A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 317 Fourth Generation Reactor!

"Professor Zhang, this is our latest generation nuclear reactor."

Experts in dark blue, nameplate-less uniforms enthusiastically introduce their latest masterpieces.

There was not a speck of dust visible around the pale white reactor.

"Two VK-2M pressurized water reactors can provide more than 280 megawatts of power."

"I wonder if I can meet your needs?"

Nuclear power experts don't know the identity of the person in front of them.

But just not knowing the identity is enough to get a glimpse of the leopard.

Those who can become experts in nuclear power construction must be extremely skilled in confidentiality.

Even they don't know, so the true identity of the visitor is absolutely the highest level of confidentiality.

"Electricity supply barely meets demand."

Zhang Xingyang, wearing a white safety helmet, nodded slightly:

"But what about security?"

"Our application scenario is very special and there cannot be any mistakes."

"Once a failure occurs, it will not only cause hundreds of billions of economic losses to the country, but also cause hundreds of casualties."

Although Zhang Xingyang did not specify the application scenario, nuclear power experts still heard a serious meaning from it.

In the blink of an eye, nuclear power experts thought of possible application scenarios.

Nuclear submarine!

Although he didn't know the cost of a nuclear submarine, it was definitely an astronomical figure.

As for the number of casualties, it is easier to understand. If the reactor fails, then the naval officers and soldiers on the entire nuclear submarine will basically not survive.

After the nuclear power expert figured this out, he felt a little in awe:

"Our reactor failure rate is absolutely the lowest."

"I guarantee on my life that there won't be any problems with them."

The origin of domestic nuclear power is actually the application of nuclear reactors on nuclear submarines.

At that time, faced with the nuclear deterrence of the two superpowers in the world, the great man proposed: "It will take ten thousand years to build a nuclear submarine!"

It only took five years from the official launch of the project in 1965 to the launch of the first nuclear submarine in 1970.

The most difficult thing among them is the problem of the nuclear reactor at the core of the nuclear submarine.

Zhang Xingyang believed that the other party was absolutely sincere when he said this.

However, the inspection requirements for reactors have not been relaxed.

"This reactor will be transported away after we complete the inspection."

"However, we will not relax even a little bit about the inspection requirements."

Zhang Xingyang said while still maintaining a serious expression.

"This is what it should be." The nuclear power expert nodded.

"Do you want our help with the inspection?"

Out of good intentions, the nuclear power expert asked a question.

Zhang Xingyang waved his hand: "No need, we have our experts."

Then the members of the expert team he brought politely came forward and started handing over to the reactor construction personnel.

Then a comprehensive inspection of the reactor began, and every screw was tested in detail to ensure their strength.

"How long have you been working in the nuclear industry company?" When he was idle, Zhang Xingyang chatted with the nuclear power experts around him.

The nuclear power expert obviously did not think of this problem. After being stunned for a while, he said: "It must have been more than 20 years ago."

"When I just graduated, I joined the Ministry of Nuclear Industry. Later, the department was reorganized and I joined the Nuclear Industry Company."

Seemingly remembering his past years, he said with some emotion:

"At that time, we had just started building civilian nuclear power, and no one had much experience."

"It is Mr. Peng who led us to learn from the Gauls' nuclear power construction, otherwise there would not be many civilian nuclear power plants today."

Zhang Xingyang thought of a name, but didn't say it.

Because a lot of his information should not have been declassified at this time.

Saying it yourself may cause unnecessary trouble.

Peng Shilu, one of the first nuclear power experts in China, presided over the construction of the first nuclear submarine in China and promoted the establishment of many systems in nuclear power construction.

"Do you have any development plans for fourth-generation reactors now?"

Zhang Xingyang asked, changing the subject.

"The current reactor size and power are still far from our ultimate goal."

Nuclear power experts were authorized before the reception.

You can tell them everything about this.

"To be honest, the third-generation reactor is still in a state of development and perfection internationally, and the fourth-generation reactor is just a theoretical thing."

Nuclear power experts are a bit oblique.

But I can still understand it.

That is, theoretical research has been done, but the actual development progress is zero.

