Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 357: The culprit Nick Fury is a professional (swastika

Coulson felt no guilt or anything like throwing dirty water on Nick Fury.

Although Coulson is very clear that the Nick Fury he saw may have all kinds of darkness, but it has nothing to do with Hydra.

Or even if there is, it is not something that Coulson can know.

But you don't need to pay attention to the truth when it comes to splashing dirty water.

In this era, it is not even necessary to discredit a person and even take some pictures taken by borrowing.

"I'm about to resign, Coulson."

Melinda looked at her watch, it was late at night.

If you don't go to rest, you can probably only go back to work after having breakfast.

Although this is not very humane, this country pays more attention to "efficiency".

"I'm already on the sacrifice list, at least I don't have to listen to a Hydra every day to do things I don't want to do."

Coulson's words carried a hint of connotation.

Although he is very clear, such language guidance will not have much effect on the iron cavalry.

Melinda is an agent no worse than him.

Professionalism is trustworthy.

"I'll have a vacation soon."

Melinda glanced at Coulson as if planning to see something wrong with the person in front of her.

Will Coulson doubt Nick Fury?

of course.

It's just that if Coulson really found something, he would never solve the problem in this way.

Perhaps this is his temptation.

But Melinda was really bored.

"Okay, this safe house is mine. You are the only one who knows about this place besides Nick Fury."

Coulson said so.

with a smile.

In the airtight compartment not far behind him, there was a life double that Nick Fury used for emergencies.

Melinda is not like him, who can use the power of Venerable Sky Hammer to erase the traces of modern technology.

The radio system here has also been destroyed, and Melinda has her back to the only intact camera, which is also the most secretive.

Nick Fury wouldn't know what Melinda said by seeing her mouth on the surveillance camera.

And the most important thing is that Venerable Sky Hammer does not need to open the door if he wants to enter a room!

The door here will record the information that Melinda pushed the door.

As long as Nick Fury returns, he will find out Melinda's anomaly and start an investigation.

The guy who is black all over will not use a conversation to resolve misunderstandings, but will continue to test.

One of the most likely ways is that Melinda has to go out on the field.

A not-so-perfect plan, but sure to work well.

"You let the Hydra in your mouth know the location of your safe house?"

Melinda frowned.

Out of concern for her old friend, she still asked a question.

"I can't afford to deduct so much money from S.H.I.E.L.D. funds to build a safe house. I'm just using it here."

Coulson showed that iconic smile as always.

The current situation is really great.

"I think we will meet again, and then you will probably trust me, Melinda."

Coulson said this, then quietly looked at Melinda in front of him.

"It's crazy!"

Melinda pushed open the door and left the cabin directly. Coulson's figure faded little by little and disappeared.

Next he's going to Jinbei to talk to the Stonebreaker about possible exposure.

Secret agents are always more cautious than gang leaders, and this kind of professionalism is reflected in all aspects.


Tony Stark stood in front of Burkesoe with sleepy eyes, a little cynical and absent-minded in his eyes.

Compared with prizes, he cared more about the stone of vengeance of the thief god.

Tony has tried it, and this gem does provide him with some reinforcement.

But even the futuristic technology from the cyborgs has not analyzed much useful things.

Fortunately, the next evolution of the suit has already begun.

For the battle uniform on his body, he didn't think of a suitable name for a while.

Perhaps Sabre is a good name.

After all, the saber is always multi-functional, and the battle suit on him will be his biggest trump card for a long time in the future.

"You mean, you want a lot of gems as an energy source?"

Bourkessel's expression was a little weird, and he couldn't help but wonder if all the things these rich people wanted were so strange.

It's kind of weird that Wayne wants to know his weakness.

And Tony's need for gems surprised him even more.

This is the estrangement brought about by different locations.

For the barbarians who can enter the secret realm to hunt for treasures at any time, gems are really not a scarce resource.

But for Tony, a relatively close "outsider", to obtain enough gems for his research, there is no good way to buy them from Luke and the others with money.

But things like gems are also precious to the warriors of the past.

