A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 168 Gallic Ambition, Emergency Meeting!

Gaul, Toulouse, Aerospace City.

As the aerospace center city of the entire Gaul, Toulouse has a well-developed rocket and satellite industry.

The supporting data collection industry is also an important pillar here.

Thanks to their satellite industry that has not yet shrunk, the Gauls also received the same news through their satellites fifteen minutes after the Yingjiang satellite detected the flight of the ballistic missile of the Dragon Kingdom.

Alex, Gallic ballistic missile engineer.

Responsible for the development of the first-stage solid rocket motor for the M-51 ballistic missile.

In recent years, because of the great powers in the world, several countries, including Yingjiang, Damao, and Longguo, have begun to promote different missile defense systems.

The M-45 ballistic missiles that have been in service in Gaul before cannot cope with these increasingly advanced missile defense systems.

Therefore, they began to push forward the development of the sixth-generation ballistic missile, which is currently the M-51 missile.

Because since 1996, Gaul has made adjustments to its strategic nuclear forces. The original "Trinity" nuclear force has been transformed into a "two-in-one" structure composed of nuclear submarines and strategic bombers.

The strategic nuclear missiles launched from underground silos have been completely cancelled, and the previously constructed underground nuclear bomb silos have either been filled in or abandoned.

However, unlike John Bull, who was basically broken, Gaul still had certain ambitions and wanted to maintain his superior status in the Western Continent and in the Black State.

Therefore, it is not directly like John Bull. Even the nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles that are the last line of national security defense must be purchased from Eagle Sauce.

In any case, Gaul still maintains a considerable number of nuclear industry-related practitioners and missile practitioners.

"Collen, do you know what called us here this time?"

Alex was a little confused and asked Columb next to him.

Ke Lun, as a senior management member of the Aerospace Group, was also in a daze at this time.

Not knowing exactly what happened, he just shook his head at his old friend Alex.

However, Collen said speculatively:

"Something must have happened, otherwise we wouldn't have been found here so late."

At this time, it was nine o'clock in the evening local time in Gaul.

After the meeting with Ying Jiang, he passed the news to Gaul.

But because there is a six-hour time difference between the two places.

So it's still afternoon on Yingjiang's side, and it's already midnight on Toulouse's side.

For the Gauls, it is very rare that they are still working at this point in time.

Just when the two of them were still talking quietly, talking about why they were called over so late.

In the conference room, another group of people who were not particularly familiar to the two of them poured in, but they also felt familiar.

"Isn't that the top of the Ministry of Defense?"

"Why is he here so late?"

Collen, who was more familiar with Gaul officials, said in surprise after seeing the crowd coming in.

After seeing Alex, he originally thought that the topic of this meeting would be rocket or missile technology.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that this meeting will not be that simple.

Alan Richard, with deep eye sockets, looked at the watch on his left wrist, and then scanned the many participants in the meeting room.

He didn't say much, but directly ordered his assistant to turn on the projection device on the side, and projected the information from their Eagle Sauce allies onto the screen.

Satellite imagery is not very high-resolution these days, but thick cloud trails are still easily discernible above the land.

Although Gaul has been promoting the removal of its own land-based nuclear bombs in recent years, it has not completely given up on land-based ballistic missiles for the time being.

So most of the people present are not very unfamiliar with such a scene.

After all, most of them have worked in the missile or rocket field for many years.

I am still very familiar with such a solid rocket motor propulsion scene.

After the carousel of pictures on the curtain was completed, Richard finally spoke his first words.

"This is the latest information transmitted by our allies an hour ago."

"According to the results of their satellite reconnaissance, the people of Longguo had just completed the latest ballistic missile test a few hours ago."

"And our reconnaissance satellite has not reported any results until now!"

"If it weren't for the eagle sauce allies telling us, we would still be kept in the dark."

"Chris, I want an answer."

"Is it because our satellites are not good enough to detect Longguo's missile test, or is yours not alert enough?"

After Richard's questioning, everyone's eyes were on Chris.

As the person in charge of the satellite department, Chris got off work early today, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen so late.

Although he could also guess that it must be the person on duty, he left his job without knowing where to drink.

But after such an occasion, there is no other way for such a reason, let's put it on the table.

He had no choice but to follow Richard's words and say:

"It should be that the person on duty today is slack, and we will punish him accordingly."

Richard didn't call so many people over so late today to scold Chris.

He has something more concerned about, and that is how to deal with the potential threat of Longguo ballistic missiles.

"You are experts in domestic missiles and rockets."

"This time everyone was called together so late, just to know your views on this weapon."

"I don't know what you all saw just now?"

Richard scanned the many experts present, but now everyone still has a lot of doubts about the image data they just saw.

So Alex stood up first and asked Richard a few questions.

"Your Excellency Alan, we still have a few questions we want to know."

For Alex, Richard's tone was obviously much better than before, and he said in a pleasant manner:

"If you have any questions, please tell me."

"First of all, apart from these few pictures, didn't our allies give other data?"

Even for missile experts, it is not easy to analyze the opponent's missile performance data based on these few pictures.

"In addition to showing these pictures, they only left a few words."

"That is, the Western world must unite this time to deal with the threat from the East."

"Other than that, there's nothing left."

Richard also knows that it is not a reliable thing to know the specific parameters of the opponent's missile just through this bit of image data.

