Tropical cyclones are born in warm waters near the equator and end up on the continent.

In countries surrounding the Western Pacific, it is also called a typhoon.

A relatively common typhoon carries more than 600,000 times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, the most powerful weapon actually used by mankind in war.

It is one of the natural disasters faced by Pacific coastal countries.

Except for the Southeast Pacific.

"The southeastern Pacific Ocean is severely affected by the Peruvian cold current and the Benguela cold current. The upper warm water layer is too thin and the typhoon does not get enough heat, so it will be weakened quickly."

In an ordinary classroom, a geography lecturer was talking about the reasons why typhoons cannot occur in the Southeast Pacific.

"Teacher, if we heat the local water temperature when a typhoon embryo is born, is it possible to produce an unprecedented typhoon in the Southeast Pacific?"

A boy in the audience asked on a whim.

"The birth of a typhoon is not that simple."

The lecturer shook his head and continued to talk about the second condition required for the generation of a typhoon.

But before explaining, he first asked a question to the students sitting here.

"What do you think a typhoon actually is?"

"A little whirlwind?"

"A combination of cumulonimbus clouds and swirling air currents?"

The lecturer looked at the students in the audience who were thinking a lot, smiled and said:

"It's actually not that complicated. The essence of a typhoon is a heat engine."

"Everyone knows that the essence of wind is the flow of air."

The lecturer switched a slide:

"The working mechanism of typhoons is to absorb a large amount of warm and moist air from the lower levels. When this air reaches high altitudes, it will sink from the outer layers of high altitudes, completing a cycle."

"As it circulates, the warm, moist air condenses and releases a lot of heat."

"This heat is the source of power for typhoons."

"The condensation of warm and humid air will bring a lot of precipitation."

"This is why typhoons are usually accompanied by heavy rains."

"Back to our question, why is it that the southeastern Pacific cannot generate typhoons even if there is enough heat."

The lecturer switched to two global wind direction maps.

One is the prevailing wind at low altitude, and the other is the prevailing wind at high altitude.

"Because there's wind shear in the southeastern Pacific."

"The prevailing low-altitude winds in the southeastern Pacific are southeasterly trade winds, while the prevailing upper-altitude winds are westerly winds."

"This is mainly affected by the Walker circulation, which you just need to understand."

"In this way, the low-altitude circulation of typhoons will be broken."

"Under the influence of wind shear, the high-altitude airflow will escape in the completely opposite direction of the typhoon's movement direction."

"This is why, even if there are very rare typhoons moving from the western Pacific to the southeastern Pacific, they will quickly deplete."

The lecturer looked at the boy who asked the question at the beginning:

"Do you still think that the southeastern Pacific Ocean can produce typhoons?"

The boy raised his head and thought thoughtfully: "Maybe our technology can do it in the future."

The lecturer laughed "haha":


"Not possible within a hundred years!"

The classroom was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Thousands of miles away, the Northeast Pacific.

On the seemingly calm ocean surface, an invisible vortex is slowly being born.

"Typhoon embryo 96W has been tracked."

The thermal imaging tracking equipment of the meteorological satellite Fengyun transmits detailed atmospheric data back to the country.

"Dragon King Project, the first experiment has officially begun!"

Zhang Xingyang gave the order very calmly.

Radio waves traveled across the sky, and Ghost 1 received the order.

Turn on the special onboard guidance device.

They will provide the initial direction for microwaves.

The birth of a typhoon is really too dangerous.

Whether it is an airplane or a ship, if it is caught in a typhoon area, it is likely to be damaged.

Only the Phantom 1, which can fly up to far beyond the atmosphere, can carry out this special mission.

"Will the Dragon King really be born?"

The old chief seemed a little worried and had some inexplicable emotions.

"If our experimental conditions are met, there is a high probability that it will be born."

Zhang Xingyang thought for a few seconds and replied:

"However, there is a possibility that it will not be born. It is full of uncertainties."

Even in later generations with more advanced science and technology, research on meteorology still has not reached a 100% level.

Although typhoon control technology has become mature.