Not even enough.

After all, these gems are upgraded in a three-to-one ratio by the jeweler, and the gems that Luke and the others can get are most likely flawless gems like small water droplets.

And the gems are divided into fourteen tiers in total...

The number of low-grade gems required for a high-grade gem embedded in a weapon is really too much.

"I'm thinking about what level of gemstones would be more suitable for you."

Burkeseau felt a little headache.

Gems are not something rare.

But what he needs to consider is whether to give Tony the highest grade gems.

After all, for Luke and the others, the boost that a top-grade emerald or ruby ​​can provide is a bit too big.

Although there is confidence in the young warriors, they will not become hired thugs or something.

But this seems unfair to the soldiers.

The prize that Bourkessel originally prepared for Tony was an Elanok amulet.

When this thing is worn around the neck, it is immune to the power of ice.

It can even turn the damage of ice into the recovery of vitality.

Iron Man definitely has the ability to add an inward cooling effect to the suit.

A different recovery method was enough to keep Tony safe.

"It's all right, I just want to use it for research anyway. Just some samples, I will soon be able to make a more efficient energy supply device than those gems."

Tony agreed, but his mind had already flown to his laboratory.

He couldn't wait to start researching the Thief God Gem.

Of course, a thorough disinfection process is required before the study.


Bourkesso reached into his backpack, holding a large handful of gems of all kinds and reaching out.

The number of these gems is no different from the number that a treasure hoarder can drop.

There are about a dozen, but the level is not very high.

But if it is used as research material, this is enough.


Tony stretched out his hand to hold the pile of gems, slightly surprised.

"I said, can't you provide a bag? I don't have room for these little things on me."

Tony had a mischievous smile on his face.

She briefly returned her attention to the matter in front of her.

The mountain-splitting axe beside Bourkesso was shining, and it seemed to be moving.

Tony is quite suitable as a leader.

Unfortunately, there is no Nephalem blood flowing in Tony's body.

So after the mountain-splitting axe flashed a little light, there was no more movement.


Burkeseau called Banner's name.

He was a little fed up with Tony.

Now he just wants to quickly end the matter in front of him.

It is best to determine the candidate for the mountain-splitting giant axe as soon as possible, and you can skip some things after that.

Pointless formalism is never pleasing.

"I just want you to solve Betty's problems."

Banner's thin body tightened his coat in the cold wind.

The embarrassment after the transformation made him feel cold.

And Hulk never cared about his thoughts.

If it is said that keeping a pair of shorts is the Hulk's last mercy for his dignity, then there is still consideration for the replacement.

After all, the Hulk in shorts would be called the Hulk, and if he didn't have shorts, he might be called a large green murderous beast.

Clothes represent the epitome of human civilization.

"No evaluation?"

Burkeseau looked at Banner in front of him and took a deep breath.

Things are getting more and more complicated.

And the mountain-splitting axe has not yet chosen the most suitable person.

"I'm a scientist, what about the evaluation of the battle, maybe 'Hulk is not happy'?"

Banner murmured a little.

"Betty, your wish."

Burkeseau did not speak.

Banner's problem should be solved by Coutur after he has persuaded the scholar.

Anyway, Betty kept saying that she wanted to solve Banner's problem, so let Betty express her wish first.


Betty was shocked!

The feathers on the wings stand up.

Suddenly shouted by Bourkesso, she was a little stressed like a bird.

"Solution, Banner and my problem."

Betty said nervously. ,

Obviously she didn't pay attention to what Banner said just now.

"Return to human form. Do you want to keep the power on your body?"

Burkeseau looked up at the two people opposite and said.

If she retains her current strength, then Betty had better find a scientist.

And Banner had better come to an agreement with the Hulk.

If you don't keep your power, there are many ways to do it.

For example, Bulkasso can use the gift from the Time Lord to let these two guys turn back the time and start their lives anew.

Or throw it into Kanai's Box to refine it.

Anyway, Jotun Kuller is here, and this time Bourkessel will definitely say that famous line to Jotun Kuller!

