A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 176 Combat system, the chief division is seriously ill!

The grassland in August has already cooled down, and the temperature at two or three o'clock in the morning is only four or five degrees.

Zhang Xingyang and Song Tianxing stood side by side on a small hill, chatting one after another.

The chats ranged from black hole mergers in the depths of the universe to children's education.

However, most of the content of the chat between the two was about fighter jet design and the form of future air combat.

"The battlefield of future wars will become larger than it is now."

Zhang Xingyang looked up at the sky. Today, there are countless dark clouds blocking the starry sky that should have been shining brightly.

He raised his finger and pointed to the now invisible space and said:

"Space will be the battlefield that will surely be contested in the war of the next era."

"Whether it's reconnaissance satellites for reconnaissance, or navigation satellites to provide guidance and positioning for weapon systems, they will all shine."

In the wars after the 21st century, compared with the wars of the previous century, reconnaissance methods have become more abundant.

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft equipped with high-definition cameras and even infrared thermal imaging cameras, military satellites that can provide a wide range of vision.

All make the fog in the war smaller and smaller, and for technologically advanced countries, this advantage is even more obvious.

"Especially in local conflicts."

After Song Tianxing heard what Zhang Xingyang said, his throat felt extremely dry, and he said in a hoarse voice:

"Is this the war we will face in the future?"

Although Zhang Xingyang did not describe the scene of the war in detail, Song Tianxing could still imagine the future war.

The highly stealthy fighter jets in the sky are commanding dozens of drones and the pilots of the fighter jets to engage in crazy battles. Every moment, the drones turn into a fireball after being hit by the missiles launched by the pilots.

However, even if the swarm of intelligent drones is damaged, it will not make people feel distressed. Dozens of high-speed maneuvering unmanned fighter jets are besieging the pilots who are driving the fighter jets.

After the pilot fired all the air-to-air missiles he carried, he was killed by an ultra-long-range air-to-air missile from a stealth drone in the distance.

Obviously Song Tianxing was wrong about the identities of the two sides in the war described by Zhang Xingyang.

He thought it was the enemy who adopted such tactics.

After all, no one proposed such a combat system before Zhang Xingyang told him.

"The intensity and speed of future wars will exceed everyone's imagination."

Zhang Xingyang didn't care about the dust on the ground, sat down directly, looked at the dim sky and said:

"What we can do is to improve the performance of weapons and equipment as much as possible."

"Only by holding a sharp blade can you not be afraid of the wolves, tigers and leopards in this world."

In fact, Zhang Xingyang did not say anything about the future war.

For example, in the 20 years since satellite reconnaissance and unmanned aerial vehicle reconnaissance technologies have just emerged, war is actually another look.

Especially when both warring parties have strong industrial capabilities.

With the development of electronic technology, even a party that cannot produce high-precision cameras by itself can find suppliers that can use them from the civilian market.

UAVs with high-precision cameras and even thermal imaging shuttle over the battlefield day and night.

Even wearing camouflage uniforms and hiding in swamps is no longer safe. You can wait for a bullet from an enemy sniper or an air-dropped grenade from a drone operator at any time.

This is just the reconnaissance role of drones. The simple assembly of unmanned loitering bombs makes the main battle tank, the king of the land that was once spent a lot of money, face greater air risks.

A third-generation main battle tank with a cost of tens of millions of dollars will still be blown up on the spot in the face of loitering bombs costing tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course, these are all belligerents who have not established a system for combat.

For a high-quality army, such a situation is very difficult to occur.

Because heavy armored units cannot act alone, they must have accompanying air defense missile vehicles, unmanned automatic air defense weapon stations, and so on.

Able to minimize possible air strikes.

When loitering bombs come, not to mention air defense missiles with super high accuracy, even automatic air defense weapon stations that only use 20mm cannons can shoot these slow and proper loitering bombs known as small motorcycles in the air. down.

This mainly relies on the excellent radar system in the automatic weapon station and the intelligent image recognition in the optical detection system.

For an army with a complete combat system, a variety of high-tech weapon systems are almost standard equipment.

