Aztec Eternals

Vol 3 Chapter 1157: With so much iron, this is definitely no ordinary native tribe! …

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"Blessed Mother! Where are the native villages? Where are the tribes?...How many warriors do they have?..."

"In the west! We encountered several native fishing boats, and they escaped into the lagoon to the west...The native village is far away by the lake!..."

"Lord! The mouth of this lagoon is so narrow, only a few dozen meters wide, and it is very winding... It is difficult for our sailboat to get in, and it is also difficult to get out after entering! What if we encounter a small boat set on fire by the natives again... "

"Protect the Son, bless the Queen! Respected Captain Ohirasatsu has an order: put down the armed boats of the fleet, row into the mouth of the lake, and explore the size and attitude of the native villages in this area... Be careful! Remember to tell We have no hostility towards the natives we meet, we are friendly friends!…”

"Yes, God bless you!... Come and take these shining glass beads as a gift for the natives!..."

Three Castilian sailing ships anchored at the mouth of the lagoon. The sailors were noisy and busy, lowering three armed boats. The boat rowed four or five miles and went deep along the narrow river. Then, this bright coastal lagoon, like an uncarved natural picture, suddenly spread out at the end of the river.

The lagoon is about twenty miles in diameter and shaped like an embrace. The bay of the lake is clear and light green, reflecting the woods surrounding the lake. The beach is continuous gray-white, dotted with scattered fringing reefs. Schools of fish gather at the mouth of the river, and turtles live on the beach. The lake is bright and everything looks like an oil painting; the west bank is broad, and you can see smoke curling up from cooking stoves in the distance.

This beautiful bay was called "Bahía de Banes" in later generations. In this era, it was called "Little Inlet" by the Taíno people. The Taíno tribe who settled here is the "waterside tribe that grows fruit trees", the Pomelo Tribe of more than 900 people. As for the reason why this place is called "Little Water Bay", it is precisely because one day's walk to the southeast, there is a truly vast "Nipe Bay" with a radius of fifty or sixty miles. The large tribe next to the "Big Water Bay" is the Mayali Water Flower Tribe with 3,000 people, and the Tiewan Town established by the Kingdom!

"Damn it! The natives blew the conch horn again and fled ashore in their boats! ... Lord! What on earth is going on? Why did they run back as if they had seen ghosts when they first saw us? ?…”

"Holy Mother! The village of the natives is not small, at least there are hundreds of people! They blow the conch trumpet and beat the leather drum...ah! They hold the spears and mobilize the tribe's men... They are hostile to us and want to fight us !…”

"Joder! The foreheads of these natives are all carved with those nasty bird patterns!...Damn it! They also have two of those armored, fierce leaders!..."

The second captain, Dela Cosa, rowed the Santa Maria's armed boat, and together with Erpinson Francisco's boat, they looked at the situation on the shore. The expressions of the two people were relatively relaxed at first, but soon became serious.

More than a dozen native fishing boats, like frightened flying fish, made beeping conch whistles and fled all the way to the village on the west side of the lagoon. Then, the native fishermen on the boat shouted loudly, making the whole tribe excited.

"O God of the Sun! The evil demon, it's an evil demon! ...The white-skinned, bearded evil demon really appeared from the sea just like the 'Long Legs' of the Spider Cave Department said!..."

Soon, the "didi" conch horn and the "dong dong" drum sound sounded at the same time. Under the command of dozens of leather-armored natives, two hundred strong natives with carved bird patterns carried spears and formed an extremely crude spear array. The two native leaders, both wearing bronze armor that looked like ancient Greek city-states, were shouting to command the tribal warriors while cautiously watching the boats in the lake.

"Hiss! There are bird patterns carved all over the forehead, and they are that kind of troublesome tribe!..."

Francisco Pinzon looked at the shore for a while and then took a breath of air. He frowned and looked at Dracosa on the other boat, his voice filled with nervousness.

"Dracosa, look at their spearheads! Look at the reflection of their spearheads!... So much iron! Most of them are iron spears, more than the tribes in that fishing bay!..."

"Holy Mother, this is a big tribe of iron-rich natives! The further east we go, the more iron there is in the native tribe, and the hostility towards us is getting bigger and bigger!..."

Dracosa frowned suddenly, pondered for a while, and then cautiously suggested.

"Francisco, the native tribes here are very dangerous. Do we still want to get closer to the shore?..."


Francisco Pinzon thought for a while and replied somewhat reluctantly.

"God bless us! We are here, ready to leave at any time... But first we send a sailor to swim to the shore and leave gifts to see!... If we can trade with this big tribe and get goods and supplies... "

The European explorers of the Age of Discovery were fierce and cruel in following the laws of the jungle, but they were also extremely pragmatic and flexible. When they lack strength and face threatening local tribes, they will immediately put away their arrogance, hide their wanton killings, and put on a more confusing and friendly face. But their goal remains the same and never changes, that is, to obtain wealth and plunder more, more, more wealth! …

"O Lord! Brave little Gil swam to the shore and dropped a bag of glass beads! ... The natives threw stones at him! ... The armored men of the natives shot arrows at him! ... Ah! He was hit in the knee With one arrow, he couldn't escape!... Holy Mother! A dozen natives carrying spears rushed towards poor little Gil!..."

"Boss, what should we do? Little Gil is about to be caught! The natives here are as fierce as the tribes in that fishing bay!... We can't get food and water from here..."


Francisco Pinzon squinted his eyes and stared at the chaotic beach hundreds of meters away. Sailor Gill fell down on the beach, howling for help and waving the sailor's scimitar! And a bag of colorful glass beads was scattered on the beach, sparkling in the sun.

"Holy Mother! Help me!... Someone come quickly! Get me on board!..."

A dozen native spearmen approached cautiously, holding iron spears, like a pack of dogs testing a wild donkey. They poked and prodded a few times tentatively, which frightened Sailor Gill and rolled him over on the beach. The wounds on his knees were bleeding continuously.

"Uh-huh! Go carrot!..."

Then, a native leader wearing leather armor shouted, stabbed Gill in the wrist, and sent his sailor's scimitar flying away. Several naked native spearmen swarmed forward and took out ropes from thick vines...


Francisco Pinzon frowned and had no intention of rescuing Gil. He watched the movements of the natives carefully, and saw a native spearman with a happy face, lowering his head to get the bag of glass beads scattered on the beach. But the leather-armored captain who took the lead yelled a few words and gave the spearman two hard slaps! Then, he kicked hard two or three times, kicking all the glowing glass beads into the lake!


Seeing this, Francisco Pinzon took another breath and his expression became extremely serious. He no longer hesitated, turned the bow of the boat decisively, and shouted to the second captain Dela Cosa next to him.

"Let's go! Dracosa, let's go quickly!..."

"Witness the Lord! Being able to resist the temptation of glass beads and showing such discipline...this is by no means an ordinary aboriginal tribe!..."

"We can't communicate with them, nor can we defeat such a large Xipangu tribe and get the much-needed supplies... Let's go! Row quickly and get back to the ship!..."

"Blessed Mother! Let's continue eastward! We will definitely find a small tribe of natives!..."

Thank you to the readers who rewarded the alliance leader with "az123zx123"! Thank you all for your support and encouragement! Orz, I’ve been busy this month, and there will be supplementary and additional updates next month. I wish everyone a happy New Year!

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