However, the satellite reconnaissance and monitoring personnel in my country are not reliable, and they have not obtained the data of the other party's launch.

This news is really bad news for the technical experts present.

Alex was also a little helpless at this time, without any data, the conclusions they could draw were very limited.

But as an expert in solid fuel rocket engines, Alex saw a lot of things first.

First of all, the opponent's rocket engine must have used solid fuel with a large specific impulse.

"Judging from the timing of the photos, the ascent phase of their missiles was very short."

"This means that their rocket motors have a lot of thrust and can push missiles out of the atmosphere in a very short period of time."

At this time, Ke Lun also remembered the Dragon Kingdom high-thrust rocket and ultra-long-range rocket launcher he had seen at the Dragon Kingdom Air Show before.

In recent years, Longguo seems to have made considerable progress in rocket liquid engines and solid engines.

But now it was time for Alex to speak, out of gentlemanly etiquette, he did not speak directly.

Instead, he was going to wait until Alex finished speaking before speaking about it.

"But one thing is strange, after their missiles flew out of the atmosphere, they didn't last too long, and then re-entered the atmosphere."

When Alex was talking about this, he didn't expect that Long Guo would actually use the "Qian Xuesen Ballistic".

In addition, Eagle Sauce did not tell the Gauls all the conclusions they analyzed.

So Alex subconsciously thought that the opponent's ballistic missile still used the traditional parabolic trajectory.

Meanwhile, Anthony, an expert in missile aerodynamics, has seen through several photos before and after that Longguo's missiles use the "Qian Xuesen ballistic".

"Alex, they should use the special trajectory proposed by that Qian."

After being reminded by Anthony, Alex also reacted at this time.

Judging from the trajectory of the missile, it should indeed be the trajectory of Qian Xuesen.

Alex nodded and said:

"That's understandable. They adopted Qian Xuesen's trajectory in the first half."

"But in the second half of the process, it should be the Sanger ballistic."

Alex pointed to the wavy cloud traces on the projection screen and said with a frown.

Although he didn't know how the people of Longguo managed to combine these two different ballistics.

But judging from the ballistic trajectory, their ballistics must have extremely strong penetration capabilities.

It can only be wishful thinking for ordinary anti-missile systems to defend against such weapons.

"I just don't know what the range of their missiles is?"

"Minister Alan, didn't the allies say what the range of this missile is?"

Richard did not answer directly at this time, but looked at a middle-aged man beside him.

"From our analysis of the topography of the image, the range of the missile is at least five thousand kilometers."

The middle-aged man is not a rocket or missile technician, he is a professional technician in the military department.

This is also an important reason why he can judge the location shown in the image in a very short time.

"Five thousand kilometers?"

Alex fell into silence, but Anthony beside him seemed to be frightened.

Richard didn't know what Anthony was thinking of to make such a strange cry, so he asked:

"Is there a problem with this?"

Anthony finally calmed down, and said helplessly:

"Judging from the timing of the photos, their overall flight time is only about 20 minutes."

"If the range of the missiles can reach 5,000 kilometers, then the average speed of their missiles is at least about Mach 12."

"Even if they can fly at Mach 20 mid-course."

"But because they are using Qian Xuesen's trajectory, the flight time in the middle section is very short, and the distance in this section will not be very long."

"This means that their terminal flight speeds will be unprecedentedly high."

Richard also reacted a little at this time, and asked:

"What's the fastest speed you can get?"

After discussing for a few minutes with Alex beside him, Anthony raised his head to answer Richard's question:

"It can reach a speed of around Mach 10 at the fastest."

"Of course, because there is no detailed measurement data, there is a lot of error in this number."

"It's possible that their speed is not as high as we thought, maybe only around Mach seven."

"It's also possible, though, that they could indeed do speeds around Mach ten."

The people in the conference room are not ordinary people who have no concept of missiles.

At the speed of Mach 10, ordinary people may not have any concept.

But the military personnel present are very clear, if it is such a speed.

Then any air defense and anti-missile system of one's own side is just a decoration, and there is no ability to counterattack in the face of the opponent's attack.

The best way to prevent such a blow is to put all the key high-value targets underground.

Relying on tens of hundreds of meters of solid rock protection, it can effectively resist missile attacks.

But the only military unit that can be placed underground is the command center.

Like other important units, such as airports, radar stations, air defense systems, etc., it is impossible to put them underground.

Otherwise, it can only be like the weapons and equipment buried in the sand dunes in the Gulf War. Before they can play their role, they will immediately become a pile of scrap iron.

"On top of that, we don't know their accuracy."

At this time, Anthony said a question that everyone ignored.

After all, they still don't know whether Longguo's ballistic missiles use conventional warheads or nuclear warheads.

Take the M-45 ballistic missile they themselves are currently using as an example.

The range is 6,000 kilometers, and the strike accuracy is around 500 meters. However, because the nuclear warheads are split-guided, the accuracy requirements are actually not very high.

The current ballistic missiles of Longguo can be said to be relatively close to their M-45 ballistic missiles in terms of range.

However, they have not received any news about the accuracy of the attack.

So Anthony can only deceive himself and say:

"Maybe their strike accuracy is not as good as ours."

"The error may reach the level of one kilometer."

"Then we don't need to worry about their missile threat."

However, what everyone present did not know was that the accuracy of the Dongfeng-17 waverider hypersonic ballistic missile could reach a shocking three meters! (end of this chapter)

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