"Such a great artifact" that sentence!

All Nephalems who have been in contact with Kanai's Cube would approve of this approach.


"No need to!"

Betty and Banner made completely different choices.

Betty was somewhat satisfied with this power.

For Banner, the Hulk was the beginning of his tragic career.

"Listen to my Banner! Have you forgotten the threat of that big head!"

Betty's sharp voice sounded, her sharp claws clasped Banner's shoulders, and she said with burning eyes.

"After we lose this power, they probably won't pay attention to us. Betty."

Banner smiled miserably.

Only a green light appeared on his body.

Obviously, Hulk has a different opinion on this answer.

"Your existence is a miracle, Banner. If it were me, I wouldn't give up capturing you. After losing the power of Hulk, you also lost the power to say 'no'."

General Ross looked at Banner with hateful eyes.

Regarding his future son-in-law, General Ross had a somewhat different view, and he was somewhat disappointed.

The veteran American soldier likes to put his initiative on his side.

For everything around it, it is an aggressive defense.

Defense is just a modifier, aggression is the essence.

"Okay, then keep it?"

Banner spoke in a less firm tone.

Hulk wanted to come out, but in front of Burkesso, he was still cowardly.

"Jotun Kuller! Come here!"

Burkesso shouted helplessly towards the sky.

It is better for Jotun Kuehler to do this kind of thing.

Jotun Kuller personally used Kanai's box, this is an opportunity that big guy has been waiting for for an unknown amount of time!

At that time, those ancestors will definitely use the most vicious and acerbic tone they have thought of in their entire lives to fry Jotun Kuller.

Even Leah would feel eager to try this kind of thing.

"Why don't you ask the other will's thoughts? Or why don't you ask the magical mountain-splitting axe's opinion?"

Jotun Kuller's drake voice made Bourkesso turn his head.

The mountain-splitting axe is exuding light and is eager to try it.

Even when Banner didn't have Nephalem blood on his body, he meant to pounce.

This surprised Bourkessel.

"Banner? No, you want to choose Hulk?"

Burkeseau asked, in a less solemn tone.

The light above the mountain-splitting axe became stronger.

"A problem."

Korrick said with some schadenfreude.

Banner or Hulk?

The souls of these two guys are one.

But which of the two consciousnesses should be eliminated?

Kolic wondered what choices Bulkessel would make.

The well-known trolley problem barbarians don't know though.

But this does not prevent them from thinking about which person to save in danger.

For example, a house is on fire, and three people are in two corners of the house.

No matter which party you save, the other party will die, so what should we do?

Klick asked Bourkessel this question a long time ago, but Bourkessel did not give him an answer.

And now, Burkeseau had to make a choice.

"Jotun Kuller, can you divide this guy into two people?"

Burkeseau asked directly.

This is his answer.

Bourkessel chose to put out the fire first!

"Consciousness and soul are not unrelated. How do you plan to make a consciousness separate from the existence of the soul? Or do you plan to let the guy in front of you divide the soul like you?"

Jotun Kuller floated down, his voice as unpleasant as ever.

"I have a lot of forgotten souls here."

Burkeseau said so.

She didn't pay any attention to the nervous expressions of Banner and Betty who were standing in front.

"The Forgotten Soul can't support a consciousness, what you have to do is to create an independent life! Are you arrogant to think that you are the first generation of Bulkesuo after inheriting the name of Bulkesuo? You don't know The authority of life!" 噺⒏⑴The full text of the 楌文 is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

Jotun Kuhler's sarcastic sarcasm is genuine.

"I'm not creating a life, I'm letting that consciousness have a space of its own, rather than just grabbing control of the body with another self."

Burkeseau explained a little.

"Similar to the spirit behind?"

Jotun Kuehler asked.

"Similar to conjoined twins."

After a while, Burkeseau came up with an inappropriate answer.

To be precise, his idea is to make a bucket with a barrier in the middle, but it will not block water and only block consciousness.

The water in the bucket is power, and power will be shared.

But this power doesn't belong to just one consciousness.

