sea level, rushing towards them at high speed.

Well, although the aircraft carrier has a strong deterrent effect, it is not flexible enough after all. It is still convenient to rely on the destroyer to deal with the current situation.

At this moment, the two indigenous fishing boats had long since disappeared.

Not long after, Wen Rensheng and others met Teacher Qin on a speedboat.

When Wen Rensheng said the situation, Teacher Qin frowned slightly.

"These guys who don't know how to keep themselves safe, they really need to clean up, and they dare to covet the artifact. It seems that they have to take care of it again."

"Cooking can only cure the root cause. If you want to get rid of the root cause, you can't let it go as it is now. They have to act on their own, and they have to build a grassroots governance system from the bottom up." Wen Rensheng suggested.

"Alas, this is a little troublesome. The archipelago region is a trivial place, and the transportation is inconvenient. You can only travel by ship and plane. There are seas everywhere, so it is difficult to block and defend..." Teacher Qin sighed and changed the subject, "Let's deal with the current situation first. Well, this alien species has not been born yet, and it seems that it is quite a long time from the birth time."

Wen Rensheng shook his head secretly, this was just a lack of energy.

If you have established a country for too long, you will have this kind of laziness. You don’t want to do things seriously, get to the bottom of things, and solve them completely.

Those people at the beginning of the founding of the country have experienced hardships, and the overall atmosphere is willing to endure hardships and be more efficient.

This requires constant innovation, allowing more energetic newcomers to occupy positions, and pushing the old to the back, so as not to pollute the newcomers.

Wen Rensheng thought about it for a while, then turned his head to look at the place where the fish and shrimp gathered. Those fish and shrimp were swimming back and forth, as if they were looking for something.

After observing for a while, he expected: "I followed Mr. Zhao before, but I saw the birth of a different species. It's just that last time I was in the mountains, this time I was in the sea. The way I want to deal with it is very different."

"Yeah, the sea is no better than the mountains. The sea is not easy to block. It is a three-dimensional range, and alien species are easy to lose. On the earth, the ocean is the main body. There are relatively more alien species born in the sea in recent years, and some of them are lost outside, which makes people special. It's a pity." Teacher Qin said regretfully.

"Then we have to build satellites and set up Sky Eyes, and we have to rely on new technology to solve this problem. This problem cannot be solved only by allocating manpower and promulgating regulations." Wen Rensheng suggested.

Teacher Qin agreed: "You are right, so now we are vigorously advocating the transformation of xenogeneic experts into scientific research routes, relying on the advantages of long lifespan and a more developed mind, climbing the technology tree, and taking the road of combining mystery and technology. This is the king's way, not sending us to the front line to fight and kill..."

Well, I'll just pretend you're not talking about me.

Wen Rensheng was speechless for a moment.

While the two were talking, the destroyer had set up a blockade around it, patrolling back and forth to prevent people from entering and leaving.


The two left indigenous fishing boats, and the indigenous people watched from a distance a large number of destroyers patrolling back and forth on the blockade. Some were in awe, some were unwilling.

"Master, let's just give up? That's a god. It only happens once in a few years." Dewei said reluctantly.

"Then what are you going to do? If they don't eat soft food, do you have to fight them hard? Your bones are as hard as their cannons and missiles?" Master Candang said irritably.

"Let's reveal the news, let's have a snipe and clam fight, and the fisherman will win..." Dewei said.

Master Candang's eyes showed a glimmer of hope: "Oh, can this be done? How many companies in the world today dare to fight them head-on?"

"Of course there is. Nikan in the east and Daluo in the west are their strong enemies. In the past, they often regarded themselves as the kingdom of the heavens, advertised morality, benevolence and righteousness, and relied on alien hegemony. Just copy and learn, and you won't be outdated, in fact, you are only strong on the outside, but weak on the inside." Dewei tried his best.

"Is that so? I'm not good at studying, so don't lie to me." Master Candang glared at him.

"Of course I won't lie to you. Take the gods as an example. In fact, the Nikan country has already surpassed the Shenzhou people in number. The Shenzhou people claim to have more than 200,000 people, but the Nikan country actually has more than 300,000 people. Because a large number of aliens have gathered in the country of Nikan." Dewei cheered him.

"Oh, since this is the case, I want to enjoy happiness from generation to generation, so why don't I live in Nikan country? Why bother to be right with the people of Shenzhou?" Master Kandang thought thoughtfully.

Dewei hurriedly said: "No way, my lord, we went to Nikan country, where did so many untouchables come from us? And they are completely prey to the weak, and they take pleasure in oppressing outsiders. Let's go, it will take several generations to take root. ."

"Oh, I see. I'll leave it to you to contact the Nikan people. The speed must be fast. According to previous experience, this alien species is as slow as half a month and as fast as ten days, and it will be born." Candang The master ordered.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away." Dewey took out the satellite phone, obviously prepared.

The other natives watched him make the call.

"Colonel Steve, it's me, Dulwich. I have a good thing here, if you can do it, you can get promoted to brigadier general again this time."

"Yes, yes, it is the alien species born on the high seas. There are several Chinese destroyers appearing now, but the alien species has not yet appeared, and you still have enough time to come."

"Well, we'll be watching the movement here and waiting for your news."

Dewei hung up the satellite phone, and then said triumphantly: "Okay, the Nikans will definitely not miss this great opportunity to smash the myth of Shenzhou's hegemony. The high seas, the alien species, and the temptation heart, they will definitely involved."

"But after all, this is not far from the land of Shenzhou. What is the exclusive sea area, and the people of Shenzhou can let the people of Nikan come over?" Someone doubted.

Dewei is very self-confident: "Don't worry, of course they don't want to let them, but they also have to be able to stop each other. The Nikan's warship technology is a generation higher than the Shenzhou people, this is what they told me, otherwise , how can I have the courage to advise Master Candang to find an opportunity to stand on his own?"

"Very well, we will wait and see to see the showdown between these two behemoths. Whoever wins and who loses will benefit from it."


After three days at sea, there are more and more fish in the blockade.

Several people are temporarily staying on a command ship, waiting for the alien to appear.

Wang Wenwen is Every day he takes a fishing rod and fishes, and he catches a big fish that is more than three meters long and five meters long.

"You'd better let it go. Fishing for one is enough to eat, isn't it wasteful to catch so much?" Zhao Han persuaded.

"Of course it's not enough. I have to eat in the bowl and look at the pot. These are all deep-sea fish. If I don't catch today, I won't have this chance next time." Wang Wenwen carried a big fish in his hand to the sailor next to him to freeze it. stand up.

"How much can you eat, don't make trouble for others. We are here to do business. According to the teacher, before the appearance of alien species, it can absorb the power of alien species and promote our progress, not for you to fish and eat." Zhao Han reminded.

She didn't go to the birth of a different species last time, and gave the opportunity to a few other students. This time, fate has come, and there is no way to hide.

"Don't worry, I will have the strength to absorb it when I'm full. I'm really lucky this time. I can come across such good things when I come out for training. It seems that I will go out for a walk more often in the future." Wang Wenwen said happily.

If Mr. Wu hadn't asked her to practice defense, she really wouldn't have the opportunity to go back and send him a fish.

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