This is just the application of civilian-level high-precision cameras on small UAVs. In addition to being unable to perform high maneuverability, large-scale reconnaissance and strike integrated UAVs are actually different from the stealth unmanned delta-wing fighter Zhang Xingyang just explained. What a difference.

The operator who manipulates the large-scale integrated reconnaissance drone can find the enemy on the screen and complete the attack on the enemy in a safe area behind, just like playing a game.

"We still have a long way to go to complete the construction of such a combat system."

Zhang Xingyang saw Song Tianxing's deep worry after he figured out this combat system, smiled and said:

"Don't worry too much, Brother Song."

"It is impossible for any country in the world to build this combat system within twenty years."

"Here, there are too many technologies designed to be developed."

Even if it seems to be able to do it now, it is very difficult to operate drones through manned fighters.

The main reason is that the current communication technology is not very developed. Taking the newly developed 3G technology as an example, the data that can be transmitted is less than one ten-thousandth of the later 5G technology.

However, if manned fighters operate several drones at the same time, at least several gigabytes of data need to be transmitted every second, otherwise it is difficult to ensure that these fighters can accurately complete the scheduled actions in high-intensity combat situations.

Of course, after the emergence of high-level artificial intelligence, the transmission speed per unit time is required to decrease.

But the technology also has high demands.

"Let's do the work at hand first."

On the distant horizon, a trace of white light has already appeared, the night is about to pass away, and the day that belongs to us is coming.


In the next few days, Song Tianxing led the fighter design team almost day and night to conduct fighter wind tunnel experiments.

It even once caused certain problems in the power supply of the power plant.

Because at the beginning of the design, the thermal power plant did not take into account the possibility of three wind tunnels working at the same time.

After all, every time the wind tunnel starts up, a large amount of power supply is required. If the design can meet the requirements at the same time, the instantaneous power of the thermal power plant will be very large.

From an economic point of view, such a construction is really a waste.

After all, in each wind tunnel, the time for a single experiment usually does not exceed 100 milliseconds, and it is not difficult to stagger the time a little bit.

"President Song, can you take a break for a while?"

Qiao Yang, who was in charge of hypersonic ballistic missiles, was so forced that he couldn't bear it, because Song Tianxing and the others were experimenting almost day and night, and their wind tunnel experiments were almost suspended.

Song Tianxing didn't know how many days he hadn't rested. He looked at Qiao Yang with red eyes and said:

"Give us another day and we'll be able to wrap it up."

Even Qiao Yang, who had been working late all year round, was taken aback by Song Tianxing's poor physical condition.

"President Song, why don't you ask the doctor at the base to take a look?"

"You are so disturbing!"

"Cough cough."

After Song Tianxing coughed twice, his voice was a little hoarse:

"I'm fine, I know my own body."

"Our experiment has reached the last juncture, and we cannot stop now."

Although Song Tianxing didn't admit that there was something wrong with his body, Qiao Yang still didn't believe it.

Anyone who saw this old man with red eyes, disheveled hair and tired face would not think that his condition could be any better.

"Xiao Fu, have the latest changes been arranged?"

Ignoring Qiao Yang who was frowning in front of him, Song Tianxing said to his assistant.

"The latest adjustment of the tilt angle of the tail. Hey!"

"Boss Song!"

Before the assistant finished reporting the situation, Song Tianxing fell limply on the floor of the laboratory.

"Boss Song!"

"Go and call the doctor!"

Qiao Yang was also frightened by Song Tianxing who suddenly fell to the ground, but he realized that he should call the doctor first.

Because the wind tunnel base has to guarantee the medical problems of thousands of people in the base at all times, it maintains a 24-hour medical team on standby.

It can provide emergency treatment to scientific researchers who have problems in the base in time.

Then the patient is transported by helicopter to a tertiary hospital hundreds of kilometers away.

The doctor came very quickly, and it took only a minute or two to reach the laboratory.

"Stay away, spread out!"

"The doctor is here!"

Song Tianxing's assistant kept everyone away from Song Tianxing's body to give him room to breathe.

