A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 307: Thousands of miles of patrol!

Without aerial refueling, the range of more than 14,000 kilometers has greatly exceeded the previous world record set by B2.

B2 does not carry out aerial refueling and has a maximum range of 12,000 kilometers.

"The main reason is that a lot of fuel is consumed during the take-off phase, otherwise our range could easily exceed 20,000 kilometers."

Zhang Xingyang said helplessly.

With the current power system, this terrifyingly heavy machine can be made to fly using a booster.

Already a miracle!

If it only relies on its own six aero engines.

Not to mention flying to a height of 80,000 meters.

Even taking off was difficult.

Or it may require an extremely long sliding distance of several thousand meters.

"If we do this, there won't be any problems, right?"

Zhang Xingyang asked uneasily as he thought about the bomber's flight route.

According to the plan, it will fly directly over the footbath and fly over Hawaii in a straight line.

Then we return about 2,000 kilometers away from the coast of Yingjiang.

This voyage is more than 7,500 kilometers one way.

Far exceeding the range of all bombers previously owned in the country.

"Didn't you say that the ghost's invisibility is unmatched in the world and that no one can detect it?"

The old chief said with a smile on his wrinkled face.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"Or do you think someone will take the initiative to leak the news?"

The old chief said a series of words that were both dismissive and offensive.

This completely eliminated the last trace of worry in Zhang Xingyang's heart.

"Even if someone told it, they wouldn't believe it."

Zhang Xingyang was in high spirits:

"People are reluctant to believe what is beyond their understanding, even if the truth is placed before them."

Six super-thrust engines roared as the bomber increased its thrust.

You can even feel the vibrations on the ground and the heat waves in the air.

Today is almost the coldest weather of the year!

The lowest temperature near the airport has dropped to about minus ten degrees.

However, standing near the airport runway, the two people had just watched the bomber as big as a roc fly away.

But it felt like I was in the hot summer, sweating profusely!

"Even if they find out, what can they do to us?"

The old chief smiled so much that the wrinkles on his face relaxed a lot:

"None of their current weapons can function at this altitude."

The operating altitude of conventional weapons is below 10,000 meters.

Even fighters that once pursued high altitude and high speed only fought at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters at most.

Even this height will not be used in battle at all.

If it reaches this height, the MiG, which originally has short legs, can only protect the safety of the airport.

This also confirms the name of MiG, the airport defender.

Even if Yingjiang deploys their F22, which was put into service just this year, it will not be able to shoot down the Phantom strategic bomber flying at an altitude of 80 kilometers.

Let alone eighty kilometers.

It took a lot of effort for the F22 to hit several weather airships with flying altitudes less than 30,000 meters.

The two F22s sent to attack first made dozens of attempts, but all failed.

Later, an RC135U strategic reconnaissance aircraft was dispatched for reconnaissance, and then many data of the weather airship were calibrated.

After several days, the weather airship close to their strategic missile base was finally destroyed.

Weather airships are like this.

Not to mention a stealth bomber that can fly nearly three times higher.

Even if the bomber flies over the local area for several hours, it is impossible for the other party to detect it.

Found it, and there is no solution.

If it is a country with strategic air defense missile forces.

After locking the relevant position of the bomber.

It is still possible to destroy this strategic bomber.

Among these, there are two most important points.

One is to be able to discover and lock the position or direction of strategic bombers.

Second, they must have a powerful and accurate strategic anti-missile system.

The first point is that they still have a glimmer of possibility.

The second point is absolutely impossible.

Especially after the material fraud incident, the research and development of Ying's strategic anti-missile system has almost come to a standstill.

Although there are still hundreds of millions of dollars in scientific research funding every year, there is nothing in terms of experimental progress.

Therefore, the crew members of the Phantom strategic bomber were not worried about this voyage at all.

Even most people on the crew felt that their journey this time was just not that easy.

The strategic bomber, which was larger than two large Boeing aircrafts, taxied for nearly 1,500 meters.

Finally he raised the nose of his plane and plunged into the blue sky.

The booster spits out orange-red flames like two fire dragons pushing the bomber's butt, making it fly towards the sky!

Inside the bomber, everyone uses five-point safety belts to secure themselves firmly to their seats.

To prevent himself from being thrown out of the seat under a strong thrust.

In the past few months, they have conducted no fewer than twenty missions.

But now when crossing from the ground to suborbital altitude, I still feel very uncomfortable.

Even with the help of anti-German clothing, there are still many adverse reactions.

This is also an important reason why it took so long to conduct more than twenty flight missions.

On average, only one flight mission is carried out a week.

It’s not that they don’t want to fly more, it’s just that their physical conditions don’t allow it.

After each flight, doctors check their bodies and ask them to rest for three or four days.

Otherwise, their flight life would likely not have exceeded thirty-five years.

Generally, excellent pilots can fly until they are forty years old.

Particularly outstanding test pilots can even work until they are close to fifty.

