A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 149 Centennial Navy, Going Deep Blue!

Modern warfare is the era of integrated warfare!

Even in naval battles that are hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the mainland, the war weapons involved are no longer warships and ordinary carrier-based aircraft as in the previous two World Wars.

Since the 1950s, various types of missiles have been continuously developed, and the result is that there are only a few old guys used for ground attack.

Most of the new warships use missiles as their most powerful weapons.

Just like a century ago, everyone regarded the large-caliber naval gun on the dreadnought ship as the strongest weapon.

"Your missiles are performing really well!"

After Han Zitao finished the anti-aircraft missile test, he hammered Geng Bo with his fist and said.

"It's much better than the Yingjiang Standard 2 shipborne air defense missile data we got!"

Standard 2 ship-borne air defense missile, as a missile that has not been in service for a long time, it is still advanced among the ship-borne air defense missiles in the world.

However, it can't shoot down all eight fighter jets in different directions and at different heights outside the 400-kilometer defense circle like in the experimental test just now!

It can even be said that the two can almost be regarded as two different things.

The Haihongqi-9A brought by Geng Bo and the others can already be said to be a medium- and long-range air defense missile!


Geng Bo smiled and said:

"Our missile performance has not yet reached its peak."

"But compared to them, it's pretty good."

"It can only be said that it is all set off by peers!"

The temperature in the experimental field is close to zero today, but everyone who has just completed the experiment feels warm in their hearts.

At this time, the head of the Navy inspected the radar team led by Pan Weimin and went straight to the missile launch simulation platform.


Facing the leader who came over, Han Zitao took the lead in paying a military salute.

It can be regarded as reminding Geng Bo of the identity of the person in front of him.

"Hello, Chief." Geng Bo was not a soldier, so he didn't give military salutes, but he still said respectfully.

"You are the chief engineer of the missile?"

The chief of the Navy looked Geng Bo up and down and said:

"Looks pretty young."

"Sure enough, a boy born from a hero since ancient times!"

In fact, the chief engineer of Haihongqi-9A is Zhang Xingyang, but he is busy with several large-scale projects now, so he has no time to come here this time.

Geng Bo was a little embarrassed: "Chief, I'm not the chief teacher."

"Our dean is the chief teacher, and I am the assistant."

The chief of the navy was also a little surprised. The chief division didn't come here on such an important occasion? !

Could it be that there is something wrong with the body?

The chief quickly ran through several different guesses in his mind:

"Is there something wrong with your dean?"

"Why didn't you come this time?"

Zhang Xingyang's itinerary is now highly confidential to prevent possible assassinations.

Geng Bo didn't know exactly what he was doing now.

But before coming here, Zhang Xingyang once specifically asked him, if someone asks, then tell the other party a string of numbers, 0311!

Of course, even such a series of numbers that are almost incomprehensible can only be told to the chief.

After looking at the people present, Geng Bo asked the head of the Navy to let others go further:

"Chief, can you let them go farther?"

"This matter, only you know."

At this time, the head of the navy also realized that for a tall and thin young man like himself, his dean was definitely not a simple figure.

After the missile technicians and naval officers around him walked away, Geng Bo said something briefly in the ear of the chief of the navy.

The people standing not far away could see what Geng Bo had said.

After finishing speaking, the chief frowned instantly.

"Don't tell anyone about this string of numbers in the future!"

As one of the top executives of the navy, he naturally knew about this project.

After all, there are also hypersonic anti-ship missiles specially developed for the navy, and there is even a wind tunnel specially used to simulate sea conditions.

Therefore, he also knew how confidential the project was!

The experimental base where the wind tunnel group is located will not appear on any map. Even because of the special site selection, unless the enemy's spy satellite is specially reorientated for investigation, it is actually invisible in everyone's eyes!

Even if it's just its name, only people of a certain level can know it.

"Okay, I know."

Although Geng Bo didn't know why the other party suddenly became nervous, but from Zhang Xingyang's reaction before he set off, and the chief's reaction after hearing the string of numbers.