A communication link was forcibly established between the two, and they eventually merged into one.

This approach just accelerated the process of merging the two into one.

"It's superfluous. As long as you raise the hammer of judgment at that guy and say, 'If you don't fit into one, you will be hammered to death', I don't believe these two guys have other opinions."

Jotun Kuehler looked at Banner with a contemptuous tone.

Hearing this, Bourkessel took out the hammer of judgment and raised it above his head, and said to Jotun Kuller, "If you don't do what I say, you will be hammered to death!"

Jotun Kuller had an expression on his face when he saw Martha El, his lips were trembling with anger.

The flames of anger on Bourkessel's body were surging, obviously not joking.

"Come with me!"

Jotun Kuller said angrily, and he didn't take out the sarcastic lines in his stomach that he didn't know where he came from and said to Banner.

"What a good suggestion! Jotun Kuller! As expected of the soul of the ancient Nephalem!"

Korrick laughed!

"I have to admit, Hulk shivered when you raised the hammer."

Banner said to Bourkesso with a wry smile, then silently followed behind Jotun Kuller.

Burkeseau put down the Hammer of Judgment in his hand and glanced at Coutur who was in a daze.

How can Coutur make Banner willing to be a barbarian? Let Coutur find a way.

Although the mountain-splitting axe has a posture that cannot be done by the Hulk, this boring part has already begun, so there must be an end.

"Betty, after you become a barbarian, you will learn how to control your power. Your wish will come true."

Burkeseau said to Betty Ross.

Standing in the crowd, Nick Fury stared at Dugan, as if he had something to say.

"Nick Fury, don't look at me anymore. I have no idea about power, I only have one idea right now, and that is when you **** **** will let me retire! I'm almost ninety years old!"

Dugan said, smoking a cigar.

"I know, but Captain America is still fighting. S.H.I.E.L.D. can't be without power."

Nick Fury said this, one-eyed still staring at Dugan.

In his perception, doing so would only have two consequences.

One is that Dugan couldn't stand his gaze and asked Bourkesso for the strength.

The other is that Dugan couldn't stand his gaze, and after punching him in the face, he scolded Bourkesso for the strength he wanted.

"That's your business, and I'm not the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Dugan's actions were beyond Nick Fury's calculations, but he found Dugan pointing his cigar at a jovial John Wicker who was watching.

Nick Fury understood what Dugan meant.

"Then who will be the first?"

Nick Fury gives an opening that shifts the conversation to John Wicker.

"Let's cast lots."

Dugan took a few bullets out of his pocket, then twisted one in Nick Fury's face, pouring out all the gunpowder.

"The one who catches the empty cartridge case first!"

Dugan said so.

Put a bullet in Nick Fury's hand.

Then he stretched out his hand in front of John Wicker.

"Why is there still something about me?"

John Wicker looked at the hand in front of him and said with some dissatisfaction.

As a legendary killer, he doesn't have much identification with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Speaking of which, if Nick Fury hadn't killed his pet dog, 80% of his life would have had nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even joining S.H.I.E.L.D. is just to revive his pet dog.

"Now, we are the only one in this place. We are all ordinary people."

Dugan said so.

In exchange for John Wicker's strange look.

Nick Fury, known as the Cyclops. The guy who used to fight evil with Frank Custer.

There are an unknown number of life substitutes.

Even when he was seriously injured and dying, he only needed to use the pacemaker to power up to continue the vigorous battle.

John Wicker had heard of this kind of news in the killer business.

This guy is definitely not an ordinary person!

As for Dugan, the leader of the Howling Commando, the old guy who fought with Captain America.

Can this person be considered an ordinary person?

In comparison, only he, the killer, is more like an ordinary person.

He will be injured and he will die.

Even in the case of being plotted against, even a few thugs might kill him.

"I think only I am an ordinary person, and you are not normal."

John Wicker pushed Dugan's hand away and said solemnly.

"A guy who can chase and kill me for more than ten kilometers for a dog and shoot me with a pencil out of the glass of the SHIELD car can be considered an ordinary person?"

