A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 160: Anti-thief remarks, all kinds of accusations!

A certain local satellite TV, talk show.

"Professor Chen, today my country's low-Earth orbit satellite communication system has completed the second phase of construction."

"What do you think about this?"

The hostess in gorgeous costumes, at the beginning of the show.

That's the point of this show.

"Currently, the international use of this satellite communication method has basically not achieved any good results."

Chen Bangru had just obtained a teaching position from a foreign university, so at this time he was very proud and disdainful of everything in China.

Naturally, he doesn't have a good look at the achievements of this kind of soil in China.

"Professor Chen, can you give us a brief introduction?"

When the hostess heard this, she knew that there might be a hot spot in this episode.

So he quickly continued to ask.

"In the world now, the communication system using satellite transmission."

"The most famous one is the Iridium system."

"I wonder if the host has heard of it?"

Chen Bangru, who was dressed like a dog, raised his hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked the host very politely.

In the eyes of the outside world, Chen Bangru has always been known for his elegance, and he has always maintained his own personality.

"I know a little bit, but not very well."

The hostess wanted Chen Bangru to tell more exciting news, so she always held Chen Bangru in her arms:

"Professor Chen, have you done any special research?"

Chen Bangru was slightly praised by the beauty, and he felt like a bear eating honey, and said with a smile:

"I have worked with Iridium and their company before, and I know them well."

Chen Bangru did not specifically say what he and Iridium had done, and sweeping the floor of Iridium's office could also be said to be cooperation.

"Their technology is very advanced, and many engineers are from Motorola's technical staff."

"It can be said that in terms of communication satellites, there is still a gap of 20 years between our satellites and theirs."

The presenter and the audience did not understand satellite communication technology.

So it is easy to be fooled by Chen Bangru who has various titles on his head.

Iridium and the domestic satellite communication system can almost be regarded as two different technical routes.

The "Iridium" satellite uses a high-orbit large satellite, and its designed service life is also very long, reaching 15 years.

Such a satellite system only needs a small number of satellites to complete the construction.

Unlike the low-orbit satellite communication system built by Zhang Xingyang and the others, thousands of satellites need to be launched to build a complete communication system.

However, his disadvantages are also obvious.

That is, the speed of technological upgrading is very slow, and it cannot keep up with the latest development wave of communication technology in time.

"Even Iridium, which has 20 years ahead of our technology, went bankrupt due to various problems in the past few months."

"As far as the domestic level is concerned, it is not even as good as other people's technology decades ago."

"Impossible to do it successfully!"

Chen Bangru's remarks were very arrogant, and the host couldn't help but nodded at such remarks.

As if agreeing with him.

Among the audience present, many people thought that he spoke well.

After all, foreign companies that are ahead of us in so many technologies have not succeeded, so can we do it ourselves?

These days, domestic science and technology generally lag behind the international level.

This is why, after Chen Bangru pointed out that our technology lags behind others for 20 years, no one stood up to question it.

After all, at this time, there is a saying that the country is fifty years behind others in all aspects.

It's just that it's a normal thing for many people to be behind for twenty years.

However, this kind of remarks only has a certain market when the country has not really shown its potential.

After ten years, almost no one will believe such remarks. After twenty years, such remarks can only be regarded as you are playing back.

"Then what do you think, how should our communication system be built?"

At this time, the hostess began to dig a hole for Chen Bangru again, waiting for him to jump into it by himself.

"If you ask me, we don't want to build any communication system ourselves."

"How good it is to directly use other people's mature solutions, not only save time and energy, but also other people's technology is more advanced and can provide better services."

At this time, Chen Bangru threw out his carefully prepared remarks.

Of course, behind this, is there any support from some messy forces?

No one in the studio knew.

Most of them now have been brainwashed by Chen Bangru's remarks.

After all, starting from a simple idea, other people's things are more useful, so why not just buy their things and use them? !

They would not have thought that such a national infrastructure would have serious consequences if it was controlled by others.

And the premise of this statement is all wrong, actually in terms of communication satellites.

At this time, at least in China, it is at the international first-class level in terms of low-orbit communication satellites.

After all, so much money is spent like water.

Naturally, a lot of results have been obtained, especially in rockets, satellites, communication equipment, etc., the country has made many breakthroughs in recent years.

Therefore, Chen Bangru's remarks that the country is 20 years behind are inherently problematic.

Therefore, the conclusion he drew later is also unreasonable.

"Professor Chen, which country do you think is number one in the world in this respect?"

The hostess pretended to be ignorant and asked Chen Bangru's opinion.

"It goes without saying."

"Currently the most advanced in the world is of course Eagle Sauce!"

When Chen Bangru said this, an expression appeared on his face as if he was praising some sacred existence.

"As a beacon of freedom, their technology is the best on the planet!"

When he said this, Chen Bangru seemed to be praising his father, which made people faintly sick.

At this time, the hostess also couldn't bear to see the other party's brazen face, but her good professionalism allowed her to maintain the harmony on the scene.

Didn't do anything that didn't fit the atmosphere of the scene.

But the face of the other party still made the hostess feel deeply uncomfortable.

Suppressing the feeling of suffocation in her heart, the hostess asked the next question:

"Then do you think the route of satellite communication does not have its advantages?"

"Not really."

Chen Bangru didn't kill the satellite communication directly with a stick, after all, anyone with a discerning eye can see the advantages of it.

"Compared with the traditional ground base station method, the coverage area of ​​satellite communication is larger."

"Take the Iridium Global Communications System established by Iridium Corporation as an example."

"They only used seventy-seven satellites to build a global satellite system."

