Can you see the Great Wall from space?

"I can't see it," Yang Liwei replied without thinking.

This is a conversation between a reporter and the first Chinese in space after Shenzhou V returned to the ground.

However, in the current era when Shenzhou-1 has not yet gone to the sky, many people still believe in the rumor that the Great Wall can be seen from space.

"How are the preparations for the Shenzhou-1 rocket going?" Zhang Jianguo asked Zhang Xingyang seriously.

Zhang Xingyang rubbed his forehead with some headaches: "The preparations have been completed, and the launch can be started at any time."

The preparation work required before the launch of Shenzhou-1 is more than an order of magnitude more complicated than that of ordinary launch vehicles.

During this time, Zhang Xingyang was coordinating various tasks almost day and night.

Including but not limited to, equipment inspection, scientific research instrument inspection, ground station inspection coordination, etc.

"During this time, you have all worked hard."

Although Zhang Jianguo is a serious person, he is not an unkind person.

"When this launch mission is over, you all should rest for a few more days!"

After rubbing his face vigorously, he felt a lot more awake. Zhang Xingyang said:

"Let's talk about this after the Shenzhou-1 mission is successful!"

"It's too early to say that."

If the launch of Shenzhou-1 is successful, there may be a few days of rest, but if the launch fails, there is basically no rest time.

Although the launch mission of Shenzhou-1 was very successful in history, the long 2F rocket was used at that time.

What is being used now is the Hongyan rocket that has never appeared in history.

The face of history has been changed beyond recognition by Zhang Xingyang, and now even he dare not make false statements about the direction of history.

The launch site of Shenzhou-1 is located in Jiuquan Launch Center.

Basically all domestic space launch missions related to manned are carried out here.

The height of the Hongyan prototype rocket is 70 meters, which is already a giant compared to domestic rockets in this era.

The Hongyan-1 rocket, which was improved for the manned project, has a height of 75 meters because of the addition of an escape tower!

The original launch pads at the Dongfeng launch site are somewhat unable to accommodate such a big guy!

"The launch pad at the Dongfeng launch site is still a bit small."

Zhang Xingyang said to Zhang Jianguo beside him:

"In the future, our heavy-duty rockets will take our astronauts to the moon."

"It is difficult to support such a huge rocket with such a launch pad!"

The launch tower at the Dongfeng launch site is indeed a little smaller.

This is also because when building this launch site, it did not take into account the reason why the size of later rockets generally developed in the direction of giantization.

"The new launch site is already under planning and construction."

"At the very least, it will not delay the development of manned spaceflight."

As the person in charge of the entire manned project, Zhang Jianguo knew a little more than Zhang Xingyang, and there was no need to keep these things secret from Zhang Xingyang, so he told them outright.

"Should they be placing dummies now?"

Zhang Xingyang took a look at the launch tower in the distance. Although he couldn't see the ant-sized person above, he could still guess where the preparations had progressed.

Zhang Jianguo looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "According to the pre-set schedule, it should have been settled by now."

The dummy of Shenzhou-1 can basically be regarded as a large doll, except that many detection devices are installed on it.

It is used to monitor various problems that may be encountered during the entire manned flight.

Although it was just a dummy, everyone made him wear a specially developed spacesuit.

A long time ago, Zhang Xingyang once drew a design drawing of a spacesuit for the team specializing in spacesuit research and development.

Although the drawing was not very detailed at the time, Zhang Xingyang still assisted them with a lot of design concepts and various technologies during the subsequent research and development process.

Thus was born this set of spacesuits, which look more like mechs than spacesuits to the outside world!

After the first experimental space suit was produced, it was discussed whether it could be equipped for individual soldiers.

To enhance the combat effectiveness of leading troops, especially special forces.

But after Zhang Xingyang gave them a quotation for a set of spacesuits, no one wanted to discuss this issue.

The cost price of a first-generation space suit reached 25 million!

This still only calculates the cost of various materials, and does not include various technical costs and the hard work of researchers.