"We have great aspirations for the development of miniaturized reactors. If you are interested, I think we can cooperate."

Zhang Xingyang smiled and extended an invitation to the other party.

"Of course, we have great research interest in fourth-generation reactors!"

Nuclear power experts said excitedly.

In fact, he can't make the decision in this kind of thing.

Especially if you don't know anything about the opponent's units.

However, nuclear power experts thought they had guessed where the other party was coming from.

Zhang Xingyang has already come up with a reason.

If nuclear submarines are to be further developed in the future, the current reactors may not be able to carry them.

Doesn’t this require a stronger heart, which is the fourth generation pile?

In addition to nuclear submarines, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers may also require fourth-generation nuclear reactors.

The reactor of a nuclear submarine can actually be used on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to some extent.

For example, the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in Gaul uses the GEC Alsthom PWR Type K-15 nuclear reactor on the Gallic Triumph-class nuclear submarine.

But it also caused another problem.

The Gallic carrier became the postwar floor tile for carrier speed.

The actual maximum speed is only 25 knots.

The speed of general aircraft carriers is above 30 knots.

"We have actually conducted a lot of theoretical research on fourth-generation reactors."

Nuclear power experts came and talked happily.

"Our theoretical research is mainly focused on the field of thermal neutron reactors."

“There has been an experimental ultra-high temperature reactor in the world before and it was successfully constructed in South Africa.

However, the cost of its supercritical steam boiler remains high, so we are not prepared to build this type of reactor. "

After talking about the ultra-high temperature reactor, the nuclear power experts finally reacted slightly.

What I said was a little professional, and I was a little worried that the other party wouldn't understand.

Zhang Xingyang saw the other party stop and raised his eyebrows: "So you haven't done any research on molten salt reactors?"

The thorium-based molten salt reactor that Zhang Xingyang and Geng Bo mentioned before falls into this category.

Nuclear power experts are a little surprised. The international exploration of fourth-generation reactors has just begun, and not many people know about molten salt reactors.

"We have also studied this aspect."

"You have done quite a lot of theoretical research." Zhang Xingyang said.

The nuclear power expert smiled a little shyly, "In the past, scientific research funds were not very sufficient, so we were able to conduct some theoretical research."

"Experimental reactors are very expensive."

Zhang Xingyang nodded slightly in agreement. He had always felt that scientific research funds were not enough.

The construction cost of the experimental reactor is estimated to consume an entire year's profit of nuclear industry companies.

"We have also conducted certain model calculations. Nuclear fuel dissolves in fluoride to form metal salts."

The nuclear power expert who had just cried about poverty and wanted to spend more money later said:

"For example: uranium tetrafluoride and thorium tetrafluoride. According to our calculations, when the molten salt fluid mixed with nuclear fuel flows into the graphite-moderated core, it will reach a critical mass."

"This is a very feasible design solution."

Just as Zhang Xingyang was about to say something, a burst of noise gradually erupted within the team of experts inspecting the nuclear reactor.

It made him pause what he originally wanted to say.

Nuclear power experts also turned their attention to the disputed expert team.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the experts who were arguing.

"What's going on?"

Zhang Xingyang stretched out his hands, pulled the two people away, and asked the person next to him.

"Lao Qin and Lao Yao have slightly different opinions on the strength requirements of a structural component, and neither of them agrees with the other."

The person who had been watching the whole incident enthusiastically explained to Zhang Xingyang.

After listening, Zhang Xingyang felt helpless.

It's really hard to tell who is right and who is wrong in this kind of thing.

However, Zhang Xingyang still asked very curiously: "What structural part makes you two so inconsistent?"

"Main shaft of closed cycle gas turbine."

Lao Qin tidied his clothes and calmed down.

"As the core of power generation equipment, I think it is necessary to achieve the theoretical optimal strength."

Lao Yao, who was obviously unconvinced at the side, was obviously angry when he heard this, and even wanted to rush forward and grab Lao Tan's collar.

"You have the nerve to say the theoretical maximum, but is it really achievable in reality?!"

