A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 172 Lunar Exploration Program, Chang'e Project!

"I'll leave the trajectory model to you."

Inside the Supercomputing Center, Zhang Xingyang said to Zhao Bingzhi earnestly.

"I will try my best."

After getting an affirmative answer from the other party, Zhang Xingyang didn't say much, waved his hands and prepared to leave.

He needs to be busy with a lot of things recently, and he doesn't have so much time for politeness.

After learning about their current work progress at the Supercomputing Center, Zhang Xingyang has also completed the task of this trip to Jiangcheng.

Next, he has other important things to do.

Since the ebb of the space craze in the 1970s, human exploration plans for the moon and other stars in the solar system have become extremely slow and conservative.

And today, on the eve of the upcoming launch of Shenzhou-3, the country began to discuss the exploration plan for the moon.

"I think the ultimate goal of our lunar exploration program will be to build a permanent scientific research and production base on the moon."

In a seemingly unremarkable room, a meeting that will determine the future fate of the moon is taking place.

"Will this goal be too difficult?"

In the back row of the conference room, a middle-aged man with a thick and honest face asked questions after Zhang Xingyang finished speaking.

"The ultimate goal is actually, in our timeline, it will be 2050."

When he said the next sentence, Zhang Xingyang smiled:

"By that time, it will not be difficult for us to establish a permanent and complete moon base."

"It's as if we were 50 years ago, and we didn't even dare to imagine that we will send astronauts into space 50 years later."

Zhang Xingyang's self-confidence made many people present feel relieved.

But not everyone is so concerned about long-term goals.

For them, the first-phase plan and the second-phase plan described by Zhang Xingyang attracted their attention the most.

It is also the part that is most likely to be realized in their hearts.

"The ultimate goal is too far away, let's discuss the first-phase plan first."

An energetic old man sitting in the front row said to Zhang Xingyang.

"Explain in detail, what is the situation of 'circling', 'falling', and 'returning'."

These three words are the three key actions of the first phase of the lunar exploration program.

"They respectively correspond to the lunar exploration satellite flying around the moon, the lunar surface probe soft landing, and the lunar probe landing to take samples and return to the earth."

"The first phase of the entire lunar exploration program is expected to take ten years to complete the exploration of the lunar surface."

Zhang Xingyang began to explain the specific implementation method and timetable of the lunar exploration plan to the PPT in the conference room.

"It is expected that in 2004, we will launch the first lunar exploration satellite to test our extraterrestrial satellite flight technology and obtain three-dimensional images of the lunar surface.

For our second step, the lunar lander will land on the surface of the moon and prepare for the investigation of the space environment on the surface of the moon. "

"After completing the flight around the moon, it is expected that in 2007, we will launch a lunar probe, through a soft landing, with the support of automatic patrol survey technology, to detect the lander's topography, geological structure, etc.

And carry out sun-earth-moon space environment monitoring and moon-based astronomical observations.

Provide the chemical and physical parameters of the lunar surface for the site selection of the establishment of the lunar base in the future. "

"The third step is to launch the lunar return lander in 2010, return to the earth after automatic sampling of lunar rock and soil, and conduct detailed analysis and research on the samples on the earth."

What Zhang Xingyang said was very brief. In fact, in these three steps, there are many technical details that can be discussed.

For example, if you really want to talk about the equipment needed to carry the moon-orbiting satellites and the satellite communication between the earth and the moon, Zhang Xingyang can talk about it for three days and three nights.

Even a seemingly simple communication problem can make a group of people bald.

You know, the average distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers, and even the closest distance is more than 360,000 kilometers.

At the current level of technology, electromagnetic wave communication is already the fastest communication method known to mankind. After all, its speed is the speed of light at the conventional speed limit of the universe.

But even at the speed of light, it takes more than two seconds to run back and forth between the earth and the moon.

This is unbearable for satellites pursuing high precision.

Therefore, this also requires that the lunar landing probe must be able to make independent judgments and make adaptive adjustments to the landing attitude and location.

Otherwise, if you wait for the command from the control center far above the earth before landing, the lunar probe may have deviated from the intended target by a large distance.

And this is only considering the situation of landing on the front of the moon.

As we all know, because of tidal locking, the moon faces the earth with one side all the year round.

This also made many people wonder about the rise of the back of the moon.

In their imagination, a group of aliens unknown to the public lived on the back of the moon.

These aliens are constantly monitoring various things happening on the earth.

Of course, some people believe that there are actually humans of an era on the earth on the back of the moon.

Human beings on earth are nothing but species they created.

"The exploration program on the back of the moon is also a very important part of our second step of 'falling'."

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have thought about the back of the moon."

"But only in our time can we really take a look at the far side of the moon."

"This is our mission and our honor."

When Zhang Xingyang said this, a very rare fanaticism appeared on his face.

For him, landing on the back of the moon is a step closer to the era in his memory.

In the 22nd century, mankind's development of the solar system has entered an unprecedented stage.

There are also endless development plans for the only satellite of the earth, which is also the largest satellite in the entire solar system.

On the front of the moon, there are countless scientific research laboratories and helium three production centers.

At the end of the 21st century, mankind has completed thermonuclear fusion power generation technology, and helium 3, as a clean, safe and efficient fuel, has replaced the former fossil energy and become the most efficient energy in human history.

The helium-III production base built in many craters on the moon has the same status in the 22nd century as the high-grade oil fields in the 20th century.

On the back of the moon, there are countless automatic laser defense stations.

They cooperate with the automatic kinetic energy warhead defense network around the outer orbit of the earth, forming the absolute defense circle of the earth-moon system.

Any target with a diameter of more than ten centimeters will be burned into a wisp of smoke in the universe by the defense network after the space surveillance satellite discovers it.