Nick Fury said so.

There is a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm mentally ill, you can send me to a mental hospital, and if I'm mentally unhealthy, you can also introduce a psychiatrist to me. But don't confuse me with freaks like you!"

John Wicker said so.

Then, his eyes wandered and he saw a very handsome young man.

That year's relatives watched their argument with charming smiles.

"Hi, brother. We haven't seen each other for a long time. How have you been recently? By the way, you are really handsome!"

Constantine walked over with a cigarette between his fingers.

This is the cigarette he hid on his body.

It was wrinkled, but there was nothing yellow on it.

Constantine pulled a cigarette from a small well-sealed plastic bag and handed it to John Wicker.

John Wicker looked at the bag and felt a little uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

But before he could refuse, the cigarette had already been stuffed into his mouth.

"I have cigarettes myself."

John Wicker's words were a bit late. He silently took out the cigarette case from his pocket, and by the way, put the gun against Constantine's chest.

Constantine smiled and took his hand out of John Wicker's pocket and raised it above his head.

"I just think that S.H.I.E.L.D. cigarettes may be a little more fragrant than my favorite silk cards."

Constantine said with a smile.

Dugan glanced at Constantine, then took a few steps back.

The hand holding the bullet was also put away.

"Hey! Draw? I like this kind of game."

Constantine took a bullet from Dugan's hand and looked.

No gunpowder.

"Dude, I've finished drawing for you, and you'll be the next one."

Constantine put the empty bullet casing in John Wicker's pocket, and drew another bullet from Dugan's hand.

This one is also an empty shell.

John Wicker looked at Dugan with cold eyes, and broke the safety of the firearm.

"The one who gets the full bullet is the next one."

There was no change in Dugan's face, and he spoke quite frankly.

Nick Fury's face became much darker.

"The task of the Roaring Commando doesn't seem too heavy. I think it's time to put some more burden on you."

Nick Fury said this and threw the bullet in his hand on the ground.

"John, Constantine. I've admired the name for a long time. Are you interested in joining S.H.I.E.L.D.? The Roaring Commando needs a professional like you to deal with the mysterious events that have emerged in an endless stream recently."

Nick Fury held out his hand to Constantine.

A black hand.

"It's a great honor, I only care that S.H.I.E.L.D. will reimburse me for some of my normal expenses?"

Constantine grabbed Nick Fury's hand and looked eager.

SHIELD is a behemoth, which means countless teammates!

Constantine likes teamwork! Especially these agents are full of sacrifice!

As a mysterious side expert in S.H.I.E.L.D., he will be well protected!

"As long as you can get the invoice."

Nick Fury didn't look very good.

He had already read Constantine's file.

The so-called "normal" expenses are not normal at all.

After all, there is no "normal person" who will always appear in a bar with a signboard like "Big Bird Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan".

"That's a pity. Fortunately, I can always get an invoice. After all, living in this country always has to pay taxes."

Constantine smiled and slapped a stack of invoices on Nick Fury's hand.

Then he put his arms around John Wicker's shoulders.


"Jin Bing, are you not going to run away?"

Coulson appeared in Jin Bing's office and said with a smile.

When he saw eight rings on his sturdy fingers of gold, his face became a little strange.

Eight rings, four black and four white.

It is like a finger tiger on Jin Bing's finger.

"Stonebreakers need to run, but Jin doesn't."

Jin looked blankly at Coulson in front of him.

When Jin Bian faced Matthew and the others before, he had already exposed his extraordinary power.

But now the eight rings that Jinbian is carrying are enough to give them an explanation.

"To be the king of the underworld in this city, you really aren't as dull as you are. Mr. Fisk."

Coulson twitched the corners of his mouth.

"It's just, how do you explain that the rings you are wearing are four pairs that are hostile to each other?"

As Coulson said this, the unsightly hammer of the Fallen appeared in his hand.

Kim Bing's habit Coulson knew.

Silence is his favorite way.

According to those gangsters, only dead people can keep secrets.