Able to control their size and direction of movement.

However, there are still deficiencies in understanding the specific content.

It's like a primitive matchlock gun.

Although they are not 100% aware of the principle, it does not prevent everyone from using this powerful weapon.

In space, microwave power satellites are injected with control data.

Start adjusting your trajectory and illumination angle.

At the beginning of its development, power satellites were considered for military use.

However, this method does not directly cause damage to personnel and is difficult to be directly identified as an offensive weapon.

It can be regarded as a side goal.

In less than twenty minutes, the satellite direction angle was adjusted.

The high-power microwave device begins to adjust and start up.

Compared with the energy delivery mode, the current microwave mode is more concentrated.

It has been able to continuously heat the irradiated target.

The temperature of the sea area rises rapidly when exposed to microwaves.

Huge amounts of seawater began to evaporate under such heating conditions.

An unusually warm and humid air flow was produced.

Typhoon embryo 96W may have taken dozens of days to develop.

In just a few hours, a sea change occurred.

If there are offshore fishing boats nearby, they will see a very unforgettable scene.

A group of extremely dark clouds quickly appeared in the originally blue sky.

That is a large amount of water vapor produced when warm and humid air flows cool at high altitudes.

In fact, there are many weather satellites suspended in space.

A sudden change has been noticed here.

But everyone knows the magic of nature.

In addition, the place where it happened is thousands of kilometers away from the nearest coastline.

It has not yet reached the 48-hour typhoon warning line designated by various countries.

So it didn’t attract too much attention from everyone.

Compared with the situation at sea, weather changes on land receive more attention from everyone.

"The birth process of the Dragon King seems to be going smoothly."

The old chief said slightly excitedly.

"Maybe our first experiment will be successful!"

Zhang Xingyang looked at the screen in front of him, which was densely packed with data that had been processed by supercomputing.

At the same time, the possibility of typhoons was predicted.

The large typhoon model was built by Zhang Xingyang.

Although compared with the Pangu prediction model of later generations, there is still a slight gap.

But this is mainly due to the hardware gap.

The current supercomputing power is still limited.

Even so, relatively accurate predictions can still be made.

The accuracy is not said to be 80%.

Sixty percent is always there.

"The current energy output power of satellites has reached its maximum value."

Zhang Xingyang looked at the data and said:

"Unable to provide more water vapor support to the typhoon embryo, there is very little we can do next."

"Whether it can evolve into a typhoon still depends on its own destiny."

This power microwave satellite is already the latest model.

A large number of fourth-generation semiconductors are used.

Compared with the first generation electric microwave satellite, the power has been increased dozens of times!

Only then can this large area of ​​​​sea be heated and evaporated!

Even ultra-high-power second-generation satellites are in the process of generating typhoons.

It only acts as a catalyst.

Can it evolve from tropical depression level to super typhoon?

It depends more on whether its own structure is stable enough.

It can spontaneously absorb large amounts of water vapor from the surrounding sea.

In fact, from the broad concept of typhoon.

Today's typhoon embryo 96W is already considered a typhoon.

It's just the weakest level.

It may disappear at any time.

According to the country's classification of tropical cyclones.

Typhoons are divided into six levels according to the maximum wind speed on the ground near the center: super typhoon, severe typhoon, typhoon, severe tropical storm, tropical storm, and tropical depression.

The goal of the Dragon King Plan is to create a super typhoon!

"Then we are just going to watch here during this period?"

The old chief said helplessly.

"Of course not, we still have a lot of things we can do."

Zhang Xingyang said: "For example, we can now heat the sea areas around typhoons."

"Create enough nutrients for typhoon embryos."

The nutrients that typhoon embryos need are very simple, that is, enough hot and hot water vapor.

This is also the main reason why the longer a typhoon hovers on the ocean, the more powerful it becomes.

In the process, they absorbed sufficient water vapor.

expanded its structure.

"Of course, if you allow us to mobilize more satellites, then we can generate typhoons faster."

Zhang Xingyang said with a smile.