"Enabling people to talk freely anywhere in the world."

"It doesn't look like a domestic one. Thousands of satellites have been launched to cover the whole country."

"It's incomparable with other people's advanced technology."

Even when Chen Bangru introduced the advantages of satellite communication, he did not forget to belittle the level of domestic communication satellites.

The point is that most of the people present didn't feel that there was any problem with such an inferior concept of stealing.

On the contrary, I feel that Chen Bangru is worthy of being an expert, and what he talks about is professional, telling the gap between domestic and international advanced levels.

No one at the scene knew that these were actually two different technical routes.

This is also related to the information that is not particularly developed at this time.

If it is in the future, when the mobile Internet is highly developed, if you want to refute this kind of rumor, you only need to explain the technical characteristics of the low-orbit satellite communication road we are taking on the social network.

But the information at this time is not so developed, and even the relatively primitive social network is still in its infancy.

At this time, OICQ has not changed its name to QQ, and it is still struggling.

There are very few media for everyone to receive information, basically only a few channels such as radio and television.

This is also an important reason why these insiders can see the information of the problem at a glance, and can appear on TV in a grand manner.

"Relying on these seventy-seven satellites, anywhere on the earth, as long as you use the mobile phone of Iridium Company, you can make a call!"

Chen Bangru happily introduced the power of Iridium's technology to everyone present and the cameras.

It's as if he is also in this project and has contributed a lot.

Many of the audience present, combined with his experience of in-depth cooperation with Iridium.

I have already imagined the image of a tall scholar.

"That's the advantage of satellite communications!"

"It is possible to make calls arbitrarily, regardless of the terrain, the distance, and the limitations of various natural environments."

What Chen Bangru said has some truth, but he still hasn't said some facts.

That is, even the Iridium company, which is extremely technologically advanced in his eyes, Papa Eagle Sauce, is poor in communication quality.

Sometimes, just in the room, the phone has no signal.

You must go to an open area outside to be able to make a phone call.

This is unacceptable for many people who need satellite phone service.

It's not just a hassle to use, for someone who could spend tens of thousands of dollars on Iridium's satellite calling service in the 1990s.

The trouble of using it is only secondary, and the most important thing is to lose face in front of others.

The business partners in the same industry can make calls directly by taking out their mobile phones, but I have to go outside to make calls, which is really a shame!

However, Chen Bangru didn't tell these things. It's not that he didn't know about it, but he just deliberately concealed it.

"The domestic communication system actually needs to launch a full 4,000 satellites to build a communication network covering the whole country."

"Compared to others, it's rubbish!"

At the end of his answer, Chen Bangru no longer concealed his praise for foreign countries and his contempt for China.

Twenty years later, any normal person who has been surfing the Internet all year round will be able to tell that this guy is actually a big "public intellectual".

It's just that at this time, the term public intellectual has not become as stinky as it will be in the future.

Therefore, Chen Bangru's remarks have gained a large number of fans.

"Moreover, according to the description of NASA authoritative experts."

Chen Bangru also felt that what he just said was not shocking enough, so he directly moved out of NASA to endorse his remarks.

In this era, communication around the world is not so developed, and it is very difficult to collect the opinions of a person on the other side of the world.

So even if what Chen Bangru said just now was basically made up by him, basically no one questioned it when everyone had been brainwashed by him.

"The satellites launched in China are actually space junk!"

"It will cause a lot of pollution to the future space!"

"And it will have a great adverse effect on ground-based astronomical optical observations!"

"After the construction of the domestic low-orbit satellite communication system began, many foreign astronomers pointed out more than once that their actions have greatly interfered with the ground-based astronomical observation work!"

"Currently they are joining forces and preparing to organize this project."

It was also the first time for everyone present to know that this seemingly high-end project had such a bad influence.

"The performance of domestically designed satellites is extremely poor, and their service life is very short. After the service life is exceeded, they will be reduced to garbage in space."

"Seriously affect the safety of space satellites of other countries!"

"Last month, there was almost a satellite collision accident!"

"Fortunately, when the accident was about to happen, Yingjiang's satellite made a maneuver in time to avoid the tragedy!"

The audience present, as well as the glamorous host, also gave expressions of surprise in time.

Let Chen Bangru continue to talk about this topic.

"It's just that these satellites mainly cover the country."

"I heard that they are now planning to carry out the third phase of construction, and will launch tens of thousands of satellites into the sky!"

"Then the probability of future space accidents will be greatly increased!"

"These tens of thousands of junk satellites, like tens of thousands of space mines, will pose a great threat to the orbits of most satellites."

"Therefore, I am on this appeal!"

"Canceling construction work on a domestic low-orbit satellite communications project."

Chen Bangru's last remarks really surprised everyone, after all, although everyone knows what he thinks in his heart.

But he didn't expect that he would say it directly during the interview in front of so many people.

Even the hostess, who had always maintained a good host quality before, changed her face slightly at this time.

Fortunately, she quickly calmed down.

At a very fast speed, I finished the final statement of this program and ended this interview.

After the show was over, she declined Chen Bangru's request to be invited to dinner, and she breathed a sigh of relief like the survivors of a catastrophe.

But after thinking about the content of this interview, she laughed again.

She could already imagine how much discussion such a report would cause after it was sent out!

A day later, the talk show was finished and it was on the prime time of Satellite TV.

The audience in front of the TV, after watching this episode.

In an instant, there were many discussions about the satellite communication system that I had never paid attention to before.

Especially with the debate about whether the project is even necessary at all.

Almost overnight, it swept across the north and south of the river!

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass! ! !

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