The doctor first listened to Song Tianxing's heartbeat and heaved a sigh of relief, the heart rate was still normal.

Then he lifted his eyelids and looked at his eyes, the bloodshot eyeballs surprised even the well-informed doctors.

There weren't too many problems seen at the scene, but in order to prevent accidents, the doctor still asked the stretcher team that followed him to carry Song Tianxing onto the stretcher.

Prepare to go to the base hospital for a more comprehensive examination.

After stopping the fighter jet design team from trying to go to the hospital, they only let Xiao Fu, who has been in charge of Song Tianxing's life, go along with him, ready to ask about Song Tianxing's situation during this time.



"Song Tianxing fell ill?"

Zhang Xingyang, who was in the base office, couldn't believe it after receiving the call.

After all, a few days ago, when Song Tianxing met him, he still looked strong and strong.

Although he is several dozen years old, he is very energetic in both work and life.

How did you fall ill in just a few days? !

But Zhang Xingyang didn't have time to think too much, so he hurried to the hospital at the base.

Although there are thousands of people living in the base, few people come from general hospitals.

Only during the monthly routine physical examination will it be more lively.

There were extraordinarily many people outside the hospital today.

Most of them are colleagues and students of Song Tianxing.

"President Song, how is the situation now?"

Seeing so many people at the gate, Zhang Xingyang immediately asked.

"Dean Zhang, we don't know about Mr. Song's situation now."

The people at the door did not know the specific situation.

Zhang Xingyang had no choice but to walk into the hospital, ready to ask the doctor how Song Tianxing was doing.

Walking into the hospital lobby, I saw the assistant Xiao Fu anxiously circling in circles.

"Xiao Fu, where are you Mr. Song?"

Seeing Zhang Xingyang approaching, Xiao Fu, who was already extremely anxious, collapsed instantly.

The man in his late thirties squatted on the ground and started crying.

"President Song, you are still in the operating room!"

Xiao Fu cried and said:

"It's because I didn't remind Mr. Song, if he had a good rest, it wouldn't be like this!"

From Xiaofu's intermittent words, Zhang Xingyang also figured out what was going on.

In the past few days, Song Tianxing worked day and night in order to complete the finalization of the fighter jet as soon as possible.

Although his body had been in good shape before, he was already in his sixties after all, and his cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases were not very good.

Coupled with the long period of non-rest, the blood vessels in his brain burst, and he fell to the ground directly.

After Zhang Xingyang heard it, he was also taken aback. Song Tianxing's desperate efforts were obviously stimulated by some things he mentioned before.

"President Song, you must be safe and sound, otherwise I will be a sinner."

Zhang Xingyang looked at the red light that was still on in the operating room, and prayed silently in his heart.

Maybe it was prayer that really worked, or maybe it was Song Tianxing himself who was blessed with great fortune.

After an hour of hard waiting, the red light in the operating room finally dimmed.

"Doctor, how is Mr. Song doing?"

Zhang Xingyang hurried forward to ask the doctor the first time he came out.

The doctor took off his mask, exhaled and said:

"For the time being, my life is saved, but the conditions of our base hospital are limited, and the follow-up treatment will be transferred to the northern capital."

"Doctor, can his body withstand such a long-distance transfer?"

Although Zhang Xingyang doesn't know much about medical treatment, he has lived in this era for a long time and knows that various accidents are prone to happen to patients on the way of transfer.

"Transportation by helicopter does not take a long time, and there is no major problem."

The doctor's answer was a reassurance for Zhang Xingyang and Xiao Fu.

"Doctor, hurry up and transfer, I'll apply for the route."

While talking, Zhang Xingyang took out his mobile phone and started to contact the Air Force.

The air force has always been in charge of the application for domestic routes. With Zhang Xingyang's friendship with the air force and Song Tianxing's status as the chief engineer of new fighter jets, the route was approved almost instantly.

Half an hour later, Song Tianxing, who had completed the preliminary treatment, boarded the helicopter to Beidu.

He will receive further treatment at the Air Force General Academy in Beidu. (end of this chapter)

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