"Don't think about it. It took us a lot of effort to get this satellite."

The old chief shook his head:

“Currently in the UN General Assembly, the debate over microwave power satellites continues.”

"If we adjust more satellites, it will be too eye-catching."

Are microwave power satellites considered weapons?

Zhang Xingyang also heard about the debate at the United Nations General Assembly.

The reason for this is not complicated either.

In the final analysis, it is just a matter of interests.

Then interest groups will not only do such rough work as assassinations.

The international stage like the United Nations General Assembly is actually their home field.

They have countless ways to get politicians to speak for themselves.

"Okay, then it seems that the Dragon King's birth time will still be delayed a lot."

Zhang Xingyang spread his hands and said.

In the Northeast Pacific, a typhoon embryo grows at a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

In just one day, it developed from an embryonic typhoon to a severe tropical storm level!

Looking at the birth rate of typhoons since records began, it is also among the best.

"The typhoon's central wind speed has reached level 12, and a clear and round eye has opened, and it continues to shrink."

Meteorological satellites monitor the development speed of typhoons day and night.

"The status of the typhoon's eye means that our targets are currently well developed."

Zhang Xingyang said with some joy.

"According to the current trend, it is very likely to develop into a super typhoon!"

Generally speaking, the eye of a typhoon is round, elliptical, oval, polygonal, etc.

The more complete and clear the shape of the typhoon eye, the higher the intensity of the typhoon.

The circular eye of the typhoon is the strongest among them.

During the development of a typhoon, the intensification of the typhoon will cause the eye of the typhoon to shrink.

Therefore, the various performances of the Dragon King mean that its power in the future is likely to reach unprecedented levels.

It's like raising a child.

At present, Typhoon has been raised by them to be strong and strong, and he will definitely grow into a strong man in the future.

"If it becomes a super typhoon, can we still control it?"

The old chief asked after hearing this.

Uncontrolled typhoons are likely to create unprecedented dangers.

Among their previous plans was a plan to eliminate the typhoon.

They would steer the wind's path straight north.

Let the high-altitude westerlies in the temperate zone take away the heat from the upper levels of the typhoon.

In this way, the typhoon they had cultivated with their own hands could be completely eliminated.

"At present, its movement trajectory is still within our control."

Zhang Xingyang also calmed down:

"However, there is no guarantee that it will be able to move forward according to our guidance after it develops into a super typhoon."

The inertia of super typhoons has exceeded the scope of microwave control.

The energy level itself is simply too high.

The energy generated by microwaves can no longer shake such a big tree.

Zhang Xingyang said: "Considering its location, it is basically unlikely to have an impact on us."

"Don't worry, old man. Even if it can cross the first island chain, its power has been greatly weakened. There is nothing to worry about."

The typhoon you cultivate may trick you.

This is considered before planning begins.

This is why we chose typhoon embryos in the Northeast Pacific.

The local distance from China is more than 8,000 kilometers.

It is unlikely to have any domestic impact.

Even if it's out of control, coming all the way west.

Then the first island chain will also become an excellent enough barrier.

consumes most of its energy.

The old chief sighed: "I hope everything goes as expected."

Sometimes, when you want something to come, it just doesn’t come.

You don't want something to come, and it just comes.

After a day and a night of development, the original typhoon embryo 96W has become a behemoth.

Huge clouds spread over the Northeast Pacific.

It is nearly a thousand kilometers across!

And its central typhoon eye is as small as the eye of a needle, only less than 60 kilometers away.

This means that its vitality will be extremely tenacious.

I don’t know how far it can penetrate into the mainland.

"The typhoon is out of control." Zhang Xingyang said with a cold face.

"It's like a wild horse running wild, heading east."

"Based on current conditions, it will be the largest typhoon in this century."

"In less than 20 hours, it will land on the west coast of Yingjiang!"

Old Chief: "Where is the landing place?"

"The whole of California will be under its clouds."

"The eye of the typhoon is right here."

Zhang Xingyang pointed to a small dot on the map.

It reads, San Francisco! (End of chapter)

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