Black sails

Chapter 38 XXXVIII Crew Voting

Chapter 38 XXXVIII. Crew Voting

Navigation room, chess and card activity center for middle-aged and middle-aged people.

Everyone is here except Archer.

"There are about forty people on the ship now, and there are more than twenty regular troops with high combat effectiveness on Claude's side. They were all trained at the Yalan Military Academy. There are about sixty people. The ideal situation is one hundred and fifty to two hundred people. , much worse.”

Li Site urged the recruitment matter. Anyway, we must recruit enough people within ten days.

The Furmac King's Revenge is the largest among the medium-sized clippers. It has almost crossed the threshold of a large ship. It requires a lot more people than a standard clipper ship with 80 to 100 people.

"Claude...Alan Knight, the twenty-something group is here, so you don't have to worry about the others who were in the same group before. You can find an intermediary to recruit people at will, so that they can check and balance each other on the ship."

Oaks advocated this. He was originally opposed to recruiting a group of people on board the ship, but after he opened his mouth, there was no need to mention it again, so today I saw that the eight people were okay, so I accepted it.

"That's right, these don't matter anymore. With us here, no matter how big the wave is, it can be calmed. The most important thing is the count's business."

Fen has already informed that a thousand gold dragons will be sent.

There was a strong murderous intention in the house, and I knew I was going to risk my life to survive. This was not stolen goods. It was distributed to various middlemen to earn the difference. It was a net profit, a real one thousand gold dragons.

"If I can have a fight with Gloria, I'll be dead even if I die, and I'll be cool even if I'm a ghost. If I die with a big shot, my life, Micah, will be worth it."

Micah said extremely unambitiously.

"The person hasn't arrived yet, and I haven't even seen what he looks like. It's just what the adventurer blew up, and it's already about to happen. How can I still get it when the person arrives?"

Xia Di really doesn't know how Micah will show his courtesy if the Moon Swordsman gets on the ship. He's a heroic adventurer, and there's no man he can't pick. It's only you who fall in love with him.

"I'm the captain, so I should be the one to do it."

Li Site said solemnly.

"I'm sorry, this is the only thing I can't compromise on. The crew vote should be opened. I'll vote for myself."

Micah's tone was cold and he spoke matter-of-factly, without any intention of joking.

"Haha, voting is not used to decide such stupid things. Do you think anyone cares about you?"

Li Site sneered and didn't take it seriously.

"I'm voting for myself."

Morrison's tactics were blackface, and he made an explosive statement.

"I also vote for myself."

Renn's tactical black face said seriously.

Li Site people are stupid, are you serious? Haha, have you ever played with me? Before going to sea, I was the captain, but I had two votes.

Everyone voted for themselves except Finn and Oaks, who abstained.

Li Site is stupid, why does Wollman still have such thoughts? You are not allowed to torture people to death?

"Besides, what the hell are you getting involved with?"

Li Site saw that someone like Heywood dared to surrender to him. You are really bold. I am the only one in the entire Western Continent who dares to accept you. Otherwise, those in the Holy See would have used it to carry out evil sacrifices, and they would dare to rebel.

"Uh...just give it a try."

Heywood said calmly.

Xia Di was the only one left who hadn't voted yet.

"I vote for Micah, so that the captain and the ship's doctor are evenly matched two to two. Follow the rules and keep the result." Xia Di sneered twice and added: "I can only say that everyone depends on their ability."

The whole place was in an uproar.

Xia Di's appearance, which could seduce the emperor's daughter and cause Black Sail to conquer the Western Continent, was completely cheating.

Fen stretched out his hand to stop and said: "Okay, now that the overall strategic form of the fight with Gloria has been decided, as well as the content of the competition, I now have some ideas about the main characters to be escorted."

"You can tell who it is just by looking at two guards?"

Oaks is more concerned about the person Caruso, the Punisher. It doesn't matter if the Lunar Swordsman is hired. The Church of the Holy Spirit is a widely distributed religious force. The base is quite scary. It is not a small sect that can anchor the general scope. A little clue. nor.

"I don't know who it is specifically, but it must be someone who can pose a threat to the emperor. Everyone knows that the old King Bema died in a city on the east coast. I went to inquire about it. The nobles who were there at the time to rescue failed, The earl who made the deal with us is one of them."

Fin expressed his judgment.

"So, the reason why the earl helps people go to sea is to restore the kingdom?"

Ren was noncommittal. These nobles were very cunning. They opened secret ports, engaged in smuggling, and evaded customs duties. They only sold hallucinogens. How could they have such noble sentiments?

"How can I see it?"

Li Site asked.

"The Lunar Swordsman looks like she is employed, but in fact she is not. Her hometown is Catania on the edge of the Narrow Sea. She was directly slaughtered by the Emperor more than ten years ago. Such a small country has no qualifications to become a functional country. No, just building a post station and becoming the official road of Aram."

Fen has an excellent memory. The Adventurer's Guild's newspaper is full of gossips and scandals about famous adventurers. He sees it every now and then and it's hard to forget.

"The emperor allows other religious forces to enter Syria, and the most influential one is the Church of the Holy Spirit. The emperor seems to respect the state religion of Syria. It is inclusive of all gods, but in fact it is not the case. He wants to weaken the influence of the state religion of Syria. Yes, it was just a mess and it had the opposite effect, so the situation in Syria is very complicated now. The Church of the Holy Spirit, the State Church of Syria, the Emperor, everyone is one to two. Since this person will be escorted by the Holy See, he is satisfied In order to pose a threat to the emperor, I can only say does not necessarily have to be status satisfaction, it can also be that there is some powerful power in the body, maybe it is really an apostle of the Holy Spirit or something like that."

Fen Ru added.

"Fuck, you are worthy of General Fen. He can plan between cabins and win a battle thousands of miles away."

Ren thought it made sense when he heard it.

"So what you're saying is that the person who will come to Lavender Town will probably be Yalan's official?"

Li Site finally understood the core argument of Fen's remarks.

"Are you from Aram? I'll go to Lavender Town to pick you up."

Wollman volunteered for the job because he felt uncomfortable without killing Arameans for a day.

"No, you are too big. The purpose is not to kill people, but to transport people out. The other party is also from Aram... Claude is a man of considerable strength and has the ability to become a core member. Since the other party is also from Aram He should be handed over to Claude, which can be regarded as a complete break and a break, and he should be paid to get on the ship with a surrender certificate."

Li Site said this, so the ten golden dragons he spent were considered useful, and the group of people were still waiting for him at the Menglan Hotel.

"We can let Claude go up first to see the situation, but we still need two people. Gloria and Caruso know that they are looking for pirates to go to sea, and they have our wanted poster portraits. When they find that we are not there, they will Something went wrong.”

Fin judged.

"Anyway, there are still ten days left, so we can discuss it slowly. There will definitely be other changes after such a long time, and we must adapt accordingly."

Oaks thought that since he was a big shot, there must be trouble in Linden City these days.

"We are birds in a cage and fish in a net. If this deal is completed, the birds will fly into the sky and the fish will fall into the sea, and they will no longer be fettered."

Li Site began to reread the classics.

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