Aztec Eternals

Chapter 754: In the autumn of 1489 A.D., the fall of Basa, the sunset...

Outside Basa mountain city, thunderous cheers! With the appearance of Queen Yin Sabella, there seemed to be a magical power that made the tens of thousands of jihadists, who were depressed and struggling, suddenly cheer up from top to bottom!

"Praise be to the Lord! Praise be to the pious and fearless Queen!"

It was the praise of hundreds of Castilian lords. They were respectful, with sincere smiles on their faces, but they were sincere like never before in front of King Fernando.

"The queen is here! The queen is here! For the sake of the queen, we must continue the jihad!"

This is the cheer of thousands of Castilian knights. Their eyes are full of respect. They bowed their heads to the queen, and all the decadence was swept away, and they regained the courage to fight.

"Ah! Holy Queen! She is the Virgin Mary, incarnate on earth! Praise the Virgin!"

The loudest cheers came from tens of thousands of soldiers in the camp. They prayed devoutly and revered from the bottom of their hearts, as if they really regarded the queen in front of them as the incarnation of the Virgin.

Seeing this welcome scene, and welcoming King Fernando at the front of the team, he took a deep breath, feeling uncontrollable envy in his heart. He knew that throughout his life, it would be impossible for him to be so respected by his subjects like Queen Yinsabella. Because, this is not only a matter of prestige and ability, but also a unique advantage that only the queen has!

When people in later generations describe this medieval era, they always talk about the fashion of knights and the worship of women. However, the women respected by knights have nothing to do with ordinary commoner women. The object of their worship is a respected female monarch or mistress, and a noble woman with virtue. In fact, this is an extension of the worship of Our Lady, the brilliance bestowed by faith. The object of reverence also needs to be as close as possible to the virtues required by Catholicism.

"Innocent, pure, holy, devout, brave, fearless..."

King Fernando pursed his lips, silently counting in his heart the halo of virtue attached to his wife. Innocence and purity are unique to women, holiness and piety are recognized by the church and honest people, bravery and fearlessness are choices when facing danger... Unfortunately, he has none of these six virtues. What I can barely pretend to be is piety and bravery.

"Diligent, thoughtful, wise, long-term, prudent, flexible..."

King Fernando counted his own characteristics with a wry smile on his face. In the traditional cognition of Catholicism, it is difficult to say whether these are advantages or disadvantages, but they are certainly not virtues. Therefore, even if he is the king of Aragon, it is difficult to superimpose the prestige of religious morality on himself.

It is also for this reason that among the two kings, Queen Yinsabella's status is firmly higher than that of King Fernando. This is not only because Castile's army is stronger, but more importantly, King Fernando lacks religious and moral prestige, and cannot truly convince the knights and vassals to be loyal!

In this era when medieval traditions are still strong, in the traditional Kingdom of Castile, King Fernando can win, but the glory must go to the Queen!

Accompanied by Cardinal Mendoza, Queen Insabella strode forward with steady steps. She raised the scepter in her hand to greet the cheering knights and sergeants, and then won even bigger cheers. In this way, amidst continuous cheers, she came before King Fernando, expressing her determination with concise and firm words.

"Fernando! The Lord calls me, here I come! You welcome me, here I come!"

Queen Yinsabella said so. She looked at Justice Thomas, bowed her head and saluted, and the other party also respectfully returned the salute.

"The Lord has promised! We will take this mountain city!"

Speaking of this, Queen Yin Sabella raised her head and looked at the mountain city of Basa several miles away. The cheers of the Crusaders have already alarmed the Moors defending the city. At this moment, pairs of staring eyes were cast on the walls, spires, and roofs of the mountain city, worried and restless.

With the Queen's arrival, the morale of the besieging army was high, and an inexplicable depression suddenly permeated the mountain city. The morale of both sides of the war always ebbs and flows, and the power of rational thinking will give way to the illusory spirit at critical moments, which will shake people's hearts.

"When I get here, I won't leave, no matter what happens! We will continue to surround this place until the Moors send messengers to announce their surrender!"

Queen Insabella said so and did so. After the queen's caravan brought most of the Castilian court. This firm performance and decisive action made it impossible for all the nobles of Castile who wanted to retreat. They couldn't retreat around the queen, or they would lose all their reputations. In the Christian world at this time, the consequences of losing one's reputation are disastrous.