Such a set of space suits, whose price is comparable to that of a new generation of main battle tanks, is far beyond the imagination of the military.

In the end, they could only silently look at their small military expenditure and sigh.

"Do you really think there is no problem with the space suit on the dummy?"

Zhang Jianguo remembered the sci-fi spacesuit he had seen on the dummy before.

I still feel that this thing doesn't look very reliable.

"Of course there is no problem." Zhang Xingyang is very confident that he has almost interfered with more than half of the space suits.

"When we were testing on the ground, we tested all the functions of the spacesuit."

"Whether it is airtightness, communication performance, breathing and circulation system or emergency survival system, there is no problem at all."

Speaking of this emergency survival system, Zhang Jianguo remembered the scene he had seen, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching:

"Your emergency survival system is a bit exaggerated."

"Those who didn't know saw it, and thought the astronauts were going to the battlefield!!"

Generally speaking, the emergency survival system includes a part of emergency food, water, etc., plus a small-caliber pistol at most for survival purposes.

But the emergency survival system made by Zhang Xingyang and the others makes it hard not to make people suspect that they want astronauts to go to the battlefield to survive.

The normal food and water are fine, but the weapon system is too outrageous!

One 30mm caliber armor-piercing grenade and two 12mm caliber rotary machine guns. Although there are not many ammunition, they are enough to fight an ordinary infantry squad!

In addition, in an emergency, the high-energy battery and solid oxidizer behind it can be removed and used as a high-explosive bomb.

Not to mention accidentally landing in the primeval jungle, even if it landed on the battlefield, Zhang Jianguo felt that his astronauts could use these to kill them!

"These are all necessary!"

Zhang Xingyang answered with confidence.

"I really can't see what kind of situation would require our astronauts to use 30mm armor-piercing grenades."

Zhang Jianguo himself was also a soldier, so he had a clear understanding of the power of weapons.

"That's mainly to prevent encounters with huge and aggressive wild animals like elephants and black bears."

When Zhang Xingyang talked about these animals, he didn't have any awareness of protecting animals.

Compared with these wild animals, the value of astronauts is much higher.

"Under these conditions, automatic machine guns are not so easy to kill them quickly!"

In fact, when the spacesuit was designed, this emergency survival system was not specially prepared for astronauts.

This set of things, the scene that should appear, is actually on the nuclear war battlefield.

Whether it is the space suit shielding layer that can shield cosmic rays, or the breathing and circulatory system, emergency survival system, slightly adjust the design indicators.

It can become the combat armor of the pioneers who launch an assault attack on the enemy after the nuclear explosion.

"Barely you are right." Zhang Jianguo finally forced himself to accept Zhang Xingyang's crooked reasoning.

In fact, he didn't dislike astronauts carrying too many weapons. If it weren't for the limitation of carrying capacity, he wouldn't mind even bringing a cannon up.

The main concern is that this will increase the pressure on the rocket's carrying capacity.

But since Zhang Xingyang, who is in charge of the launch vehicle, is not worried, Zhang Jianguo is not so worried.

"It seems that the preparation work should be almost completed." Zhang Xingyang said.

The corridor leading to the rocket on the launch tower began to withdraw slowly.

The engineers near the rocket also began to slowly withdraw from the launch tower.

Only the fuel filling work is left, which is still going on in an orderly manner.

The two returned to the control center, and Zhang Xingyang, the person in charge of the rocket launch, started his own preparations.

As for Zhang Jianguo, he boarded the helicopter and was about to return to the flight control center in Beidu.

The heart of the entire manned spaceflight work is still in the flight control center, where various data from all over the world will be collected.

The launch window time is at one o'clock in the morning.

Everyone in the launch site control center, when they were making preparations before the launch, almost immediately looked up to see the time that was constantly beating on the big screen.

At the last moment, when all the work at hand is completed.

All you can do is wait for the final countdown.

When the countdown was less than an hour, the two huge mechanical arms of the launch tower were slowly released.

