My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 484: Continuous fermentation

Opened a new book "Synthetic Superstar" and asked book friends to collect and recommend it! Can you give me some recommendation votes for Ant's new book? Ants would like to thank you all!


Xiao Feng and Pierre watched the video shared by Laura, and both laughed and agreed with Laura's words.

But after the laughter, Xiao Feng calmed down first: "No, I don't think we have done enough."

"Oh? What else do you think?"

Pierre couldn't help but ask Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng looked at him and said, "Pierre, Laura, you told me before that you have a lot of people on the TV station. I think we should be in trouble. They once..."

"You mean, turn these queuing phenomena into news?"

Pierre stroked his hair, and he suddenly felt that this operation was very feasible. Laura exchanged glances with him, and Xiao Feng continued to speak at this time.

"Think about it, what is the hottest topic on the Internet and in reality now? The Ninth Lab! The Ninth Lab! The Ninth Lab!"

Xiao Feng talked about the Ninth Laboratory three times, and Laura and Pierre did not object to his remarks. Indeed, the Ninth Laboratory is really hot now.

Although it was only this morning that it officially appeared in front of the world for the first time, the series of incidents that happened in the afternoon caused the intensive bombing of many people who eat melons, and this effect has already appeared.

All they have to do is to keep this topic going!

Several supermodels showed up in France, and then the royal family of the Great Yin Empire also used this cosmetics, until just now even the first girl in the United States was also using this brand of cosmetics.

Just such a three-tier chain has made this cosmetic topical, and there are too many things that can be said.

There are already people lining up at Laura’s boutique. What does this mean? At least it has aroused the curiosity of consumers, giving some people the desire to consume.

Then what they have to do next is to make persistent efforts, keep repeating the topic, deepen the weight of the ninth laboratory in the hearts of consumers, and stimulate their desire to consume.

"I believe that the TV station is very willing to report on such a hot topic? This means that the audience is willing to watch it, and the TV station is definitely willing to broadcast it."

When Xiao Feng said this, Pierre also made up his mind. Anyway, he already owes the favor of his friends on the TV station, so why don't you owe more? The big deal is to put more advertisements on them in the future.

Anyway, if the ninth laboratory's things are done this time, he will have a profit!


Ainola is sixteen years old this year. She has a graceful and tall figure, ginger-red hair and fair skin. It stands to reason that she should be a popular beauty in school.

But the freckles on her face ruined her. She grew up suffering from school violence since she was a child. Since she was a child, she has been ridiculed as a **** head. Many people have mocked her pockmarked face, and even now she I haven't had a boyfriend yet.

This is unimaginable in France, where the relationship between men and women is very open.

The supermodel Heidi has always been her idol. Heidi is in exactly the same situation as her, with freckles all over her face and neck, but she relied on her indomitable perseverance to become a Victoria's Secret Angel. .

And Heidi changed a lot in a fashion show yesterday, which surprised Aino, who had been following Heidi, and she was even desperate for a while, Heidi also left her.

She must have gone for cosmetic surgery after making money. . .

In a situation like her, she consulted a doctor when she was very young, and the doctor explained in detail to her and her family. This situation is a problem of the Caucasian physique. It is a problem that has changed. It just happens to be in her body. It is extremely deficient in melanin, so it is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays. As long as the body is exposed to the sun, melanin will be deposited in the body, resulting in the formation of spots.

But as a normal person, it's impossible not to bask in the sun. . .

So Elano basically gave up the hope of treatment. Until yesterday, after the fashion show was over, Heidi went to participate in a live TV show on French Radio One. In the TV show, it was the ninth laboratory. The isolating cream from here solved her worries. At the same time, she strongly recommends that cream to fans who have the same worries as her.

So Elano took all his pocket money in the evening and found the Laura boutique next to Luxembourg Gardens in the sixth district, and prepared to rush in as soon as the store opened tomorrow morning and buy the cream recommended by Heidi.

But when she came here, she was dumbfounded, because in front of the store, there was already a long queue of fifty meters at this time, and looking at the posture behind it, it seemed that there were still people constantly rushing. come.

Elano originally wanted to leave and try his luck at the door of other Laura boutiques, but turned his head and thought, there are already long queues at the door of this store, and the situation at the door of other stores is okay. ?