There is not much power gap between the Fallen and the Stonebreaker, but after adding those rings, the balance of victory and defeat seems to be tilted a bit.

"The white ones are real, and the black ones are fake."

Jin said so.

He also had the Heavenly Hammer of the Stone Crusher in his hand.

The golden stripes on the body once again enveloped the body.

Just something is missing.

With those rings from death, Jin Bing had neither the whiteness of the ring of life nor the blackness of the ring of death.

This look is very unusual.

Coulson shook his head and said:

"Looks like the eight rings are fake, don't they?"

"You can come and try."

Jin said without stepping back.

The huge body took two steps ahead.

"Okay, okay! You have the final say. I was going to give you a message. It looks like you don't need my help."

Coulson said so.

The fallen believer in his hand also disappeared.

Jin Bian frowned.

That frowning action was not good-looking at all, full of ferocious temperament.

Among the information that Jin Bian knew, the information that Coulson could say at this time was most likely about Mordock.

He couldn't think of how this kind of news would help him.

"Falcon, if you want my help, you'd better be smart."

Jin Ji said so and put away the Heavenly Hammer in his hand.

Coulson slowly left Jin Bing's sight, with a cruel smile on his face with his back to Jin Bing.

The only people who can keep secrets the most are dead people. This is not just the patent of the gang!

For agents, this is even more true!

Coulson's next target is Alexander Anderson!

The guy who turned into an angel seems to be here to deal with these rings.

Unfortunately, Jin Bing has eight rings on his hand!

Anderson would love this news!



Frank constantly bombarded Anderson with the shotgun in his hand.

Looking at the open wing of light, he said in a somewhat horrified tone.

He had just returned home, and he hadn't had time to say hello to his daughter or sit at the table with his wife for a cup of hot tea.

Anderson's arrival is obviously not a good thing.

"Death walker, there are undead in your family."

There was no anger in Anderson's tone, just stating what he felt.

But the spear in his hand is emitting a holy flame like a big umbrella blocking those bullets full of death power.

"I know, and it's enough for you to get out of here as soon as you know!"

Frank said coldly.

After finally getting his lover back to his side, he will not let anyone who might hurt his family exist!

Not even an angel!

"I didn't come to tell you that the living cannot live with the dead, or to tell you what kind of power the ring in your hand is."

Anderson put the tip of the spear on the ground, and the holy flames on his body kept blocking Frank's bullets.

"I just want to tell you that in the face of tragedy, you also need the courage to face it!"

Anderson's footsteps suddenly became faster!

He was face to face with Frank almost instantly.

The holy flame continued to burn, making Frank feel the fiery heat.

The last time he felt this feeling was when a bomb exploded not far in front of him on the battlefield.

This taste is called "deadly"!

"Shit! Go away!"

Frank slammed a shot into Anderson's face, and his body immediately made a tactical roll, pulling away a distance.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

During the roll, two round bombs landed at Anderson's feet.

The moment Frank picked up the gun, the bomb exploded!

Even after returning it, the firearm in his hand kept firing!

In the face of extremely sensitive enemies, the shotgun with area attack will be more useful.

After all, it's not like having to constantly adjust the shooting trajectory when using a submachine gun.

This saves time!

"You are a warrior, but you are a little weak.

You cannot face the lost truth and become cowardly! "

A large piece of flesh was knocked off Anderson's face, but beneath the flesh was the burning holy flame!

The lower body was stained with traces of death from the previous explosion, and a dark smoke was fighting against the holy flame!

There were only two flames that seemed to support the legs that were still burning!

The battle armor continued to condense from the holy flame, and then covered Anderson's whole body!

"shut up!"

Frank said so.

The ring in his hand began to flash with a more intense black light.

It's a pity that this is not pure death force.

The power of the death of that life is not dark, but gray!

That is not the power of controversy but a part of the inevitable experience of life!

This ring is not the same as those that are thrown at random by death.

It's just that Frank hasn't reached the point where he can make those forces emerge!

"Courage is the strength needed to face all tragedies."

Anderson continued to speak in a tone like he was singing a hymn.

