A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 116 Misjudgment from the opponent!

"What kind of weapon experiment are they doing?"

At the Sasebo Port Naval Base, Commander Mike looked at a series of satellite photos in his hand and asked the intelligence officer in front of him suspiciously.

The photos from military satellites are not so high-resolution, but you can still see a warship in the sea under the attack of some kind of weapon.

A cloud of mushrooms erupted, and then several similar small mushrooms erupted, and finally sank into the bottom of the sea.

"Could it be a miniaturized anti-ship mushroom egg?" The intelligence officer couldn't help but wonder.

Commander Mike did not have such an idea. After all, the air monitoring station set up nearby did not detect a significant increase in nuclides in the air.

"Impossible. If it is a mushroom bomb, the equivalent is too small. It seems that it has the power of a dozen tons of TNT at most."

After denying the intelligence officer's guess, the entire command center fell into silence.

Obviously everyone is thinking, what exactly is the weapon test that Longguo just conducted?

After a while, a thin-looking military staff officer looked at the gloomy face of his immediate superior and said:

"Is it possible that they were testing some kind of anti-ship missile?"

Although the anti-ship missiles produced by Longguo at this time are not as shocking as later generations, they can be said to be somewhat famous.

However, there is a reason why the people in the command center did not mention anti-ship missiles before.

That is, according to the anti-ship missiles at this time, they are generally ship-launched or air-launched.

As for shore-based missiles, they were ruled out first, because the warship that was sunk was at least 500 kilometers away from the nearest coast.

It's impossible to have such a long range unless it is a ballistic missile.

"Air-launched anti-ship missiles?"

The intelligence officer was the first to respond, but he quickly denied his guess.

"Impossible. According to the radar monitoring at the time, there were no flying objects within 300 kilometers of that ship!"

"Unless they develop a stealth aircraft that can evade our radar, it will never be possible!"

At this time, Commander Mike also thought along this line of thought, and then said:

"Could it be their latest ship-borne anti-ship missile?"

This idea cannot be regarded as a mistake. In fact, Zhang Xingyang's newly developed 406mm long-range rocket has plans to board the ship.

However, at this stage, no platform suitable for boarding has been found.

"There is this possibility. At that time, one of their destroyers was in the sea less than 150 kilometers away from the target point."

The intelligence officer's speech corroborated Commander Mike's thoughts.

But if it is really from a sea area 150 kilometers away, the anti-ship missile launched destroys a destroyer.

So it shows that Longguo's anti-ship missiles have been improved a lot.

"This should be unlikely. According to our satellite monitoring, their destroyer was preparing to return to the port at that time, and it didn't look like it was preparing for a weapon experiment."

The air-launched anti-ship missile was denied, and the ship-borne anti-ship missile was denied.

It seems that the path of anti-ship missiles seems unlikely.

So what kind of weapons did the Dragon Kingdom test?

Just when this question kept circling in the minds of many naval officers present.

A small and unremarkable military staff officer suddenly spoke with a little confidence:

"Is it possible that what they are developing is a shore-based anti-ship missile?"

Commander Mike frowned, and expressed doubts about the little military staff officer's guess.

The question they face is what kind of weapon experiment Dragon Kingdom is conducting, and this experiment seems to have a high level of secrecy.

Their previous extrapolations did not yield a satisfactory answer.

"Impossible, their shore-based anti-ship missiles don't have such a long range."

Commander Mike's words negated the idea of ​​the little military staff officer.

Then the command center fell into the silent atmosphere just now.

In the tense atmosphere of the command center, a usually inconspicuous officer stood up. He was an expert in intelligence analysis.

He thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we haven't considered the possibility that they're testing a new type of weapon, a weapon we've never seen before."

This idea immediately aroused everyone's interest.

Commander Mike looked at the officer and motioned him to continue.

The officer went on to explain: "We are always looking for known weapon types, but it is also possible that Dragon Kingdom is secretly developing an entirely new weapon system.

This weapon may not meet our current knowledge and expectations. It may combine different techniques and principles.

Make it impossible for our radars to detect it, or interfere with our detection systems. "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and began to think seriously about this possibility. They understand that they need more intelligence and evidence to make an accurate judgment.

Commander Mike ordered to strengthen the intelligence collection of Longguo, including the cooperation of military, technology and intelligence departments, in order to solve the mystery.

Over time, they gradually obtained more information about the Dragon Kingdom's weapon experiments.

Through the integration and analysis of information from various channels, they finally came to a preliminary conclusion: Longguo is secretly developing a brand new hypersonic missile system.

This missile system has extremely high speed, can fly at supersonic speed, and detonates after hitting the target, releasing huge energy and destructive power.

According to an intelligence report, at the time of the experiment, a radar detected the movement of a high-speed object with a speed as high as Mach 7, but it only appeared for a moment.

So the radar inspector at that time did not report this seemingly inconspicuous signal.

But now, in the process of investigation, he just revealed this matter.

This is why many staff officers and commanders in the command center believed that Longguo was developing a hypersonic missile system.

The performance of this hypersonic missile is very powerful, and its range is unknown, but it is likely to be a shore-based hypersonic missile, so the range is at least 500 kilometers!

And the speed exceeds the many anti-ship missiles they are currently equipped with, reaching Mach 7!

For such a speed, most of the ships in the naval base do not have the ability to counterattack.

After reaching this conclusion.

Although Commander Mike didn't dare to believe it, he quickly realized that the new missile system of Longguo would pose a huge threat to the sea fleet.

Within the 500-kilometer sea area close to the opponent, it will no longer be as safe as before.

In order to respond effectively, he ordered that when it is not necessary for the ships, they must not enter the range of the opponent's missiles to avoid possible strikes.

At the same time, he also asked the intelligence department to continue to monitor Longguo's movements to ensure timely acquisition of relevant intelligence.

With the confirmation of this speculation, the atmosphere at the Sasebo Port Naval Base became tense.

They realize that in the face of the threat of this new weapon system, they need to strengthen their own capabilities and readiness to ensure maritime security and maintain military superiority.

But these are just their own guesses. In fact, the hypersonic missile system they thought was just a 406mm long-range rocket launcher!

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