But test pilots generally don't work until they are fifty.

Because this is a very dangerous job.

The mortality rate is also extremely high. If you are not careful, the machine will be destroyed and people will die.

As you get older, your body's abilities in all aspects will decline.

The average age of the crew members of the Phantom strategic bomber is 30 years old.

Everyone had a lot of bomber flying experience.

Domestically, bomber test pilots are much rarer than fighter test pilots.

If they really can only work until they are thirty-five, it will undoubtedly be a great loss to the country!

This is not a good choice for test pilots.

Forced flying is likely to lead to premature aging or even early death.

"Tower, tower, Ghost 1 has entered suborbital flight, the current altitude is 80,400 meters."

Ghost 1 did not carry the Longberg lens during this flight.

Without the help of a communication system, even the latest model of our own active phased array radar would be difficult to detect.

"My plane is about to enter the sea, over."

The tower didn't give Phantom 1 many instructions.

Everything is executed according to the pre-specified plan.

Even in terms of time, there is only an error of less than ten seconds!

In order to best hide itself, Ghost 1 will not send out any communications when flying over the footbath island.

During this time, those who stayed on the ground could only wait quietly.

Pray for him and hope nothing unexpected happens.

Zhang Xingyang looked at the somewhat serious old leader, raised a topic and said:

"It feels pretty good."

This has happened more than once in our history.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate."

The old chief said slowly:

"When they do this, they should be thinking that one day they themselves will be faced with such a situation."

On the Phantom 1 strategic bomber, the captain is controlling the flight.

In fact, Phantom 1 is very intelligent, especially when flying at such an altitude.

It will not be like a normal fighter plane flying, and it will encounter abnormal weather conditions, bird strikes and other accidents.

Fly however you want!

However, he still performed his duties seriously.

"Captain, why are we recording these videos?"

The correspondent asked curiously as he had nothing to do at this time.

For this flight, several high-definition cameras were installed on the bomber.

In fact, the original Phantom 1 had different types of sensors all over the fuselage.

These cameras are basically useless to them.

"Maybe it needs publicity."

The captain looked at the LCD monitor and dealt with the correspondent casually.

"This is also our first time flying over this island."

Viewed from an altitude of 80,000 meters, the island where the Jiaoba people live is only a very small piece of land.

And it's a little bit broken.

The correspondent looked at the land under his feet through the camera, and an idea came to him out of nowhere.

"I really want to just throw the missile down from the cabin like this!"

Dozens of tons of total nitrogen explosives must be able to be used on this island where feuds flow.

A gorgeous flower blooms!

The bomber is now fully loaded with live ammunition.

Of course, this idea only existed in his mind for a moment.

If you really do this, you will become the criminal who started the war.

"We are already leaving the first island chain and are ready to contact the base."

The captain looked at the latitude and longitude on the display and said.

Only then did the correspondent come to his senses and face his job seriously again.

Although this is not the first time to go east out of the first island chain, it is the first time for everyone to go out from this location.

Prior to this, the way out of the first island chain was through the high seas of Miyako Strait.

Generally speaking, anything over 80 kilometers is not considered to be the country’s airspace.

The Phantom 1 maintained an altitude of 80,400 meters throughout the entire journey.

"Tower, tower, our aircraft has passed the foot basin island and officially entered the Western Pacific."

Everyone in the base was happy when they received the news.

This is a good start for this operation.

The garrison on Footpot Island, in terms of equipment and training quality, is not as good as the level of Yingjiang at the Pacific Theater Headquarters.

Therefore, the second island chain is the real test for Ghost One.

"There are still 4,200 kilometers to the next marking point."

An announcement was made in the bomber cabin.

"Take turns to rest and replenish."

The captain said to several people in the cabin.

It would take them more than three hours to cover 4,200 kilometers.

This is a relatively long time.

There won't be any big problems during this flight.

That's why the captain dared to let them take a break, drink water and eat at this time.

"Brother Cong, when can we replace this dry food?"

The correspondent was a bit embarrassed, holding a pack of self-heating rations and said to the captain.

The food of the Air Force is famous throughout the army.

Especially being a pilot and a test pilot.

While on the ground, they ate meals prepared by professional nutritionists and chefs.

But in heaven, they can only eat self-heating food.

There isn't even a microwave!

Not as good as an astronaut in space.

"Don't think about it. The electronic products on board are too sensitive and it's impossible to equip you with kitchen utensils."

The captain said without raising his head while eating a pack of self-heating fried rice.

Obviously this conversation was not the first time between the two.

The correspondent just complained, he was in charge of electronic equipment.

We know better than anyone what kind of people these electronic devices on board are.

After three hours and 42 minutes of flight, Ghost 1 finally reached the key node on the second island chain.

"Pay attention to the enemy's air defense radar and reduce the operating power of the main engine."

The captain gave orders methodically.

Although the probability of being discovered by enemies on the island is lower than the probability of a sudden super-large solar electromagnetic storm.

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