After the communication satellite entered space, it unfolded its four high-power antennas and two solar panels that were originally folded according to the predetermined procedure.

The battery pack inside the satellite began to continuously supply power to various communication devices on the satellite.

Through the high-power antenna on the satellite, the data after self-inspection is transmitted to the ground.

"What's the status of the satellite?" Sun Hongtao, the biggest supporter of this project, asked Zhong Zixin, who was still working in an orderly manner.

When this project was established, there were actually not many supporters except Sun Hongtao.

Because it seems too unrealistic to match the pace of national development.

If the development fails, Sun Hongtao, who is actually in charge of the project, may face the biggest Waterloo in his entire career.

This is why he was so anxious to know how the satellite was working after the rocket was successfully launched.

As long as the satellite can work normally, no matter how long its subsequent service life can be, Sun Hongtao has a basis to debate with others.

At least this project has achieved some results!

However, Zhong Zixin devoted himself wholeheartedly to the testing of the satellite, ignoring the problems of the big leaders around him at all.

Zhang Xingyang also stared at the various data on the screen in front of Zhong Zixin, silently calculating in his mind while watching.

In fact, if Zhang Xingyang didn't have two electronic eyes, the browsing speed with naked eyes would be really limited, otherwise his data processing speed would definitely be faster than the supercomputer that was successfully developed last year!

Seeing that Zhong Zixin, who was immersed in his work, ignored him, Sun Hongtao was not too angry, and had dealt with these eccentric scientific researchers all his life.

He also knows that most scientific researchers basically don't pay much attention to other people's voices after entering the working state.

So he then asked Zhang Xingyang on the side, wanting to know what he thinks about the satellite situation:

"Xiao Zhang, what do you think of our satellite situation?"

Zhang Xingyang's calculation speed for satellite data is very fast, so he can spare part of his energy to answer Sun Hongtao's question:

"Judging from the satellite data sent back so far, the situation is not bad!"

"Half of the satellites numbered 1 to 15 have completed the adjustment of their attitudes and have entered the working state."

"The other half of the satellites numbered 16 to 30 are still making some minor adjustments to their attitude and orbit, but it shouldn't take long to complete, and they can start working soon."

Sun Hongtao felt relieved when he heard Zhang Xingyang's optimistic estimate of the satellite situation.

With the success of the first batch of satellites, it will be much easier for him to persuade others to continue to advance this plan, at least not so many people will question the technology.

However, Sun Hongtao still has some questions about the specific situation of the satellite, and he was just about to ask again.

At this time, Zhong Zixin, who was in charge of satellite monitoring, turned his head in surprise and looked at Zhang Xingyang who was standing behind him.

Being looked at by a big man like this, even Zhang Xingyang, who has a very strong heart, felt a little weird, so he asked:

"Is there any problem, I should be right!"

Who would have thought that at this time, Zhong Zixin looked at Zhang Xingyang very strangely and said:

"how did you do it?"

"I just got the result, are you faster than the computer?"

It turned out that it was this matter, Zhang Xingyang was almost startled by him just now.

After taking a deep breath, he said:

"I'm using estimates, so naturally it's faster, but the gap is not too big."

Zhang Xingyang found an excuse to cover up his abnormal calculation ability.

However, the few people present didn't really care about this matter. They just sighed for a while how good Zhang Xingyang's mind is, and then continued to talk about the satellite.

"Several satellites that have completed the scheduled procedures have officially entered the working state."

Zhong Zixin told the news very seriously to Sun Hongtao who had been waiting for a long time.

"That means we can make satellite calls now?"

In order to confirm the situation of the satellite, Sun Hongtao asked again carefully.

At this time, Zhong Zixin took out a slightly larger phone from his pocket, handed it to Sun Hongtao and said:

"Mr. Sun, you can experiment with this phone."

"This is specially made for satellite communication. After entering the interface, it can display the satellites that can be received at present, and then automatically assign you the satellite with the strongest signal."

Sun Hongtao answered the phone dubiously, and according to Zhong Zixin's statement, he called up the satellite reception status interface.

The above shows that the signals of two communication satellites can be received at present, which are the two communication satellites numbered No. 6 and No. 11 respectively.

After quitting, Sun Hongtao casually dialed the phone number in his office, amidst a burst of beeps when the signal was connected.

Soon, the voice of his number two secretary came from the other end of the phone.

Sun Hongtao didn't say much to the other party, but hung up the phone directly.

Although he was quite satisfied with the effect of the communication satellite, he still had some things he didn't quite understand.

"This is your special satellite phone, but now most of your phones don't have this function, so they can't use the satellite communication service?"

It's no wonder that Sun Hongtao has such an idea. Mobile phones can already be regarded as a luxury at this time.

A relatively ordinary mobile phone costs thousands of yuan.

You must know that at this time, the monthly salary of an ordinary employee does not exceed 500 yuan.

A mobile phone costs almost an entire year's income of an average person.

As for satellite phones, ordinary people have only seen them in movies and TV dramas. Even the cheapest phones cost tens of thousands of yuan.

After Zhong Zixin smiled at this time, he said:

"Mr. Sun, we have considered this problem long ago. Now, for ordinary people, a phone with a satellite function is indeed too extravagant."

"So we have built many large signal repeating stations in densely populated areas."

"When making a phone call, the signal is first transmitted to the repeater station, then to the satellite, and then transmitted from the satellite to the destination repeater station."

"Of course, this is only the current transitional plan, in fact, according to our plan."

"When the domestic part of the satellite communication network is completed, the miniaturization of satellite communication components will be completed."

"By that time, the satellite communication function of mobile phones will become a standard feature of most mobile phones!"

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