Every time he made a sound, Frank became more irritable!

Of course he knew that his lover and daughter were dead.

He knew exactly what death meant!

But don't human beings have the right to refuse death?

Is it wrong for human beings to even give birth to this idea?

Frank wanted to complain, but he didn't know how to say it!

Death promised him that as long as he brought interesting souls, he would be able to keep his wife and daughter by his side.

But it is the soul of the dead after all!

"damn it!"

The firearm in Frank's hand turned into an anti-equipment sniper rifle and pulled the trigger on Anderson's chest!

He is too familiar with firearms.

Familiar can construct those complex weapons with the power of death.

This sniper rifle is not used to hit people at all, but to attack equipment such as vehicles.

The recoil made him sway a bit.

The thick and somewhat excessive jet-black ammunition slammed into Anderson's chest!

This is the first time he has dealt effective damage!

The power of death penetrated the chests of the subordinates of courage, and was dyed with a black color in the holy flame!

"They are already dead!"

Anderson said so.

The spear in his hand is aimed at Frank's house!

Fighting is a means, not an end!

Anderson wanted to give Frank the courage to face the truth.

Frank is not one of those gangsters who bring riots with no bottom line. He has his own principles and standards of justice.

Anderson didn't want to fight the problem.

"But their return was allowed by death! Death promised me!"

The sniper rifle in Frank's hand turned into a rifle.

With one hand, he took out a few grenades and held them in his hands.

Then he bit the Griphook in his mouth!

"Death has gone mad."

Anderson said in a flat tone.

Death has gone mad.

Because of Leoric's disappearance!

Because of that immortal end!

"She wasn't crazy at the time! Everything I got was what she allowed!"

Frank's voice was a little murky because he bit the grip of the grenade.

The whites of his eyes have turned pitch black.

Frank is a death-approved regular employee, and the difference between him and those punks is like the difference between a regular employee and a part-time employee.

"I hope you can gain courage."

Anderson said so.

He tilted his head slightly, saw Jill open the door, stuck out his head and looked worried.

Anderson was stunned.

He knows what Jill looks like.

This was mentioned when Prius brought him to the world.

Jill has a ring in his hand, a ring that can make Bulkesso feel dangerous!

At this time, Jill was carrying the ring in his hand, and a dagger in the other hand, which he placed on his arm!

If he rowed down, Bourkesso would come soon.

Anderson did not intend to hurt Frank, nor did he intend to wipe out Frank's wife and daughter.

He just wanted to get Frank to have the courage.

"I used my courage to face everything I met later!

As if I have the courage to face you who want to destroy my family! "

Frank roared!

Seeing Anderson froze, he loosened his teeth and roared loudly.

The saliva spurted out, looking a little crazy.

Frank is ready to fight for his wife and daughter.

No matter who it is, he has the courage to face it!

Even if it is his own death, he will not be afraid.

His courage is his family!

"Frank, I am a subordinate of courage, and my courage is pure."

Anderson watched Jill say this.

The helmet dissipated, revealing that kind face and a pair of glasses.

"The courage of man cannot be pure courage! Can you understand the thoughts of mankind!"

Frank raised the muzzle and shot towards the sky ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ as if to vent his emotions.

He stopped attacking Anderson.

Because he saw a familiar face!

Because of the Prius!

The former Archangel of Courage, now the Courage itself.

"In Prius, tell me what courage is!!!"

Frank's hand on the grenade was rattling.

The two grenades rubbed like two walnuts!

"Courage is courage. Do you think courage is something complicated?"

With a smile, Prius walked to Frank's house.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Jill's head.

This kid is really great.

Compared to Frank's courage when he had the strength to resist, he admired the courage of Jill, a child who was determined to cut his arm even though he was in a panic and was afraid of pain.

Courage is of course not the same standard for warriors and children.

"My child, could you please call Bourkesso? I messed with him before, so I can't appear on the holy mountain of Harrogath. Those rude savages will beat me up."

Because Prius said so.

He found something interesting and planned to talk to Bourkeseau.

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