It is obvious that Lao Yao is from a related manufacturing background and has a clear understanding of how big the gap is between theory and practice.

Lao Qin is an obvious theoretical person, pursuing the so-called theoretical optimal value.

Industrial manufacturing is not about writing and drawing on paper. The theoretical values ​​can really only stay on paper.

Generally speaking, as long as it is within a certain error range, everyone can accept it.

"What's the difference between the actual measured value and the theoretical value?"

The two of them were fighting so hard that Zhang Xingyang also preconceived the idea that the gap between the two might be relatively large.

"In fact, the gap is much smaller than we previously expected."

Still the enthusiastic onlooker:

"The actual measured value is only two ten thousandths less than the theoretical value."

After Zhang Xingyang listened, he was speechless for a moment.

The difference of two ten thousandths is actually very small.

It is within the allowable range.

The closed cycle gas turbine serves as the power generation end of the entire nuclear reactor.

The body is very large, the main axis alone is several meters long and nearly half a meter thick.

Let alone two thousandths of an error, even if it is two thousandths.

In fact, they are all acceptable.

"Lao Qin, this intensity is enough for us."

Zhang Xingyang rarely gave advice to a person.

"Professor Zhang, before we came here, you asked us to be meticulous and strive for excellence during inspections." Lao Tan said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhang Xingyang did say this before coming.

"You are no longer striving for excellence. Theory is theory and reality is reality. This error is reasonable."

Zhang Xingyang said earnestly.

"We can't require it with such standards, that would cause a lot of trouble for us."

"Not to mention whether we can create a new main axle that perfectly meets the conditions."

"Even if it can be made, how much time will it waste on us?"

“Do you know how big the impact this will have on our program?”

After listening to Zhang Xingyang's few questions, Lao Tan's body, which had been tense, suddenly felt deflated, and he hunched slightly:

"Professor Zhang, I know that a perfect component is impossible, but I just want to."

As he said this, tears appeared faintly in Lao Qin's eyes:

"I just want us to use the best parts!"

"Otherwise, if any problems arise due to this in the future, I won't be able to overcome the hurdle in my heart!"

After Lao Qin finished speaking, everyone present was stunned.

Lao Qin really treats the entire project as his own child.

I hope everything can be the best and most perfect.

Zhang Xingyang looked at Lao Tan with complicated eyes, and didn't say anything. He just patted his back gently to calm his mood.

Although I have met many such lovely people in this era.

But every time he meets them, Zhang Xingyang is still shocked.

They may not have extremely strong research capabilities.

But they devoted their entire lives to the development of the country's scientific and technological undertakings.

There are actually many of these people around Zhang Xingyang.

But Lao Qin's tears still touched Zhang Xingyang's heart.

He even slightly changed his original decision.

"Old Qin, our reactor is only for verification. There will be no extreme situations. You don't have to worry so much."

"And, I promise you, within five years, you will be able to see our project succeed!"

Zhang Xingyang was still immersed in emotional emotions and couldn't extricate himself.

Lao Qin had wiped away his tears, looked at Zhang Xingyang with a smile on his face and said:


"A man can't go back on his word!"

Seeing Lao Qin in front of him as if he was changing his face in a Sichuan opera, Zhang Xingyang reacted naturally.

I was fooled.

Lao Qin's feelings were true, but he actually wanted to understand after the first persuasion.

It's just that he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good idea.

So I got a promise from Zhang Xingyang.

"I always feel like you're playing me."

Zhang Xingyang complained slightly, but soon said seriously:

"Five years."

“Within five years, everyone will be able to witness the success of the project!”

As for what project it is, no one has said clearly.

So much so that nuclear power experts imagined a whole drama on the sidelines.

An old scientist who has dedicated his life to the nuclear submarine industry wants to see the emergence of a new generation of nuclear submarines within his career.

The leader of the new generation has issued a military order to see success within five years.

"I hope your career will really succeed."

The nuclear power expert said next to the crowd.

Then I saw everyone's strange looks.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" The nuclear power expert muttered to himself.

Although Zhang Xingyang didn't know what the other party was thinking, but it always felt weird, he still thanked him gently. (End of chapter)

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