From the day when this system was completed, except for the artificially controlled satellite falling to the earth.

Naturally formed meteors are no longer seen on Earth.

However, how can the brilliance of natural meteors compare with the brilliance of artificially controlled meteors? !

In the 1970s, there was a wave of meteor showers.

At that time, the weddings of young men and women in the society must have meteor showers to be romantic enough.

Just like firecrackers and fireworks are necessary for weddings nowadays, shooting meteor showers at weddings was also a trend at that time.

Of course, the deep reason behind this is also very simple.

Mainly because of the completion of the construction of the space elevator above the equatorial geosynchronous orbit.

The cost of transporting materials from the earth to space is almost as low as that of freight trains in the 20th century.

That's why even launching a bunch of metal that glows colorfully when it's burning has become a hot business.

This is the source of the gorgeous meteor shower.

For people in the 1970s, the price of such a meteor shower is not high. The only difficulty is the launch time and location.

After recalling the future for a while, Zhang Xingyang's thoughts returned to the present.

Now that manned spaceflight has not been completed, there is still a long way to go for me to achieve these goals.

After all, in the minds of people of this era, even an industrial wonder-level building like a space elevator is hard to imagine.

So Zhang Xingyang has never revealed his thoughts on this aspect to others.

Although he was able to complete the key technology of the space elevator, the research and development of high-strength ultra-long carbon nanotubes.

But such a spectacle in space, in fact, Maoxiong and Yingjiang may not be able to support it when their national power is at its strongest.

The most terrible thing is that the space elevator must be built in the equatorial region.

The current security environment in the equatorial region is not suitable for the construction of such a highly dangerous super-large project.

In contrast, the permanent research station on the moon is much more reliable.

After all, even an intercontinental ballistic missile with the longest range cannot reach a target on the moon across a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers.

"The back side of the moon exploration plan is different from the front side exploration plan, because we are hindered by the moon itself, we cannot obtain direct communication with the back side of the moon.

Therefore, before carrying out the lunar backside exploration plan, we also need to launch an earth-moon relay communication satellite.

It is used to relay signals to the probes on the back of the moon. "

The signal problem is also an important reason why it is very difficult to explore the back of the moon.

After all, although the lunar rover can move according to the internally set programs when it is active on the surface of the moon, it can collect various data on the surface of the moon.

But collecting data is not the real goal of the detection plan, receiving data is what we really need.

If the data is collected, but cannot be returned, what is the difference from not collecting data?

However, it is also very difficult to relay communication satellites on the back of the moon. Yingjiang has proposed the development of relay communication satellites several times, but due to technical reasons and financial problems, it has not been resolved.

Even in the 1920s, although Eagle Sauce's "Return to the Moon Program" formulated a plan to land on the back of the moon, due to technological backwardness, it was only possible to rent domestic relay communication satellites on the back of the moon.

"The relay communication satellite is quite difficult, and no country in the world has been able to develop it yet."

"Can we do it?"

In the conference room, someone raised his own question again.

After all, there is no international precedent for success at this time, so everyone still has a certain degree of doubt about it.

"The difficulty of relaying satellites does exist."

After Zhang Xingyang paused, he explained slowly:

"However, the main difficulty is actually in the orbit."

"Because it is necessary to ensure smooth communication between the back of the moon and the ground at the same time, this requires high orbital requirements."

"However, we have already had preliminary calculations for this. Satellites operating at the L2 point of the Earth-Moon Lagrange can well guarantee the communication between the Earth and the back of the moon."

The L2 point of the Earth-Moon Lagrange is different from what most people think that the relay satellite should be between the Earth and the Moon.

It is actually outside the earth-moon orbit, and the order of the three is the earth, the moon, and the relay satellite.

The communication between the three is divided into three links, namely the forward link to the moon, the reverse link to the moon and the data transmission link to the earth.

Guarantee the two-way data transmission between the transmission of lunar data, the reception of lunar data and the earth respectively.

It is precisely because of this that the relay satellite can guarantee 24-hour communication between the earth and the back of the moon.

"Actually, the relay satellite, in addition to serving as a communication function, can also serve as a carrier for many scientific research equipment."

"For example, carrying a low-frequency radio detector allows us to detect more signals from the depths of the universe."

In fact, because there is less electromagnetic interference from the earth on the back of the moon, more and weaker signals can be monitored.

This is incomparable in the ground environment. Even in space, although there are fewer electromagnetic signals compared to the ground environment, because there are more and more space satellites, the electromagnetic environment is beginning to deteriorate a little bit. .

Now, the far side of the moon, which has not undergone large-scale development, is undoubtedly a good monitoring environment.

"Xingyang, your plan is good. The lunar exploration plan is an important part of our future space exploration, and we must come up with it."

The old man sitting in the front row first confirmed Zhang Xingyang's plan with a smile.

"When do you think we will be able to achieve the goal of going to the moon?"

"I think we can go to the moon by 2020, barring unforeseen circumstances."

Four years ago, Zhang Xingyang told Chen Fang that he would land on the moon within 30 years.

Now, after four years, Zhang Xingyang has compressed the time forward by another six years.


"You are very confident!"

The old man laughed a few times and said:

"I would like to be able to go to the moon before 2020 according to your ideas, so that I can still have a chance to see our moon landing heroes."

"Xing Yang, what do you think is the name of our lunar exploration plan?"

The old man didn't think that Zhang Xingyang could come up with any very beautiful names, it was just a random question.

However, Zhang Xingyang's answer in the next second broke his own thoughts.

"Chang'e Project!"

"In ancient times, Chang'e flew to the moon, but now there are Chinese people landing on the moon!"

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