August 15th, sunny, at Hercia's home.

The girl was sitting in the bedroom, with a suitcase on the bed, and a lot of things scattered around, including clothes, souvenirs from her childhood, favorite photo albums, and so on.

"What should I bring?" The girl knelt on the bed, glanced at these items, and thought for a while.

It can be foreseen that in the next few years, she will rarely have time to come back, so some precious things are not suitable to be kept at home, especially the special extraordinary dresses of her sister.

Forget it, let's bring them all, but I will be a little tired these days, the girl gave up the choice, and slid her fingertips in the air.

The purple star point rotated, and many items placed on the bed and table flew into it and disappeared.

Although it is very convenient to use this kind of space power to store things, but when taken out, the movement is not small, and it is not suitable for those commonly used objects.

Putting some infrequently used but precious things into the crevices of space folds, the remaining objects around Hercia became much less and became clearer.

Some commonly used clothes, pajamas, notes, picture books, and some small souvenirs that everyone gave her. After putting these in the gift box one by one, Hercia tried to pick them up.

A bit heavy, she thought.

Pulling the box to the door and putting it away temporarily, Heshia turned around and looked at the cold and dusty room.

"Sure enough, I still have to clean it up, or I'll always feel like something is missing." Hersia took off her shoes and socks, put on light sandals, walked through the hall, went to the bathroom to fetch a bucket of water and cleaning tools, rolled up her sleeves Get up, tie your hair up.

Started to work, the girl was about to say this, when she suddenly remembered something, she turned around and touched the big spider hiding in the shadow behind her with her foot.

"You can't be lazy, at least help me wipe the ceiling." She knelt down and patted the guy's head.

"Hiss~" Although he didn't understand the meaning, it probably meant 'no problem'. The big spider jumped out of the girl's hand and landed on her head.

"Uh, I grabbed my hair again." Hersia felt her hair being pulled, and patted the big spider on top of her head with her hand.


"All right, all right, you can just stay up there, there's nothing you can do about it." The girl had also gotten used to being squatted on top of her head by this big spider recently.

Then she raised her arm lightly, and after a while, the clear water in the bucket swirled, and the speed became faster and faster under her control, and then formed a small tornado and flew out.

Because she didn't practice supernatural skills related to water, she could only use the general mind control formula to manipulate it, which would take a lot of effort and be less efficient.

However, she only needs to control the water roughly.

These flying liquids quickly shaped and condensed in the air, becoming a rising ice crystal stool. Stepping on the stool, she can easily reach the high wall, and the big spider above her head can also hold a rag Clean the ceiling above your head.

work hard~

After refilling a bucket of clean water, Hercia began to clean the corners of the house patiently and earnestly, as if there was a faint nostalgia in it.

Time passed slowly, first the ceiling and walls, then the desktop cabinets, and then the corners and floor seams, and throwing away some old things that were not used.

When the hour hand reached 3 pm, the whole house took on a new look, and all kinds of things were neatly placed.

There was a faint mist in the air, and the floor was still a little wet, but this still didn't hurt the girl's slightly happy and relaxed mood.

She took the big spider and walked through each room in the house. The doors of each room were opened, and the inside and outside were clean.

That's it, the girl nodded slightly.

She placed a high chair in the center of the living room, and then took out the violin given to her by 'Andusia' before parting. It is very beautiful.

Sitting on the chair, the girl held the neck of the piano with one hand and the bow with the other, and simply tested the sound. Then the metal strings vibrated, and a three-dimensional and clear sound sounded.

The first tune of the melody is simple and distant, repeating constantly, like a person walking alone in the maze of memory.

The girl's eyes are slightly closed, the angle and amplitude of the bow in her hand are gradually changing, and the music is also slowly changing, just like the spring in the forest when the sun shines in the forest, the hot and lazy summer, and the refreshing and cheerful autumn in the memory. Quiet and warm winter...

Although the emotion in the music is rich, there is always a faint nostalgia and remoteness, like a veil of time separated from reality, and the reality cannot be touched.

The melody keeps rising and falling, turning and repeating again and again, and the breeze blows through the various rooms in the house.

Gradually, a layer of faint hoarfrost condensed on every corner, and slowly spread around.

Finally, the music gradually stopped, the girl put down the bow in her hand, and the whole house was covered with hoarfrost ice crystals, and it was extremely silent.

The big spider next to the high chair rubbed against Hercia's ankle, and the fluff made the girl feel a little itchy, and she couldn't help but want to avoid it.

"Okay, don't rub it anymore, it's actually not that sad." She jumped off the chair, stood on the ground covered with hoarfrost, and looked around.

In this way, everything in the house will probably be frozen at this moment for a long time, she thought silently in her heart.

Putting away the violin in her hand and carefully putting it into the box, she walked to the door, picked up the suitcase she had prepared before, and finally waved to the living room inside the house.

"I went to school." Just like going out every morning when I was a child.

Soon the door quietly closed, the gears twisted and locked, and the hoarfrost-covered house became silent, frozen in memory.

Pulling the suitcase, Heshia came to the side of the road in the residential area, and there was already a car waiting for her.

Yilin stood there, and she waved to Hercia, then helped the girl put the suitcase away, and then the two sat in the car.

Everything outside the car is slowly separated by the light gray glass, getting farther and farther away, until the old and messy corridor, the tunnel full of rust and garbage can no longer be seen.

Seeing that the girl was still looking at the rearview mirror, Yilin spoke softly.

"Will be back."

"En." The girl nodded, then shook her head, expressing that she didn't have to worry about herself.

"It's just a little sad."

For many people in the federation, the summer when they were 16 may be just playing games at home, or going out to dinner with friends, talking about all kinds of complaints and trivial matters, but it may be many years later Slowly realize.

It was that slightly gloomy and ordinary day, where the trajectory of life diverged, and everyone went to different paths. It may have only taken half an hour to make the decision at the beginning, and the school to report to had a profound impact on changing the future. Ten years of life.

But even though many people realize this after many years, facing themselves at that time point, they are still helpless, because no one can predict the changes in the world in the future, the ups and downs of snorkeling in various industries, the huge gap between different regions and schools, and the There are faces of those who meet in life.

I can only go on in this only one life, no matter whether it is laughter or tears.

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