She has participated in the sales of new fruit mobile phones several times before, and also went to the fruit machine shop to line up. The result is similar. If you go later, you will be a few hundred meters away. It is also a virtue to go to another store. .

But after all, it is a fashionable and fast-selling electronic product. This is just a cosmetic product. How can you line up like this?

Elano couldn't figure it out, but finally decided to stay. Looking at the more and more crowds behind, she knew that as long as she left for a while, her position would be someone else's.

At the same time, Sophie was sitting in a car across the street from Laura's boutique, watching the long queue at the door frowning.

Sophie is currently the hottest actress in France. Not long ago, she just accepted a Hollywood film contract. In two weeks, she will go to Hollywood to film.

But she was not satisfied with her appearance, especially after her birthday last month, she found that her forehead and the corner of her eyes had one more wrinkle.

She didn’t know how much she had used various creams from Lancome and Chanel for anti-wrinkle and exfoliating, but those two wrinkles became deeper and deeper, which made her feel unacceptable for the extreme beauty. .

The product of the ninth laboratory that suddenly appeared today made her feel hopeful, especially when she saw the 90-year-old Daphne and 65-year-old Yamina on TV using this product. Rear.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind, that is, the cosmetics of the ninth laboratory, it is clear that God has given women a gift for embracing high youth!

No, she must get a set in the first place!

As a result, she asked the driver to drive her to the door of Laura's boutique, but she was dumbfounded. It was not dark yet. There are still more than ten hours before the official launch of the products tomorrow, but the door of this boutique , The long queue has already begun!

This is the case for several stores in a row, which makes Sophie very anxious. What can I do?

If it is the past, no matter what cosmetics, she will show up in person and make a call, and those cosmetics dealers will obediently deliver the latest products to her door.

But this ninth laboratory is a new brand, and it is also a Chinese brand. Which one does the boss know about her?

But if you get out of the car and go to the queue, it doesn't fit her identity. Besides, for a star like her, going to the queue will not cause a stampede!

So it can only be like this: "Fred, why don't you help me go in line and buy the cosmetics of this ninth laboratory! I will give you three thousand euros for labor. What do you think?"

Sophie said to the driver and bodyguard in front of him. The brawny bald man didn't even think about it, so she nodded: "Don't worry, Sophie, I will definitely help you buy his cosmetics."

"Well, here is ten thousand euros, you take it first. I will replenish you if it is not enough.

"Okay, boss, but I'm afraid you will need to drive this car back."

"Don't worry, I also passed the driver's license test."

In this way, Bald Fred got out of the car, but instead of going to the end of the line to line up obediently, he went straight to the front and looked at the furry monster in the tent, and Fred grinned.

"Man, give you two hundred euros. How about giving me this position?"

The long-haired monster scratched his There was a burst of ecstasy in his heart. The reason why he came to line up to buy the products of the Ninth Lab was because he smelled the business opportunities in it. Knowing the products of the Ninth Lab, he must welcome In the hot scene, he plans to go in first, buy a few more sets, and then start reselling them online.

Anyway, as far as he knows, Laura boutiques are also concentrated in several major cities in Western Europe, but there are no branches in North America, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

So don't the wealthy people in those places want to use the cosmetics of the ninth laboratory?

Hey, I definitely want to use it too! In this way, his business is definitely not at a loss, so he was the first to line up and brought a tent with coffee, sleeping bags, and various snacks.

When Fred appeared at the door of his tent, he strengthened his judgment even more.

The cosmetics have not yet begun to sell, and now some people are willing to pay to buy a position with themselves, what does this mean? This ninth laboratory is on fire!

"Well... Two hundred won't work, at least five hundred!"

Looking at Fred in Burberry, the long-haired blame Paul scratched his head, and Fred grinned: "Okay, deal!"

Holding the five-hundred-euro ticket in his hand, Paul read it several times, and he became more and more affirmed that he must be well-developed this time.

And such a scene, in front of several other Laura boutiques in Paris, and even in front of the Laura boutiques in other European cities such as London, Madrid, Milan, etc., has been staged again and again. . .

The more people lined up, some have even been discharged three blocks away. Steals, fights and fights also happen from time to time. In the end, police stations in major cities even had to send police officers to the scene to maintain order. , This scene is really no worse than the scene released by the fruit phone!

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