This string of numbers definitely has a deep meaning, which is beyond my ability to know.

After admonishing, the chief was full of curiosity about the Haihongqi-9A missile that the world has been transformed into.

"By the way, how did you manage to change the Haihongqi-9 missile into what it is now?"

This is the most puzzling part for him. Whether it is the Haihongqi-9 used by the navy or the Hongqi-9 air defense missile used by the army, he has seen it before.

No matter how you look at it, you can't do what you just showed on the test field.

It can be said that the anti-aircraft missile with such a high interception rate and a defense circle of 400 kilometers can almost replace the job of the airport guardian!

"The main thing is the progress in materials science!"

Geng Bo honestly introduced various new materials used on Haihongqi-9A.

"First of all, the two most important materials, the explosive in the warhead and the propellant in the solid motor, we have adopted completely different formulas."

At this time, the chief also thought of the ship-borne 300mm rocket launcher that also performed against the sky.

Both should be generic in this regard.

"The most important thing here is actually one thing."

Before saying its name, Geng Bo paused and asked the chief a question.

"Chief, do you know anything about explosives?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

The chief replied in confusion, but when he was young, he was indeed from the army.

At this time, almost all the senior officers of the navy were from the army. After all, the navy was officially established at this time, and it was only fifty years ago.

Therefore, the old chief still knows a lot about explosives.

"Understand some basic concepts."

"That's fine."

Geng Bo breathed a sigh of relief, he probably didn't have to tell the other party from the beginning:

"Then you should know that whether it's TNT or RDX, the main reason they can explode is nitrogen."

"So in the scientific research community, some people have proposed a long time ago, why don't we make an explosive composed of total nitrogen?!"

"After researching the problem for a period of time, our dean really created this thing that everyone thought belonged to the legendary level."

"Then, there is this thing you see now!"

Geng Bo pointed to the remaining missiles in the launch pit and said.

"How much more powerful is the explosive you mentioned than TNT?"

Although Geng Bo explained Datong, the other party has not yet established a very intuitive concept of power.

During the experiment just now, although I saw the power of the missile, I hadn't seen the actual missile at that time.

The old chief just thought that they had enlarged the charge in the warhead a lot.

Now that I learned about the brand new explosives they were using, I realized that I had misunderstood.

"About this number."

Geng Bo drew a √ with his fingers.

"Eight times?"

"That's really powerful!"

This number is a little hard for the old chief to believe, but it is still within the acceptable range.

"Not eight times."

Seeing that the other party had misunderstood, Geng Bo quickly corrected him:

"Eighty times!"


The tone of the old chief's voice has changed. It is really that this data is too against the sky.

What is the concept of eighty times?

It means that one eighty-tenth of the charge can achieve the same power as before.

"What you said is true?"

The old chief quickly adjusted his mentality and asked in disbelief.

"Really, we're actually a little less effective against explosives."

"Without the addition of passivating agents, its power can be eighty-five times the power of TNT."

Geng Bo explained the changes to Nitrogen Explosives.

"However, without adding a deactivator, the sensitivity of the explosive is too high. Even a slight frictional collision may cause accidents."

At this time, the old chief had basically digested the information about the nitrogen explosives, and he even thought of a lot of related things.

"No wonder your guidance performance and anti-electromagnetic interference performance are so strong."

"You guys can add more equipment than anyone else."

The other party's guess was not wrong, because the space for charging the powder was greatly reduced, and the space for radar and other equipment was greatly increased.

This has also led to a great improvement in other performances of the missile.

"Is such that."

"In addition to the change of the explosive formula, the engine propellant has also been upgraded. Under the same conditions, the range and speed that can be achieved are several times the original!"

Geng Bo explained why the Haihongqi-9A can reach a range of 400 kilometers and its speed can reach Mach 6.

"You guys are doing really well."

"Thanks to you, our large destroyers can have such powerful weapons."

The old chief praised Geng Bo a few words, then changed the subject:

"What do you think, according to the current design situation, what is the level of our 052C?"