The autumn wind is bleak, day after day. The black smoke of burning death is still rising inside and outside the mountain city. Queen Yinsabella was not afraid, and even took risks. Under the protection of the guards, she visited the sick soldiers at a distance of more than ten steps.

After the queen arrived, more supply wagons also arrived at the camp. The queen even held an open-air banquet to receive the great nobles just before the mountain city, where they enjoyed expensive and precious spices... bacon.

Seeing such a situation, the will of the Barcelona defenders was finally completely shaken. They didn't know that many of the supply carriages were actually empty boxes. They also didn't know that the plague in the besieged camp had killed more than a dozen nobles from Castile. In the face of a plague that treats everyone equally, the Castilians outside the city are actually just breathing more and pulling more skin than they do.

More than ten days later, the lord of the mountain city of Basa, the elderly Moorish nobleman, Ben Hassan (Ben Hassan), finally sent a negotiating envoy, the Moorish warrior Sidi Yahya (Cidiyahye), to discuss the matter of surrender.

Queen Yin Sabella personally participated in the negotiations and agreed to all of Yahya's requests. That was the generous condition never offered by the Catholic side in the entire Granada jihad, from the beginning to the end, for the entire ten years:

The Moorish army in the city of Barcelona can be withdrawn from the city, and God will not pursue them. The Moors in the city can take all their wealth and leave with the army, or they can stay in their hometown and keep all their property. All the remaining Moors will become subjects of Castile, and they only need to pay tribute on time, and they can even keep their original religious beliefs!

Hearing such benevolent terms of surrender, Moor Lord Hassan couldn't believe it, and was speechless in surprise. However, Queen Insabella made a promise in the name of the Lord, signed a written agreement, and stamped her king's seal.

Lord Hassan of Moore received the agreement document and read it three times before he sincerely praised the Queen's kindness and signed it with his seal. He will evacuate with the army, and take all his savings, to the southern seaport. There, there will be Moorish ships to pick him up and retreat to the other side of the strait, which is also the Moorish Kingdom of Vatas. And the navy blocked by the Kingdom of Aragon will also follow the agreement and let his boat go.

The autumn sky is high and clear, and the departing team of the Moors raises clouds of smoke and dust. Half of the Moors in the city chose to leave, while the other half chose to stay, reluctant to part with their houses. The flag of the Kingdom of Castile was raised on the top of the mountain city of Bassa, symbolizing the end of the Moorish dynasty and the end of the Granada War. After losing the barrier in the northeast, the last Granada is already an isolated city, and it won't last long.

For the Moors who chose to stay, the queen's agreement is also true and effective, and even the Spanish Inquisition will not violate it. They can still live in the city of Barcelona for more than ten years, until the Queen's death, the door of the Inquisition will be opened to them!

"Praise the Lord! Insabella, the mountain city of Bassa, is ours from now on!"

King Fernando had a complicated look on his face, looking at the queen who was dressed in fine clothes and riding a war horse beside him, as if he was looking at the shining sun. He tilted his head unnaturally slightly, admonishing him.

"The spotted plague is still spreading inside and outside the city of Barcelona, ​​no matter how isolated it It can't be stopped! Even the nobles of the kingdom are constantly dying. If ten people get it, four will die ..."

"God bless! Let's clean up as soon as possible, leave a group of garrisons, and bring the main force of the kingdom's army back to the north!"

"Okay! Fernando, I promise you. However, before leaving, I still have one thing to do!"

Hearing her husband's words, Queen Yin Sabella showed a confident and bright smile on her face. As soon as her strong legs clamped the horse's belly, she rode forward and rushed to the high mountain city.

"Let's go! Come with me and let me take a good look at this new mountain city. This is what the Lord promised me, my mountain city!"

The sun is setting to the west, the sky is reflecting the glow, and the new flag is hanging on the mountain city. The black smoke of death has never dissipated, and the pace of war will never stop. After the mountain city of Barcelona, ​​​​is Granada. And after Granada, what will it be?

The sun did not answer, it just went on westward until it fell into the western mountains, into the western sea and sky, that is the unknown west of Europe.

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