As the launch time drew closer, the launch site control center, Beidu flight control center, monitoring stations around the world, and countless people in the monitoring ship all became nervous inevitably.

"Countdown, ten!"







Zhang Xingyang pressed the button that symbolized the first step in domestic manned spaceflight.

The 1,210-ton propulsion system of the Hongyan rocket exploded with unimaginable power.

Shoot the rocket loaded with the Chinese people's dream of flying into the sky!

"Dongfeng Shuangcheng, optical tracking is normal!"

After the rocket took off, the flight trajectory was very good, almost no difference from the previous plan.

"Qingdao, radar tracking is normal!"

When it reached the sky above Qingdao, the first-stage rocket began to separate.

"The first-stage rocket separated successfully!"

"The secondary rocket ignites successfully!"

At this time, the rocket is not very far from the predetermined orbital height.

Generally speaking, the height of space where people are active is in the low-orbit region of the earth, that is, the range below 1,000 kilometers.

However, due to the high latitude of the launch site, the secondary rocket needs to slide and ignite several times before it can enter the predetermined orbit correctly.

"Yuance No. 1, radar tracking is normal!"

When the second-stage rocket was about to reach the eastern Pacific Ocean, it had already reached the predetermined orbital height.

"Second stage rocket begins to separate!"

"The manned capsule-return capsule complex is preparing to enter the predetermined orbit."

Speaking of this era, compared with the previous life, there is still a relatively prominent advantage.

That is the satellite communication system in space.

With these communication satellites that are almost at the same orbital altitude as the manned capsule.

Data transmission between heaven and earth should be faster and more convenient.

Soon, the manned capsule-return capsule complex flew over the Atlantic Ocean, and the Yuanshi-3 located in the South Atlantic began to work.

"Yuance No. 3, the data injection is normal!"

The manned capsule officially entered the scheduled orbit at this time!

"The manned cabin is activating the camera outside the cabin!"

Accompanied by radio information, it is transmitted back and forth between heaven and earth.

Many people in the flight control center have finally worked for the national aerospace industry for so many years.

From space, overlooking the earth!

"It looks so beautiful!" Looking at the blue sphere mixed with white clouds, Su Xiao was the first to exclaim.

The launch site control center, after the successful launch of the rocket, does not have so much work.

The flight control center also transmitted the images captured by the manned cabin for everyone to see.

"In fact, it looks more beautiful in space!"

Zhang Xingyang said with a feeling of reminiscence.

When Zhang Xingyang lived in the earth-orbiting space station, he faced the earth that hardly changed every day.

Everyone who has lived in the orbital space station for several years said that such a scenery is tired of seeing.

But I haven’t seen such a scene for several years now, and today I suddenly saw the earth from such a perspective, and I still feel that he is very beautiful.

In the universe, it can be said that it is an inconspicuous little broken ball. No matter how far we go, he is our unforgettable home.

At this moment, Zhang Xingyang seemed to understand a little bit. The people who came on the space tourist ship and worked in the production and construction corps in Jupiter orbit all the year round, collected helium-3 for the motherland.

After returning to the earth-orbiting residence station, looking at this blue planet, I was so excited that tears filled my eyes.

"I don't know, in my lifetime, will I still have a chance to go to space to see it!" Geng Bo was also at the side, looking at the not particularly clear images on the big screen and sighed.

"If you didn't die young before the age of fifty, you should still have a chance!"

Zhang Xingyang looked at Geng Bo's skinny body, which seemed to be getting thinner, and said.

"Look, the manned capsule is flying over our country!"

Before Geng Bo had a chance to refute, Su Xiao shouted from the side.

"Why didn't you see the Great Wall?" Su Xiao said after looking at it for a while.

"The human naked eye cannot see objects with such a small resolution. If you want to see the Great Wall."

Zhang Xingyang is also in a good mood at this time, and he is still in the mood to make a little joke:

"You can install a pair of high-precision cameras as your own eyes!"

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