At present, although there is no objection to the demand for building a new type of destroyer, there are still some disputes about the technical route.

"Our view here is mainly on the launch pit."

The research institute has a lot of opinions on the decision to adopt the method of launching the wheel at the beginning of the design.

Since a big boss asked this time, Geng Bo just wanted to talk about their thoughts.

"Although the rotary launch method saves bomb craters, it can reduce the size of the ship platform."

"However, it takes more time this way."

"It is difficult to complete the launch of several anti-aircraft missiles at the same time."

What Geng Bo said is true, but the navy is also very helpless.

The size of the destroyer platform is so large, with a total displacement of only 6,500 tons.

It looks big, but because in addition to air defense missions, he also needs to undertake anti-ship and anti-submarine missions.

Therefore, at the beginning of the design, a total of space for eight vertical launch units was left.

"There is no way to do this. The space of the 052C first ship is relatively tight, so this is the only way to launch it."

The old chief was also a little helpless.

If the rotary launch method is not adopted, the reloading of the missiles will be too slow to keep up with the rhythm of the war.

"Other than this?"

"What do you think we can improve."

The old chief still values ​​the opinions of professional technicians, and expects to hear something different.

"Chief, my next remarks may be rather peculiar."

Geng Bo first stacked an armor for himself.

"If you have any objections, wait until I finish."

The old chief was also a little curious about what novel remarks Geng Bo could say.

So he nodded and signaled Geng Bo to continue.

"Actually, these ideas of mine mainly come from our Dean Zhang."

"He believes that the two most important things in modern warfare are discovery and destruction."

Such remarks are not particularly new, especially after the Gulf War, there are more similar studies.

"In future wars, the time between these two events will become shorter and shorter."

"Until the most extreme situation, find and destroy!"

"Most of our current warships need to rely on shore-based radars or ship-based radars to find the enemy."

"Not only is there a problem with a small search area, but the time between finding a target and launching a missile to destroy it is too long."

"If you want to gain a first-hand advantage in a war, you must shorten this process."

What Geng Bo said, although no one had talked to the old chief before, the basic content is easy to understand.

"In fact, if we can have an aircraft carrier and form an aircraft carrier formation, this matter will be greatly alleviated."

Geng Bo is also a little helpless at this time. The construction of the aircraft carrier will take at least ten years.

Wanting to get a combat aircraft carrier is almost a dream at this time.

Although not long ago, China bought an aircraft carrier from Er Mao in the name of an entertainment company with almost only an empty shell left.

But now it is not possible to pass through a certain strait, and it is still a long way to go back to the country.

"In the absence of carrier-based aircraft carriers, we can only find solutions from other aspects."

"Like drones."

In this era, the development of drones has not received everyone's attention. After all, it has not yet shown its terrifying war potential in war.

"By developing carrier-based UAVs, we can carry out reconnaissance and strike work."

"Even to the extreme, we can also build a light drone carrier to provide reconnaissance and some attack work for the fleet."

After Geng Bo finished speaking, he had a happy expression on his face.

After thinking for a while, the old chief asked:

"Now, can drones take on such a job?"

It is also reasonable for the old chief to ask this question. After all, there are hardly any perfect products for large drones that can fight over thousands of kilometers at this time.

"Not yet, to be honest, there is almost no research on large drones."

"However, in terms of difficulty, this matter must be much simpler than the research and development of carrier-based aircraft."

"This is also an impossible solution."

If you have a mature aircraft carrier and a combat-capable carrier-based aircraft, you don't need the technology point of drones at all.

The construction work of the navy is almost the longest among the major armies.

Even in this age of industrialization, the construction of naval warships no longer has to wait a hundred years for an oak tree to grow.

However, the training of personnel and the response to various hydrological conditions will take at least several decades.

However, the future of the navy is still bright. There will be a large 10,000-ton drive, and there will also be aircraft carriers.

Sooner or later, we will go to Deep Blue!

Kou can go, so can I! ! !

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